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Xbox update?

Captain Pirate Pineapple
10 posters

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1Xbox update? Empty Xbox update? 2012-02-16, 08:43



Had an update earlier...thankfully it downloaded fast.It said disconnected from live at first and I'm like....oh great fucking windjammer blew out again lmao...but nah it just said system update from live.

but,I looked,and nothing seems to have changed?lol

I remember they update like around march and in nov but dunno what they ever add

2Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-16, 08:44



same mabey the added a tracking system


3Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-16, 10:28

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I got the update Tuesday (I think.... Was a bit hungover/drunk when it happened). I too don't have any idea what it was about.

4Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-16, 12:37



they're using this as an excuse to clog the tubes with pron.

5Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 00:32



This update will increase performance and is part of our continued effort to provide the best possible Xbox LIVE experience. In this update, we are providing a fix to a color issue that some were experiencing, and it will be immediately notable in the dashboard. The fix is also being applied by partners to their apps on Xbox LIVE, which we expect to roll out over the coming months.

6Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 00:43



Know how to fix Xbox LIVE?

Stop fucking charging for it

What are we paying for anyway? Zune I dont use that shit,Servers for Multiplayer games no companies have to provide their own servers,The Party chat system the thing is buggy as hell and people get disconnected often,The marketplace maybe but surely you could stop charging 60$ a year and instead increase the DLC costs and stuff a little bit

7Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 01:00



I agree man......

I wish you could choose what to pay for.........MP online only should be cheap 0__o

8Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 01:01



You guys don't own PS3's do you.

9Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 01:16



nuh uh Razz

10Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 01:42



Yes Very Happy and I know your going to compare the online service

11Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 01:54



Frostbyrn wrote:Yes Very Happy and I know your going to compare the online service

psn just pretty much give your info away

if live was free it would be shit. period.

12Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 02:15



It pretty much does already

It gave you like 10 or something trys before prompting for one of those jumbled word thingys

So basically a program could just brute force its way into peoples accounts thats how Epyks original account got hacked

13Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 05:15



Yea, the update we got. I see a difference in my color on my TV. I am still on component 1080i and it fixed a lot of color issues i was having. I thought it was my TV, but it was just the last dashboard update. I am glad they fixed it, i was saving on buying another TV for my gaming room to replace this one.

Live is not free because they use most of the money to buy more bandwidth, more and better servers and in just plain words. They have more content to pay for and put on Xbox LIVE. But, i do agree, i wish they had certain packages to choose from. Cause i don't use all the stuff either. All i use is online and Netflix.

They need to make LIVE free for a half a year. So, everyone can actually see the difference of free vs pay. Yes, you can compare it to ps3 online. I rented a ps3 for a week and that was enough for me not to have one. But, it was about 4 years ago when i rented it though.

14Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-17, 12:03



yea I'd be fine with them having packages.All I use is the online MP and party chat.

I mean,right now 60 for a whole year isn't too bad(well....cheaper online....but,with my luck,I've never gotten it.By the time I had money on a debit card or something the damn sale would be over)

now that I'm thinking of it,party chat alone is worth it,but yea I agree man,BF3 has been SOOOOO shitty with booting people out of parties all random also being laggy as fuck sometimes when people talk,and it's not my connection lmao

besides the party chat,having a demo for pretty much every game on the marketplace is nice.The only one I know off the top of my head that doesn't have a demo is gotham city imposters >__>

PS3 doesn't have party chat which sucks,and the constantly required updates suck ass and take forever.There's not a limit on the PS3 updates for a game,but I heard for 360 it's like 10mb at the most

then again there's BF3 and BC2 had huge updates 0___o

15Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-18, 23:33

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Ok guys, that's bullshit. Honestly, the PSN is good.

I've used multiple online services on a PC, Xbox Live and PSN. There's no reason Xbox Live should actually charge for something you can get for free anywhere else, when they don't even host the games themselves. One reason one could argue about it is the party system, which can't happen because of the PS3's RAM if I recall correctly, not the network. The other reason is the update spams from Sony, which I agree are annoying as hell, but that doesn't really mean that Xbox Live Gold actually carries some value in those $60.

I can't help but feel that people just try to justify the $60 they waste on Xbox Live. I know I waste them because I have more friends over there, not because it's a better service (it's not).

I'm actually getting a PS4 next gen, and forget about Microsoft. They've pissed me off enough.


But really <_< I'm ready to sacrifice a chicken to Satan. Been sick all week.

16Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-19, 05:55



I was really thinkin of gettin a PS4 as well dude,MS did me dirty alot this gen

17Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-19, 14:54



Ars, While I disagree with you, I can understand why you might feel that way.

What's funny is I feel almost the exact opposite though. After owning the steaming pile that is the PS3 I don't even care if they make a PS4.

18Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-19, 15:15



Metalzoic wrote:Ars, While I disagree with you, I can understand why you might feel that way.

What's funny is I feel almost the exact opposite though. After owning the steaming pile that is the PS3 I don't even care if they make a PS4.

I switched to xbox when my ps3 broke, and god damn I'm super happy with the switch.

19Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-19, 15:18

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I've played on PSN, and well I love my Xbox. That being said though, even I don't really agree with the $60 they charge. I do understand it being how Microsoft pays a lot of money for DLC to come to Xbox first. Still I'd love for it to be free, but I'll continue to pay for the service I've grown to love and use almost daily.

20Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-19, 15:38

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Pariah wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Ars, While I disagree with you, I can understand why you might feel that way.

What's funny is I feel almost the exact opposite though. After owning the steaming pile that is the PS3 I don't even care if they make a PS4.

I switched to xbox when my ps3 broke, and god damn I'm super happy with the switch.

That's so funny, because it's usually the other way around Laughing

I can't really argue about preferences, Metal. I guess we just had totally opposite experiences. Whenever I played on my PS3, I had a blast. Excluding those system upgrades... beyond annoying ... And truth be told I see almost no difference between both consoles, ignoring exclusives, failure rates, and some hardware.

But yeah, I'll just wait for the PS4. Unless they start charging for the PSN... then it's gaming PC and Wii U for me.

Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote: I do understand it being how Microsoft pays a lot of money for DLC to come to Xbox first.

One of the things I hate about MS. Instead of wasting loads of cash on delaying content on other platforms, they could use it to create new IPs, which as of late they are really lacking.

21Xbox update? Empty Re: Xbox update? 2012-02-19, 16:41



Ars Diaboli wrote:

Wii U for me.

Xbox update? 1459-oh-god-meme

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