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GW2 Beta

Manila Plague
7 posters

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1GW2 Beta Empty GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 12:04

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

you all need to go sign up for this

DO IT GW2 Beta 2458268739

2GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 12:07


Yuck, my friends keeps begging me to join them on this. I never really liked the first.

3GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 12:08



I heard of the 1st but never played it.I heard the 2nd is supposed to come to consoles as well

4GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 12:40

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

You and your dang computer games Evil or Very Mad

If I had a useable comp I would be all over this but until one of you guys throws down some money to help buy a new one I'm stuck with my stupid console games.

5GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 12:45



me too man Razz mine can barely play minesweeper

6GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 13:34



Already did last night.

7GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 14:13



Just got an email saying they received my registration, I hope this is a good sign Very Happy

8GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 14:57

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

yeah that's standard auto reply i think

until it comes out i'll be playing LoL and minecraft

9GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-23, 22:46



I'm signed up

loved the first one and will play a lot of this one

10GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-24, 00:24



how does this work we sign up for the beta they decide if they want us to play it and then make you fill out a form saying you cant talk about it.
cause thats what it looks like

11GW2 Beta Empty Re: GW2 Beta 2012-02-24, 01:58



Infadel117 wrote:how does this work we sign up for the beta they decide if they want us to play it and then make you fill out a form saying you cant talk about it.
cause thats what it looks like

Yes you will need to sign a NDA in order to play. They are not usually heavily enforced though. (I know the SWTOR one was not)

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