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Diablo 3 on consoles

Manila Plague
10 posters

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1Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-26, 15:43



my god why didn't I hear about this till today....I stumbled upon the info randomly on a gfaqs board,somebody wishing Diablo 3 on the consoles to have an offline mode

>____> I'll get it Very Happy Twisted Evil

I love any RPGs really.I think they're the best value for the dollar...unless you play FPS a shitload Razz

2Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-28, 19:36



Wow... I'm actually shocked at this. The Diablo series wasted so much of my teenage free time... oh dear, I better inform the wife I won't be around during this time.

3Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-28, 21:17



Diablo was awesome, but the gameplay was very basic.

Have they really added a lot to it, because if it's still nothing more than "click on the bad guys until they die then click the loot to pick it up. Repeat forever." then I don't see it being that great.

4Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-28, 21:21


Metalzoic wrote:Diablo was awesome, but the gameplay was very basic.

Have they really added a lot to it, because if it's still nothing more than "click on the bad guys until they die then click the loot to pick it up. Repeat forever." then I don't see it being that great.

Well you're suppose to click on your skills aswel...

Was never a big fan of diablo myself though.

5Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-28, 21:22



It's still a hack'n'slash loot based RPG.

Cool to see it on consoles, still getting it for PC.

6Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-29, 13:51

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

Ante wrote:Cool to see it on consoles, still getting it for PC.

Thumbs up

7Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-29, 19:27



Metalzoic wrote:Diablo was awesome, but the gameplay was very basic.

Have they really added a lot to it, because if it's still nothing more than "click on the bad guys until they die then click the loot to pick it up. Repeat forever." then I don't see it being that great.

Essentially, you're right. It was a simple game at the core, but what made it so great was the level of control you had with your character builds. The skill system allowed a ton of variety so you could make a character that maybe shouldn't excell at a particular thing but instead is now focused on it... and it was hell viable. That's what, I feel, was so addicting; trying new builds and sometimes focusing entire builds around certain weapons or trying to have a balanced hell viable character made for many long nights.

It looks like they are attempting to make almost every skill something viable to use, and they added a rune system, where the rune itself changes the way the skill works. So say you can cast a single energy bolt, it goes out in a straight line to hit the target. Now if you add a rune to that skill the bolt can now, explode on impact, or multiply after it hits an enemy and hits other enemies or now you shoot 3-4 out in a fan etc. Some runes completely change the mechanics of a skill, like the energy bolt example, a rune might now turn the energy bolt into a spinning shield that orbits your character, damaging enemies that get close. And that's only one skill, by combining certain skills with certain runes you can make all sorts of varying characters and therein lies the addiction.

And of course the loot.

8Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-29, 23:03



and it was hell viable. That's what, I feel, was so addicting; trying new builds and sometimes focusing entire builds around certain weapons or trying to have a balanced hell viable character made for many long nights

I had kind of forgotten this part. Also those changes that you just mentioned sound pretty deep and interesting. Exactly the kind of update I felt it would have to have.

As long as there are cool variables to melee fighting too. You won't catch me using puss-faced magic. Very Happy

9Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-29, 23:19


Metalzoic wrote:
and it was hell viable. That's what, I feel, was so addicting; trying new builds and sometimes focusing entire builds around certain weapons or trying to have a balanced hell viable character made for many long nights

I had kind of forgotten this part. Also those changes that you just mentioned sound pretty deep and interesting. Exactly the kind of update I felt it would have to have.

As long as there are cool variables to melee fighting too. You won't catch me using puss-faced magic. Very Happy

Well Paladins pretty much raped D2. Atleast the least time i played D2 it was all about them. I played a Necromancer of course... Smile

I can't really imagine this game on consoles though.

10Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-29, 23:38



Yeah, thats what I'm intrigued about. I can't see it being the same... For a time I was entertaining the thought of a new laptop but if its gonna be on the 360 i may just hold off.

Again though, not really sure how it will play out.

11Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-02-29, 23:43



I was considering buying a laptop...

a.a.a..aahahhahhhHAHHHAH ahahHAhAHahHAHHA...


12Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-01, 00:51



you know you want to

13Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-06, 22:08



Diablo was popular when it came out, due to the limitation of types of games that were available during such time period. As Metal has pointed out, its as basic as it gets, when it comes to what we expect of RPG game is to be in modern time.

A problem I have got about this is that the game is EXTREMELY over hyped, and developers are also worried about this as well. It will sell due to it being Diablo, but am not sure if the franchise will have continued value after this installation, unless drastic changes take place.

Well, at least they can expect +1 sale from me, just to continue on with my youthful days into this day and age. On PC



14Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-07, 00:42



You said it far better than I did Storm.

15Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-09, 13:04



Yea, it's dated, I get that. But I miss the simplicity of games that had Sprites and isometric views. I probably just have my rose colored nostalgia glasses on but I found much more depth in games like Chrono Trigger, Diablo 2, FF3(6) and Ogre Battle. The shallowness of most of the games coming out lately makes me not even care about what I'm doing.

I havent even beaten AC:brotherhood yet because of all the little side missions that are so damn generic, but feel as though I HAVE to do them for completions sake. Maybe that's why I've started playing FPS now more than ever, I can pick it up, have some fun (or rage) and then turn it off.

... or I'm just old... and bitter. Sad

16Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-09, 13:12



Ante wrote:It's still a hack'n'slash loot based RPG.

Cool to see it on consoles, still getting it for PC.


17Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-09, 18:00

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Crombie wrote:Yea, it's dated, I get that. But I miss the simplicity of games that had Sprites and isometric views. I probably just have my rose colored nostalgia glasses on but I found much more depth in games like Chrono Trigger, Diablo 2, FF3(6) and Ogre Battle. The shallowness of most of the games coming out lately makes me not even care about what I'm doing.

I havent even beaten AC:brotherhood yet because of all the little side missions that are so damn generic, but feel as though I HAVE to do them for completions sake. Maybe that's why I've started playing FPS now more than ever, I can pick it up, have some fun (or rage) and then turn it off.

... or I'm just old... and bitter. Sad

Xenosaga takes the "My head just exploded" award.
we need more games like it.

18Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-09, 18:32



Man I used to have all 3 Xenosagas...the 3rd one was the rare holographic case.Urg...never even got around to playing them really.Played like 3 hours of the 1st one

sucked because I lost my PS2 when I moved so I got rid of all the games.Urghhh the original san andreas I got the day it came out was in the PS2 when it disappeared

19Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-10, 03:12



Crombie wrote:I probably just have my rose colored nostalgia glasses on but I found much more depth in games like Chrono Trigger, Diablo 2, FF3(6) and Ogre Battle. The shallowness of most of the games coming out lately makes me not even care about what I'm doing.

That's because (graphics aside) they do have more depth. (although I wouldn't include Diablo in that list myself)

This is also a good example of why I'm not playing ME3 with you guys... Starcontrol from 15 years ago has more sc-fi gameplay meat on its bones than ME managed across 3 games.

20Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-10, 06:07



The ending to ME3 sucks and alot of games now days are disappointing....

I read up just now on why it sucked so bad.The plot they had going with ME2 got scrapped because all the good original writers left because they didn't like EA or something.The plot had to do with Dark Energy.....and the new plot.....grr...too stupid and cheesy

21Diablo 3 on consoles Empty Re: Diablo 3 on consoles 2012-03-10, 08:42



D3 is going to suck! I'm never leaving my precious D2!

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