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So I beat Halo 4 in one sitting last night (mini review/opinion)

Artimise Flare
The Adli Corporation
10 posters

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I'd give the campaign an 8/10 as a first review i guess. Played through it mostly on splitscreen on a tiny tv though.

Graphics: 10/10. For an xbox game this looks great, much better than any of the past games. There are some disappointing things like how everything doesn't seem to be destructible (in terms of enemies like grunts' breathing packs and defensive fixtures) and bullets dont leave holes in walls but I think you can tell they just put everything into making the graphics look good. Motion capture is also fantastic, people actually look alive unlike Bethesda games lol.

Sounds: 9/10 All the weapons sound much better. Everything sounds better than before pretty much. Only point i take off is that Cortana's voice actor is just not good at sounding angry which is a big part of Cortana'a whole rampancy storyline.

Story: 7/10. Meh overall. They don't really explain why anything is going on at all and they really skimp on the details. If they provided some good background details it would probably be really interesting but as it is, random mythical beings just show up and Chief already knows them by name without really explaining anything.

Gameplay: 9/10. Pretty much as good as Halo as ever been. Bonus for me is that there is no flood because I always hated fighting the flood. The Prometheans are pretty tough to take down and interesting to fight. Only downside is no dual wielding. The armor abilities are pretty interesting but I only ever saw 4 of them.

Overall: It was fun while it lasted, not a disappointment at all, but it was really pretty short and it felt like plot events were being rushed by with not enough explanation or background details. If it had the same gameplay with better pacing and background information made clear and Cortana's voice acting wasn't a little weird at important points, i'd say it could be the best halo campaign.



I like how MC wasn't like "da fuq?" when he saw the Spartan IVs.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Grey wrote:I like how MC wasn't like "da fuq?" when he saw the Spartan IVs.

it makes sense, Master Chief pretty much saved the universe. if i was the UNSC i'd make more bloody spartans Razz



Chief is a Spartan ll.Spartan lV's are easy to make so I guess it isnt too surprising.

As far as the story goes Im not sure of everything that happened yet maybe I'll catch more on the second playthrough.I really like how theyre developing the characters more though.Its a great game and its just the beginning I cant wait to play the rest of the trilogy.



Spartan IV's are new in H4 ... they aren't mention in any literature or other game. Spartan III's are mentioned in literature (they were the ones they made in groups of 500 to 600 and were sent on suicide missions (few rarely came back). They were trained by Kurt (A spartan II).

I think Spartan IVs are the inbetween. Easier to make and produce compared to Spartan IIs, but stronger, faster, and higher survival rate compared to Spartan IIIs

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'll just leave this here



oh ok so technically cheaper than IIs and IIIs to make.

That is cool that they are like Project Orion (who Sgt Johnson was apart of).

Makes more sense with the opening cut scene I guess.



I never play the SP in shooters.
How is the Multi-player?



the MP can be extremely bullshit at times,enemies not dying,taking a million fucking bullets to kill,but yet kill me quick as hell.Lots of camping,and my god....lots of mech camping on that Halo 3 valhalla remake map

it's a cool game,although story was really short on heroic for me. Graphics are decent though.Haven't played the co op spartan ops.I think it said I have 18.5 hours on the MP or something,I'm level 30,and I think the max is 50.

overall,a time waster to me,I still like BF3 much much more for an online shooter.Halo just pisses me off.It's a miracle my KD is 1.2

I say rent it for the story,it's kinda like a movie and over the top like uncharted.I still probably like Halo 3 the best.

4 has copied COD's loadout stuff,you can have stuff like slight of hand now to reload fast as hell haha.I mostly use the DMR or Assault rifle,everything else seems to extremely lack power like that battle rifle,I can't even drop their damn shields with it.I'd rather just hold down the trigger on the assault rifle haha

I agree the story didn't explain shit to me really....explained even less than RE6 story did >__>.

like.....who/what the fuck was the didect (was somebody drunk when they made that name up?I bust out laughing when they said it...),and....idk,nothing was really explained really. To their credit though I've never really understood the stories in the Halo games that much,but this one was even more confusing



How dare you not know the lore behind the game before playing it for fun! Very Happy

Didact was the head of the Forerunner Navy I think he was married to the Librarian the chick who was saving all the species DNA in the ark from Halo 3



Sounds a like decent rent, I've never been too into Halo's multiplayer.



JrTapia1991 wrote:the MP can be extremely bullshit at times,enemies not dying,taking a million fucking bullets to kill,but yet kill me quick as hell.Lots of camping,and my god....lots of mech camping on that Halo 3 valhalla remake map

it's a cool game,although story was really short on heroic for me. Graphics are decent though.Haven't played the co op spartan ops.I think it said I have 18.5 hours on the MP or something,I'm level 30,and I think the max is 50.

overall,a time waster to me,I still like BF3 much much more for an online shooter.Halo just pisses me off.It's a miracle my KD is 1.2

I say rent it for the story,it's kinda like a movie and over the top like uncharted.I still probably like Halo 3 the best.

4 has copied COD's loadout stuff,you can have stuff like slight of hand now to reload fast as hell haha.I mostly use the DMR or Assault rifle,everything else seems to extremely lack power like that battle rifle,I can't even drop their damn shields with it.I'd rather just hold down the trigger on the assault rifle haha

I agree the story didn't explain shit to me really....explained even less than RE6 story did >__>.

like.....who/what the fuck was the didect (was somebody drunk when they made that name up?I bust out laughing when they said it...),and....idk,nothing was really explained really. To their credit though I've never really understood the stories in the Halo games that much,but this one was even more confusing

Ever since halo 2 it has been the BR or the AR that everyone uses.

But all the lore is in the books. And the Diadect was the leader of the Forerunner Army, he led the war against the humans. Also if you read the books you realize something about the Diadect. He is married to the Librarian. Halo games sort of require the books to understand the lore or pay attention to the dialogue in explains enough.



They do explain who the didect is but that's not until you've been fighting his forces for a while and Cortana and Chief have been calling him didect for an hour or so/



Because there are references to Didact all throughout the Halo 3 campaign



halo 3 campaign was like years ago.



Probably not to the game Devs



(different devs frost)... (but same lore)...

My friend and I just finished 4 levels on 4 hours...4 more to go. (I blame his terribleness)



Frostbyrn wrote:Probably not to the game Devs

they didnt even make halo 3
even in in-game time it's been years since halo 3!



I know its different devs

I just meant they have probably been exposed to the lore daily while making the game so they erroneously expect other people to know just as mucha bout the lore

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