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Beat Rage,my thoughts/short review

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boy talk about a cliffhanger ending.....haha....was a decent game,decent for the price,20 new,17 used at gamestop....I honestly don't ever see myself playing it again tho.I beat it on the hardest mode,Nightmare,and it wasn't even hard till the last part with some cheap enemies but if you have armor piercing ammo it's easy enough and stocked up on wingsticks/bandages

I think I clocked in about 13 hours,about the same as Dead Island.

Graphics were decent,kinda cell shaded look.Kinda reminded me of a cross between Borderlands and Bioshock with the sentry turrets you can get and stuff.

I think the best part about the game was the combat,enemies were always on the move and worked together.Not the best A.I. ever,but,decent.

I never cared for the racing parts of the game,which is the MP,besides some co op missions I might do later.

Never heard many on here talking about it,only when it first came out then nothing ever again.It's a decent time waster.

Once you're finally getting into it tho,it abruptly ends with that cliffhanger ending for DLC/a sequel...which I have heard nothing about both.I'm guessing the game didn't do so well...

Some of the graphics look good,some bleh,like the 2D background pix-elated sky for example

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Was watching a friend play a bit of this. Reminds me of a Borderlands retarded cousin.



yeah I hated all the backtracking in it as well,not many areas.It tries to pretend the game world is bigger than it really is



JrTapia1991 wrote:boy talk about a cliffhanger ending

pm me the lol


It can only LOOSELY be called an "ending".

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I thought about trying the game, but in retrospect I'm glad I didn't. It sounds just how I was afraid it would be.



Razz you gonna get ME3 man?The MP was really fun on it once I figured out the abilities lol

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I think I might. I enjoyed it, but it sounds like a lot of people hated it >_>

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