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 » The Lounge » Archives » BF 3 beta

BF 3 beta

Ron Swanson
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1BF 3 beta Empty BF 3 beta 2011-03-16, 18:00



any word when it starts, I'm holding on to MoH just so I can play it?

2BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-16, 19:14



I am wondering the same? Thats the only reason i still have the game!! LMAO

3BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-16, 20:27

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

are you guys telling me the only way I can play the BF3 bets is to buy MoH!?!?!? hmmm do I have 60 bucks to spend on a beta..... I guess I get MoH too but meh

4BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-16, 21:45



i'm sure there other ways, but one was to get MoH.

5BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 08:05



Wait. Did I have to hold onto that PoS game for the Beta or was it on a card?

6BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 09:45



If i remember by owning a copy of the game there will be some kinda of option to go to the dashboard and download the beta directly from the MoH title screen. BUT that's speculation.

Plus the only difference with owning MoH is we get access to the beta a few weeks before it goes out for everyone to Download.

7BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 10:53



Tater wrote:If i remember by owning a copy of the game there will be some kinda of option to go to the dashboard and download the beta directly from the MoH title screen. BUT that's speculation.

Plus the only difference with owning MoH is we get access to the beta a few weeks before it goes out for everyone to Download.

yeah i doubt thats it, because then everyone could just rent it for beta access. I bet theres a code

8BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 10:58



All I remember it saying was that if you purchased MOH you would be invited to the BF3 Beta.
I need to look at the game when I get home and see if I need to sign up or register the game.

9BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 11:50



Well in the past, all the early beta stuff was handled the same way. The game would install the beta to your hd and then you would have to open it through the game's menu. For the reach beta you needed to select the beta through the odst menu. Same with Crackdown/Halo 3 and I'd assume Bulletstorm/GoW and this.

10BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 11:55



Shinma wrote:Well in the past, all the early beta stuff was handled the same way. The game would install the beta to your hd and then you would have to open it through the game's menu. For the reach beta you needed to select the beta through the odst menu. Same with Crackdown/Halo 3 and I'd assume Bulletstorm/GoW and this.

I sure hope its this way, that way i COULD just rent it/borrow it from a friend to play the beta

11BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 14:04



AH just remembered. For anyone that purchased the "limited edition" of MoH you'll have early access to the BF3 beta upon release...

idk what's so limited about it, but i know i have a piece of paper behind my game manual that talks about the early release beta... HOWEVER there's no code on the paper or in my manual...

12BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 14:19



Maybe. Hopefully it's that "Beard code" you got. Cause I got the LE and sold it a week after. But I still have the codes in my HD.

13BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 19:07



On a side note I did enjoy playing MoH as SP game, but the MP was needed some work, maybe on the sequel they will fix it

OnTopic- for Odst/reach it was on the menu, bulletstorm/GoW3 has the same thing on it's menu, I didn't see that for MoH/BF3. Would kinda suck to buy the game new and anyone who rents it can get the beta.

14BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-17, 19:22



I hope its like that then i can just Rent MoH

Such a shitty shitty game

15BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-18, 11:07



I don't thing the GoW3 beta will only be given to people that have Bulletstorm. I preordered the collectors edition of G3 (I'll be getting the EPIC edition once I get enough money for it) and I have a beta code.

16BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-18, 18:47



Bulletstorm isn't the only way to the beta. It was the first announced way to get it, but you get a beta code for pre-ordering it. If you have Bulletstorm you get the beta a week earlier (4/18) than everyone else (4/25).

17BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-19, 15:43

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I can't get a Gears 3 beta key ;_; Those stores with the pre order bonus don't exist in Mexico, and I sure as hell won't touch Bulletstorm.

Anyway, I hope there are more ways to get into the BF3 beta. I'm saving money as it is <_< I can't just go waste 60 dollars for a beta key.

18BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-19, 17:51



I got bulletstorm for bulletstorm and had a ton of fun playing it, worth every penny. the beta for GoW was a bonus for me. try looking online for ways to get it, there has to be away to get it.

19BF 3 beta Empty Re: BF 3 beta 2011-03-19, 18:15

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm pretty sure many people liked the game, but it just didn't catch my eye. I have enough games I want as it is Laughing

I've been checking online, but other than some guys giving codes away in the Gears forums, there's no other way to get a beta code. And even then, it's like... 2 guys giving 1 code each. I'll keep my eyes open anyway.

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