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Mass Effect music

4 posters

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1Mass Effect music Empty Mass Effect music 2012-02-18, 05:28



so damn soothing dude.......

2Mass Effect music Empty Re: Mass Effect music 2012-02-18, 11:16



Yeah I always did like the Mass Effect music. It fit the environment really well.

3Mass Effect music Empty Re: Mass Effect music 2012-02-18, 17:08



JrTapia1991 wrote:

so damn soothing dude.......

I get this song stuck in my head when walking down the street late at night. Fits really well when it's clear and you can see a lot of stars.

4Mass Effect music Empty Re: Mass Effect music 2012-02-22, 16:25



I always liked the music in the series.

I read that the guys who scored the first two games aren't doing it for the third one. It will be Clint Mansell, the dude who did Requiem for a Dream. I'm happy!

5Mass Effect music Empty Re: Mass Effect music 2012-02-22, 16:54



"The first 30 seconds always sends chills down my spine...
Mass Effect truely is a unique franchise, no other game will ever fuck around with my emotions as much as this game does. I mean, to find myself so completely immersed in story, caring so deeply for the characters and what happens to them...its almost as if Shepard becomes an intergral part of me. No other game would EVER do this to me, and I doubt i'm alone in this.
Thank you Bioware for such an amazing franchise, and bring on ME3!"

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