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Need Some Ideas

Ron Swanson
HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Captain Pirate Pineapple
11 posters

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1Need Some Ideas Empty Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 18:58

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Well I've been working on getting rid of the Jules (the crazy one) for a little while now. It kind of started with last night, as she's really pulling out full crazy. She was at about a 8 on the crazy scale, but now she's just broke it. Tuesday she told me she loves me, my reply was "I know". Yes, I pulled a Han Solo. Last night, she tagged me on Facebook as being at her house, eating dinner and some other crap. Thing was, I was sitting at the bar with some of my friends. Anyway, tonight she sent me a text saying she wants to play a game, to see if I can try to steal her away tonight from anyone. Now my guess means that she's bringing some poor sap along to the bar, which is great for me! My only problem is, I need some help on what games to pull to ignore her. There's a couple other ladies that will be out tonight that will be needing my attention, but I already know she's going to try and take me away from them. Now, anyone have any fun ideas as to things I can pull to make her really just hate me for the night and hopefully for good?

2Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 19:11

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:Well I've been working on getting rid of the Jules (the crazy one) for a little while now. It kind of started with last night, as she's really pulling out full crazy. She was at about a 8 on the crazy scale, but now she's just broke it. Tuesday she told me she loves me, my reply was "I know". Yes, I pulled a Han Solo. Last night, she tagged me on Facebook as being at her house, eating dinner and some other crap. Thing was, I was sitting at the bar with some of my friends. Anyway, tonight she sent me a text saying she wants to play a game, to see if I can try to steal her away tonight from anyone. Now my guess means that she's bringing some poor sap along to the bar, which is great for me! My only problem is, I need some help on what games to pull to ignore her. There's a couple other ladies that will be out tonight that will be needing my attention, but I already know she's going to try and take me away from them. Now, anyone have any fun ideas as to things I can pull to make her really just hate me for the night and hopefully for good?

wear a pair of groucho marx glasses and refuse to acknowledge that you know anyone named Kalei when she asks.

3Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 19:15


Tell her you're going to play the same game?

4Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 19:22

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

if she tries to take you away point to one of said other ladies and say "see her? yeah I'll be going home with her tonight"

that's all I got...not really that great.

I like adli's idea.

5Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 19:37

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm digging Adli's idea as well. Might have to change it up a bit and wear a different mask though.

6Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 19:51



How the Tables have turned now you need to consult Soap

He is an expert at repulsing women! Very Happy

7Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 20:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I just wouldn't go to the bar. Just bring the ladies to you! Very Happy

8Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 20:06



Terry Corp. wrote:I just wouldn't go to the bar. Just bring the ladies to you! Very Happy


Going to the bar and ignoring her would make her just think you're playing a game with her. If you don't show up she'll likely think you genuinely wish to ignore her.

9Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 20:07

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Frostbyrn wrote:How the Tables have turned now you need to consult Soap

He is an expert at repulsing women! Very Happy

Need Some Ideas 2458268739


10Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 21:20



Chewy wrote:
Terry Corp. wrote:I just wouldn't go to the bar. Just bring the ladies to you! Very Happy


Going to the bar and ignoring her would make her just think you're playing a game with her. If you don't show up she'll likely think you genuinely wish to ignore her.

Or she will think he is sick and show up at his house with chicken soup

Know what you should do Kalei take your Ex or something and say you got back together and the weeding is back on I know someone from here did that once DL maybe?

11Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 23:20



Take a nintendo DS and sit in the corner playing Pokemon and wearing glasses. From my experience, its a great women-repulser Very Happy

Just make sure its a good one.... like emerald, or heart gold

12Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-01, 23:45



I don't suppose saying "Jules, I'm not attracted to you, and I think we should break up/separate/screw other people." would work? Course not. Silly adults.

Go with Adli's idea, except give her a once over and just like "oh hell naw"

13Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-02, 18:16

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

And now, for the details. My night turned into hilarity. Got a text from her that she didn't have a babysitter, so she wouldn't be able to come out. Well, that changed as she showed up anyway. She wanted to play her game then, and well I wasn't playing. Instead, I flirted with my bartenders, and a couple other ladies. As the night went on, I drank more, and not really all that surprisingly, she did too. She kept flirting with some dude trying to make me jealous, and well it was hilarious. As the bar is closing, she decided to finally text me and start telling me I was bad at stealing her way. My response was simply, "You really think anyone in here is competition for me?!" "Yes." "Alright, well have fun with that." She wasn't happy. Even the bartender told me that that was kind of harsh to say, as we both laughed about it. She ended up going home by herself because the dude she was flirting with was standing behind her as she was texting me saying she's tired of flirting with incompetent men all night long. It was fun. Maybe I'll do it all over again Saturday night when she will probably want to play this "game" again.

14Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-02, 18:57

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

HAha sounds hilarious.

SOmething I have always wondered though. Why does she stay with you, think you two are a couple, but knows that you go out shoving your pen0r into random chicks multiple times a week?

15Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-02, 18:59



What do you not understand about Crazy

16Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-02, 20:19

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Frostbyrn wrote:What do you not understand about Crazy


She tagged me in a post on Facebook the other night saying I was at her house for dinner, but I was sitting at the bar. She sent me text messages the other night thanking me for coming over, while I was at the bar. In her crazy mind on her crazy planet, we're dating, but in the real world, on plant Earth where we live, we are not together. Now, I'm getting ready to go over there and talk to her about this crap yet again. Then I'm going to the bar.

You know, after reading that paragraph again, one could easily take away from it that I'm an alcoholic.

17Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-02, 20:29



Your not?

18Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-02, 20:33



news to me

19Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-02, 20:35



Nah, the drink doesn't control Kalei. His penis does.

And if my earlier suggestion was too tactful, could "bitch, no. fuck off" work?

20Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-02, 20:36



If hes not Alcoholic he is certainly part Dwarf or Australian

21Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-03, 00:24

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I think it's safe to say that I'm an alcoholic. Hell, I'm a bit drunk right now.

22Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-03, 00:26



Kalei can get you inebriated by breathing at you

Hes like an Xman Very Happy

23Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-03, 00:30

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

If that's my super power than that's fucking awesome! Is it possible for me to get drunk by breathing on myself then?

24Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-03, 00:33



Your power makes sure you are always drunk

25Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-03, 00:34

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Well then that's just fucking awesome because I wouldn't have it any other way!

26Need Some Ideas Empty Re: Need Some Ideas 2012-03-03, 00:34



Unfortunately not

Some its a gift but to me its a curse-Drunko (Pineapple Man2012)

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