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[ME3] Operation Goliath multiplayer event

Ron Swanson
Dropped Da Soap
Epyk MD
8 posters

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So who wants to wreck some reapers? I want those N7 weapons, bad.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


Lets do this shit bro.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Eh, hit me up. I have yet to play any ME3 with you guys. Well I played with Lemon a few times



Apparently this starts at 8pm EST if I'm reading it right (am I?) so I'll be on closer to then.

Looks like you only get a maximum of 2 packs, too. 1 commendation pack for beating reapers on silver and 1 victory pack for the community meeting the goal. Also, the packs won't show up until Tuesday.

I better get the Crusader and Hurricane. I BETTER.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I will be on and playing in 2 hours, but then I have to stop to watch basketball for a bit.

But I will be on most of the night after that. So just send me an invite.



so do you get unique weapons from this? like if you dont have the game you miss out? or is it jsut kind of a boost where they give you extra chances at weapons

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

If you don't have the game the packs will expire 7 days after the event is over........ so yeah, you get screwed because these guns are NOT available via regular unlock.



Im in

Im playing a human vanguard so I will steal all your kills! Very Happy



so there are special packs in the ingame store for a week?

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

1fnbighen wrote:so there are special packs in the ingame store for a week?

How it works is if you beat the reapers on silver or better on Tues there will be a pack in the store that you get for free. If the community as a whole kills 1 million Brutes then everyone will get a second pack containing more weapons on Tues.

Once you get the pack, if you don't redeem it in 1 week it will disapear forever.

BTW I think this is an awesome promotion!



For anyone without the CE, here's the weapons in action.

I loved the Crusader in the campaign. Never left my side.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

That it is. I kind of feel bad for em though with the shit storm following their ending



Invite me when you get on ill probally be trying to finish the single player

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I need to finish the SP soon, I can't go on the GFaqs board beacuse everyone puts the spoilers in their goddamn titles! Mad

I already think I know how it ends without ever opening a spoiler topic



I'm doing it!!!! I have them in SP, now I want them in MP!!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im down for it later tonight if you guys want.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I'll be on, I've given up trying to do this with randoms.



Frost and I pretty much have silver reapers on farm status. I'll be on in a while if anyone wants to play.

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