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Just beat ME3... The stuff I loved and the stuff I hated(major spoilers)

Epyk MD
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-Combat is excellent as usual, battles get really intense
-They made the weapon system a lot better. Good variety of guns and all that.
-Different armor with different stats is back
-Great story, great dialogue. Some pretty emotional stuff goes down.
-Scenery and graphics are both awesome
-They finally show Tali's face, although in photograph form and not on her character model.

-The god damn journal and terminals. Why the fuck do they sort the read messages in some random fucking order instead of most recent first? Why do they put your cursor near the bottom of the missions when you open up your journal?
-The only place you can wander around on is the citadel. No Omega, no Illium, no Turchunka, none of that shit. God dammit I want to go to Omega and rave and shit.
-Intertwining romances don't result in any conflict. I thought that Ashley and Tali and Diane Allers were gonna get in a bitch fight or something but it turns out Diane and Ashley just completely forgot I told them I wanted to bang them in shit once Tali came around, and then the romance plots with them were just done from then on.
-There are never any negative consequences from paragon actions, and it's always obvious which thing is the right thing to do. They could at least scramble the order of dialogue options or some shit.
-They have that galactic readiness and all that shit, but it's never fucking online. Why the fuck did the put it there if it's never fucking online?
-The ending I chose(synthesize or whatever) made no fucking sense. What does it mean synthetic life is merged with organic? Does it just give people robot arms or some shit? Make them all glowy and shit? What the fuck is the point in that and why the fuck did I have to jump into a laser beam to do it? And are the reapers just cool now or something? Why didn't the kid just tell them to fuck off?

Overall a great experience, despite all my ranting. I was not disappointed at all by it. I'm definitely going to play it a second time through, renegade this time so I'll see how much making galactic peace and all that matters.



Chewy wrote:

1.The god damn journal and terminals. Why the fuck do they sort the read messages in some random fucking order instead of most recent first? Why do they put your cursor near the bottom of the missions when you open up your journal?
2.The only place you can wander around on is the citadel. No Omega, no Illium, no Turchunka, none of that shit. God dammit I want to go to Omega and rave and shit.
3.Intertwining romances don't result in any conflict. I thought that Ashley and Tali and Diane Allers were gonna get in a bitch fight or something but it turns out Diane and Ashley just completely forgot I told them I wanted to bang them in shit once Tali came around, and then the romance plots with them were just done from then on.
4.There are never any negative consequences from paragon actions, and it's always obvious which thing is the right thing to do. They could at least scramble the order of dialogue options or some shit.
5.They have that galactic readiness and all that shit, but it's never fucking online. Why the fuck did the put it there if it's never fucking online?
6.The ending I chose(synthesize or whatever) made no fucking sense. What does it mean synthetic life is merged with organic? Does it just give people robot arms or some shit? Make them all glowy and shit? What the fuck is the point in that and why the fuck did I have to jump into a laser beam to do it? And are the reapers just cool now or something? Why didn't the kid just tell them to fuck off?

1.Journal was annoying for one thing not offering any decent directions at all it reminded me of fucking morrowind,However pressing Y when you enter it will cause it to jump to the top for some reason it defaults to oldest or the first mission you completed
2.Omega got invaded cant remember by who but thats why Aria is on the citadel,But yeah i wanted to explore around Tuchanka minus the part in the ancient city that part was creepy
4.Yeah I thought about mixing them up too then realized you couldnt because you cant see tone or anything and can only see 3 words
5.Galactic readiness is earned by playing Multiplayer you basically need to do it to get the best ending
6.You were indoctrinated bro,Im pretty sure the choice you made lead to you becoming the same goo that the collectors made out of those colonists in ME2,Control would turn you into a indoctrinated Servant like Saren and Destroy meant you fought the Indoctrination

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

You should have listened to what marauder shields was trying to tell you.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


Cerberus took over omega.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

wnder if they will start his DLC before or after he was indoctrinated?



Thanks Epyk couldnt remember if it was them or the reapers



Marauder shields didn't tell me shit he was just shooting at me.

And yeah I guess that indoctrination thing makes sense, probably shouldn't have trusted a reaper. I just didn't want to destroy the geth and EDI.

I'll have to try the destroy ending after I build up my effective military strength to over 5,000... Kind of lame they integrated it with multiplayer like that.



There is an Ipad Ap you can do instead

And multiplayer is cool but I get where you are coming from I think I didnt have XBL the first time I played ME1 and ME2

If you need help just invite me to a party for Multiplayer you can just sit in a corner while I Leeroy Jenkins the fuck out of everything Very Happy



I haven't even touched multiplayer yet, not even in the demo. I've only heard good things about it so I'm not pissed about having to play it or anything.

I'll probably be on around 6 or 7 EST if you want to join me.



I think thats like 10-11 here so yeah I should be on Very Happy



I thought the ending ruined it for me and the whole series....I don't have any urge to ever play em again.I think Bioware is just backpeddling with this dlc now...they know they pissed off alot of fans


I'm waiting to see what they do with the DLC before I trade in the whole series. I have a small sliver of hope left.
Hmm... sliver... Slither... I think I'll watch Slither now. Bill Pardy for the win.



VictimOfNada wrote:I'm waiting to see what they do with the DLC before I trade in the whole series. I have a small sliver of hope left.
Hmm... sliver... Slither... I think I'll watch Slither now. Bill Pardy for the win.

already ahead of you,dumped ME1 today for a quick 15 bucks to some kid.....ME1 started SOOOOO damn slow I didn't like it anyways.ME2 was my fav out of all of them,and I don't even have it anymore lol traded it in like 6 months ago



The trilogy as a whole is amazing and as soon as/if we get some solid info on a "closure" DLC, I'll be starting a complete playthrough from ME1. Until then, I will continue rocking out the multiplayer. Just broke 200 N7 rating, and I'm still having crazy amounts of fun.



I wanted to see little Shepard and Tali juniors on Rannoch :'(.

Why couldn't there have been a happy ending?

And I must have missed something because I had no idea which power conduit caused which ending. I just picked a random one and all of a sudden a big red wave blew up all the reapers and mass relays.



Its ok Red was the best ending anyway Very Happy

Also Shephards baby juice is poisonous to Tali man they cant have babies



They could adopt or something. Or use reaper tech. They can find a way.



Recouped what I could and got like 33 bucks for me3.kinda sad to see it go,it was a cool game till the ending.If a new one comes out,I'll watch the dlc on youtube.My bro still has ME2,I could play that some more



I keep waiting for Chewy to get on and play with us

Finally realized his username is Riz Giz Very Happy

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I will keep ME3 just for the MP. The SP didn't wow me to be honest. The journal sucked, quests were kinda vauge and uninteresting. I basically walked around Citadel until I was able to talk to someone for every quest because they never say were to go.

But I really like the MP. Its like GoW horde mode meets my favorite RPGs



Frostbyrn wrote:I keep waiting for Chewy to get on and play with us

Finally realized his username is Riz Giz Very Happy

I almost did last weekend but Radical stole my spot at the last second.

Probably a good thing because I was drunk and playing a sniper class, not good for gold. I was losing several bronze and silver games that night.

I've recently been playing my second campaign but I'll try and drop in next time I see you online. Haven't played with anyone from the SeC yet, except for with Terry for a couple of minutes. It's kind of hard to get in on a game sometimes because they take like 20 minutes and people rarely drop out.


I am also available for MP action Chewy.



Well feel free to hit me up. I'll be on for a couple hours today and tomorrow evening.

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