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Morrowind for the Win!

Ars Diaboli
The Mr. E of Hat
7 posters

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1Morrowind for the Win! Empty Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-07, 23:51

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Any one else find Skyrim to be dissapointing? I mean I was a HUGE Morrowind fan ever since I found it in my brothers room and stole it...cough... but I felt skyrim...though visually awesome... went by WAY to fast. I read a few comments here and there about it the leveling system being watered down and what not but I dont care about that. I found it to be way to quickly. Granted I spent a week remaking characters because I cant commit but thats besides the point. It took me maybe 2-3 days to finish the main story. On top of which I could finish any side story (college, theives guild, brotherhood) in a days time if that. I mean really!? it should take longer play time than that for me to become the best in the mage guild faction. I dunno. Morrowind seemed to captivate me more. Took me forever to finish any storyline. I cant even bring myself to play Skyrim now that I have beaten it...I dunno. Am I missing something?

2Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-07, 23:53



Nah im the same I finished it twice once on a warrior and once on a rogue

Dont really have the inclination to play it again sure they had beautiful vistas and stuff but there wasnt really any replay value since you could do everything in the first playthrough

And the one thing you couldnt The Civil war was exactly the same on both sides which felt kind of crappy

3Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-07, 23:58

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

I mean...I played morrowind and I was sold. Things felt so massive that I could play forever. To be honest I never finished morrowind. Never even came close. I got so sidetracked just playing the game and doing side stuff. Skyrim was awesome but it felt so rushed. I mean the main story was pretty good narative wise but went by so fast. After the Thalmer party quest I was like Damn who could be behind this. Then it all just kinda fell into expected storyline. I was kinda afraid to just wander and raid caves and forts because half the time quest sent you to them later on. A lot of it was random but it still held me back from exploring. I read so many glitches in areas if a random quest sent you there first it was amazing. And most couldnt be fixed on Xbos yet.

4Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:03



I didnt really like it because there was no choice

No this is my Good playthrough,This is my Evil one

No If I join the fighters I wont be able to join the mages guild

There was no decision making at all it took responsibility away from the player like they didnt trust us to make decisions in their world

5Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:12

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

I agree. For instance my main play through in which I finished the main story was pretty much a warrior with one handed and restoration. I was leaning toward a paladin like build I read about for RP Purposes. But then part of the main story was like..."oh do this for the theives guild" and I was like....but...Im not a theif. Its like No matter what you had to join factions wiether it made sense or not. I found a way around joining the theives guild but it still made me join the mages college.

6Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:15



Yeah thats what annoys me

The only time they actually came close was you cant complete the Dark Brotherhood if you do the Stormcloak questline first

7Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:19

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

LOL I would know because I beat the game before I bothered with either war based side. I cant breing myself to side with either of them for another play through. The only thing I was tempted to do was make a no skill werewolf character and just kill anybody. But that even hasnt tempted me enough for a play trhough. I would have to go through all the beginning stuff plus the basic companion questline to be a werewolf get the stupid hercine ring and then I would get to enjot myself... just too much work. I had morrowind for PC and to be honest of the mods were as easily available as the were during the morrowind days I would be all over just playing that. Sadly all the mods I used to use to enhance the game experience ( better bodies mods and those that supported it) require payment or some sort of subscription to a downloading site..

8Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:21



Skyrim nexus is free and even gives you a quick way to install them

9Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:25

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Sadly I got Skyrim for the Xbox. I should have known better but I really dont have a computer for gaming anymore. I barely get by with SWTOR. I really should have known...I loved morrowind for the mod possibilites as well as the game itself. I dunno...I wanted something more system stable. For some reason I feel that PC is such a hit and miss game system. I mean my computer may run it or may not but if I get it for xbox it will run either way. Thats what I get...

10Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:27



I brought it for Xbox and got a pirated version from my friend for the PC

The Mods made the PC version the much better one

Now Im just waiting for the Skyrim DLC

11Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:29

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Color me stupid if need be but whats DLC? LOL the last major game I played was WoW and between that I think Epyk lent me mass effect 1 while I lived near him. Between all that I know nothing.

12Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:30



Downloadable Content basically expansions you buy off the market place

Although some companys use it as an excuse to bleed their customers with overpriced Junk

13Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:32

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

aaaghh Gotcha. In my mind I think of WoW right off the bat. You already own our game but us full game price for 5 more levels....Fuck you blizzard...and thats no the drunkeness talking...fuck you....

14Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:33



I always preferred NCsoft to blizzard mainly because I preferred City of Heroes to WoW Very Happy

15Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:41

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

I almost played city of heroes but the copy my brother gave me wouldnt install correctly. I mean I would be lying if I said I didnt enjoy wow but there was a lot lacking. The times I enjoyed WoW was when my friends played with me. I dunno I hate socializing so my friends always grouped often and out leveled me leaving me bored. Im a big story based person...imagine that... so RP value weighs heavy for me.... WoW was just horrible for that. When you can join an RP server and people mock and run off RPers Im a little annoyed. In terms of all that I fell for the Lord of the Rings MMO pretty well especially since it is Free to play now. SWTOR is awesome and I truely think they did a fine job producing an MMO and with little Laucnh flaws but I can tell its gonna be another RP server with no RP. The only thing saving it is star wars nerds will be star wars nerds and no one will ever diss anyone for being just that no matter the extreme.

16Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:44



If you enjoy the RP then City of Heroes is entirely for you

Plus Level doesnt matter at all since you can Sidekick and become the same level as your Mentor or Higher level players can come down to your level

17Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:51

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

tempting very tempting. lol Im trying to focus on work to get my puppet business off the ground so taking on more video games could be hazerdous I will definately keep it on the back burner of options though.

I think Im just burnt out in general on video games. I been working hard writing stories and building future films/skits that I find most storylines of games lacking or cliche. Sadly the career Im trying to build outshines video games for me at this point in my life. Maybe someday I could be the nerd I once was.

18Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:52



*Pimps out CoH some more*

You can write a backstory for your character that everyone can see just by examining you Very Happy

19Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:55

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

ooooooooo now thats cool. Sadly aside from my attempts at founding a career of my own I have no other income so any video game expenses are on the MRs tab and she wont go for it... But I could use this as motivation cause if I pull off the puppet sales I could spend my profits on anything....

20Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:58



If you do start playing tell me as I might sign up to play again Very Happy

21Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 00:59

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Will do~ Not Im off to bed as I have reached the tired stage of drunkenness...Nice chattin with you!

22Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 01:01



Before you go I looked it up apparently its free to play now Very Happy

23Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 01:31

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I already got bored of it, to be honest.

I may finish up what I had left later. Or sell it...

24Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 02:09



This thread made me happy that I passed on Skyrim in favor of Witcher II and Dark Souls.

25Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 02:22



I got burned out bad on Skyrim..had over 100 hours on it,civil war achievement glitched out on me,never gave me some of the missions.It was decent,but,I agree,I loved Morrowind soooo much.I had the GOTY of it on original and my friend spent like all summer of 2008 trying to find all the secret stuff in it,I never even beat the main quest.Just finished the mages guild and maybe thieve's guild Razz

I have it on my pc but never got around to playing it

I did feel Skyrim got dumbed down.There's lots to do,but not much worthwhile stuff

26Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 09:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Skyrim doesnt have much replay value, since only the civil war quests cancel each other out. plus there is very little accountability for your actions (IE every guard being as bent as a right-angle)

27Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 17:28



The length of morrowind may be related to the lack of fast travel and the beyond crappy directions they give you.

"Go north. Then stop at the water. Turn right and then go left when you reach the rock. Travel 4 miles in this direction and you will find a cave."

I outright skipped half of the main quest because they wanted me to travel to every ashlander village in the world and convince them that I was the nevarine.

28Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 18:01

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

HD graphics mod:

Morrowind for the Win! 41808-1296413411

mind = blown

29Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 22:43

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

haha morrowind was horrible at giving directions. its any of you quest givers actually live here!?

30Morrowind for the Win! Empty Re: Morrowind for the Win! 2012-03-08, 22:46



I got lost in the backstreets in my own suburbs

I assume they were just as scatter brained as me when it came to cartography

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