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Party Time!

Dropped Da Soap
Captain Pirate Pineapple
8 posters

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1Party Time! Empty Party Time! 2012-02-25, 18:31

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

How was everyone's Friday night? Here's a little recap of mine.

One of the bartenders birthday is technically today, but it was celebrated last night because there was a DJ playing. Anyway, this bartender has flirted with me a lot, and I flirt back, but that's just part of my nature when I'm out at the bar. This would be the same bartender that wanted to have a threesome with me and her friend (who is in one of the pictures below), but I said no to her back then, but I have thought about it since. Anyway, since it was Mardi Gras on Tuesday, it became a Mardi Gras/Masquerade/Birthday party.

"GROUP SHOT" or "I like me some blondes"
Party Time! 419725_395740107108019_100000160991644_1777002_571708833_n
Threesome Friend, Erica The Bartender, Me, Sam The Bartender/Birthday Girl, Jules The Crazy Lay

Just Me
Party Time! 418397_395739823774714_100000160991644_1776996_1115744692_n
Told you guys that there would be a picture of me with a drink in my hand.

Sam and I
Party Time! 424429_1960266783738_1754858759_1012000_108284426_n

Now for the rest of the night. In the first picture, you can see a fridge behind us. Well as the night went on, naturally there was a lot of alcohol flowing. Well the whole "Sam wanting some Pineapple" came out..... In a big way (CWUTIDIDTHAR Wink ). I went for another beer, and there was a bit of a line, and well I have no problem waiting. At this point Sam decided to come and dance with me. Now when I say dance, I mean I waited at least another hour before I was able to move away from that corner and get a beer. I yelled "FIRE" (instead of rape), but no one came to help me. Groping, kissing, and biting. Yeah, it was a bit awkward. Now, I have a brand new shirt that looks like this:

Goodbye New Shirt
Party Time! 405787_1961318370027_1754858759_1012632_577222138_n

Now, tonight is karaoke and I'm supposed to do Jimi Hendrix "Foxy Lady" the way Garth did it in Wayne's World.... Dance and all. I have no idea if it's a good idea, but I'll make sure that it gets recorded when it happens.

2Party Time! Empty Re: Party Time! 2012-02-25, 18:40

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

If there was anyone in the world I could murder, cut off their skin and wear it like a suit and pretend to would be you.

3Party Time! Empty Re: Party Time! 2012-02-25, 20:13



I wish my life was as fun as yours.

4Party Time! Empty Re: Party Time! 2012-02-25, 20:45



I played BF3 with Zillah and the gang until two in the morning.

But your night was cool too, I guess.

5Party Time! Empty Re: Party Time! 2012-02-25, 21:10



yeah kalei you think we're jealous or somethin?

6Party Time! Empty Re: Party Time! 2012-02-25, 23:04

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

mfw>Party Time! Dvsh2

7Party Time! Empty Re: Party Time! 2012-02-25, 23:32



you better put up that video

8Party Time! Empty Re: Party Time! 2012-02-26, 06:54

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I demand the same thing Scootaloo said.

9Party Time! Empty Re: Party Time! 2012-02-26, 09:21

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I every friday night for the past 3-4 years.

I pulled around things that weigh 4-5x as much as I do. Opened countless boxes and put crap on a shelf. All night long.

go me... Evil or Very Mad

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