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Info I found on the changed ME3 ending,obvious spoilers

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ME2 plot got scrapped pretty much because the good original writers left.It had to do with Dark Energy,like,the star of Haelstrom was aging so fast because of it,etc...they never even do anything with the dark energy or harbringer really.

ME3 ending was pretty bleh because a bunch of writers left.

I'm half asleep,but just read the topic.Usual gfaqs trolls but there's good info in there by the people who posted useful stuff

edit... haha funny pic I found on the bioware forums this dude posted,spoilers galore as well..



So it would have been about Dark Energy, A mysterious aging star and possibly other cool space and physics stuff that might have actually been interesting? That sounds neat-o (and possibly stolen from Starcontrol II)

That sounds Mass Effecty.

They should have called it My Little Reaper instead of Mass Effect.



Too be fair I knew the writing staff had gotten lazy or shit when they stopped trying to get actual events to influence you and just showed a child getting shot



I much prefer the technological singularity plot over the dark energy one. Dark energy is cool, but I'm glad they changed it. The supposed ending choices for the old plot are awful.



I dont know the Dark matter thing made sense if you remember I think it was harbinger saying that the reason they left all the mass relays around was to get organic life to evolve in a predictable direction

That could have translated into a weakness against Dark matter weapons and stuff and Like Javik said "Our strength was also our weakness,Since we all fought with the same doctrine and tactics once a weakness was discovered we were doomed as we were unable to adapt"



Just on a general question if anybody knows,if...say,Jacob didn't live in ME2 would I have even gotten his little side mission in ME3?Or anybody for example,Miranda,Tali,etc.Because they kinda play a big part in the story but what if they didn't even live?Or what about Legion?lol

The singularity thing seemed kinda cheesy to me.Random cheesy spirit god child explaining so much in the last 5-10 mins of the game then you're just left with 3 choices which are all just small variations of the same ending

=/ I guess some of us cared more about the series than bioware did.But like I've read alot,I guess what did we expect after DA2?I heard their star wars mmo ain't too good either

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