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Gaming Quiz *Major Spoilers*

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1Gaming Quiz *Major Spoilers* Empty Gaming Quiz *Major Spoilers* 2011-01-03, 22:57



Well the SeC Quiz went down well so im making a gaming one heres the 10 Questions Very Happy

1.Which hit series has a game due for release on 11/11/11


2.Which Protagonist from a major Sci fi Shooter is named John?


3.In Assassins Creed a body part is removed to become a full assassin what is it?


4.What was the name of the Heroes Mother in the First Fable?


5.Prince Arthas joined with the Lich King after obtaining which Weapon?


6.The Pins on the Bad Company Grenades have a unique feature what is it?


7.If you Romance them which Character Sacrifices themselves in the Final battle on Dragonage


8.In the first Mass Effect what are the 3 Races Ruling the council?


9.Step 1 is to Get the Keys in Black ops what is Step 5?


10.Which Character becomes known as the Queen of Blades?


Last edited by Piemasterjelly on 2011-01-03, 23:48; edited 1 time in total


Piemasterjelly wrote:Well the SeC Quiz went down well so im making a gaming one heres the 10 Questions Very Happy

1.Which hit series has a game due for release on 11/11/11

2.Which Protagonist from a major Sci fi Shooter is named John?

3.In Assassins Creed a body part is removed to become a full assassin what is it?

4.What was the name of the Heroes Mother in the First Fable?

5.Prince Arthas joined with the Lich King after obtaining which Weapon?

6.The Pins on the Bad Company Grenades have a unique feature what is it?

7.If you Romance them which Character Sacrifices themselves in the Final battle on Dragonage

8.In the first Mass Effect what are the 3 Races Ruling the council?

9.Step 1 is to Get the Keys in Black ops what is Step 5?

10.Which Character becomes known as the Queen of Blades?

Pfft this is easy.
1)Elder Scrollse methinks
2) Master Chief?
3) One of your fingers, don't remember which.
4) I don't know, but his sister was Theresa.
5) I dunno
6) The smiley face
7) I will tell you when I play it
Cool Asari, Turian and those stereotypical alien looking guys.
9) Kill stuff? I dunno what the hell you're talking about.
10) Good question



It was so easy you got 3 Right Wacco Very Happy


First 3? I feel like I deserve a .5 on number 8.



I wont tell you which 3 but 8 was a partial Answer and so was 3


Damn I'm good.



O Btw did you think there were any major spoilers in there?


Not really, maybe the Lich King and Dragon Age things cuz I dunno what the hell you're talking about there.



Wow i dont think i know the answer to any of these! is number 1 call of duty?


Piemasterjelly wrote:Well the SeC Quiz went down well so im making a gaming one heres the 10 Questions Very Happy

1.Which hit series has a game due for release on 11/11/11

2.Which Protagonist from a major Sci fi Shooter is named John?

3.In Assassins Creed a body part is removed to become a full assassin what is it?

4.What was the name of the Heroes Mother in the First Fable?

5.Prince Arthas joined with the Lich King after obtaining which Weapon?

6.The Pins on the Bad Company Grenades have a unique feature what is it?

7.If you Romance them which Character Sacrifices themselves in the Final battle on Dragonage

8.In the first Mass Effect what are the 3 Races Ruling the council?

9.Step 1 is to Get the Keys in Black ops what is Step 5?

10.Which Character becomes known as the Queen of Blades?

Dont know many of theese but...


6-smiley face

10-Kerrigan? (unsure but this definately sounds familiar.)



If i tell you it wouldnt be a quiz but a FAQ Very Happy


What's the point of a quiz without answers haha?



Well i was going to add them in a few days but ill add them into the First post and go by the Honor system Very Happy



oh and #6 is easy - a smiley face. somehow i missed that.



Well the SeC Quiz went down well so im making a gaming one heres the 10 Questions

1.Which hit series has a game due for release on 11/11/11
I'm goons go with gears 3

2.Which Protagonist from a major Sci fi Shooter is named John?

3.In Assassins Creed a body part is removed to become a full assassin what is it?
Left ring finger

4.What was the name of the Heroes Mother in the First Fable?
Never played fable

5.Prince Arthas joined with the Lich King after obtaining which Weapon?
Don't play WoW

6.The Pins on the Bad Company Grenades have a unique feature what is it?
Smiley face

7.If you Romance them which Character Sacrifices themselves in the Final battle on Dragonage
Never played

8.In the first Mass Effect what are the 3 Races Ruling the council?
Turian, asari, salarian

9.Step 1 is to Get the Keys in Black ops what is Step 5?
Isnt it harpoon the bird?

10.Which Character becomes known as the Queen of Blades?

I tried.



Lol Dark

2.I asked for the Characters name not the series

5.Warcraft was an RTS long before WoW came out

9.Is close enough



Ha I read that wrong, but I knew what you were asking ha.

You know I never played PC games.

Ya I knew it was something close to that.



I think the other prisoners might actually say that as well those uneducated Bumpkins



Ya I think it is what they say.

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