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Playing Mass Effect 2 again.

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1Playing Mass Effect 2 again. Empty Playing Mass Effect 2 again. 2011-07-27, 08:48

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Recently finished my male shepard game and finishing up my female shepard. Thing I hate about this game the most is that it's reminding me of how painfully far away the release date is and how I'll be waiting even longer afterwards because I'll be in tech school (hopefully) when it finally releases lol.

I've got pretty much every DLC worth downloading (which is nearly all of them except for the last appearance pack and comic thing) and my thirst for more of the ME universe is still not quenched.

I may need to go back to the first one and try and get the rest of the achievements because the wait is just going to be murder.



I know your pain

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This is easily in my top 5 most favorite games ever, it's not often that I find a series that I'm this addicted to.

There are very few games that I can say that I can almost obsess over because they're just that damn good!

Mass Effect Trilogy (I know I'll love the third regardless, it's Bioware afterall)
Golden Sun 1 & 2
Battlefield 2
Company of Heroes
Dragons Age: Origins
Metal Gear series (Especially Snake Eaters (MGS3) and Guns of the Patriots (MGS4))



i am going to go back and play Arrival, its the only one i haven't done yet. i am super mega depressed 3 isn't coming out this year, but it will be worth the wait. i am just sad it is going to be the last one in this series, i hope they make more set in that universe, though, that wold be cool.

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