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Walking Dead Season Finale (Spoilers, ye be warned)

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Well holy fucking shit fuck. What a great second half to the season! Finished watching it last night and I finally feel that the story is moving in the right direction. They killed a truck load of zombies, there were several unimportant casualties, and they've set up the next season beautifully with the addition of a fan favorite character, and the prison.

The last 2-3 episodes this season were fantastic, lots of action, lots of drama and a few loose ends gettting tied up. The next season which starts in the fall (I'm liking this whole break up of the seasons deal) looks like it'll really set the tone going forward.




I feel like Rick is being an idiot. Instead of telling the group a five minute speech about how Shane was leading him on and kept pushing him further and further and then still making it sound like he murdered him, he could have just said "Shane tried to kill me twice, I thought we could work it out, but then he pulled a gun on me so I had to kill him".

Also why is he all of a sudden "I'm your new dictator!"?. Makes no sense, especially seeing as it's beyond obvious that the group doesn't trust him much now because of his fail-tastic speech about shane.

Also, I don't really get the hooded thing with the bondage zombies. They have no arms, but they're still very capable of biting, and zombies haven't been shown to have any sort of reasoning ability that would say "Don't bite the hooded girl because she will kill you".

Besides that, I'm happy something actually happened.



Darkwing Ducksaws wrote:I feel like Rick is being an idiot. Instead of telling the group a five minute speech about how Shane was leading him on and kept pushing him further and further and then still making it sound like he murdered him, he could have just said "Shane tried to kill me twice, I thought we could work it out, but then he pulled a gun on me so I had to kill him".

Also why is he all of a sudden "I'm your new dictator!"?. Makes no sense, especially seeing as it's beyond obvious that the group doesn't trust him much now because of his fail-tastic speech about shane.

Also, I don't really get the hooded thing with the bondage zombies. They have no arms, but they're still very capable of biting, and zombies haven't been shown to have any sort of reasoning ability that would say "Don't bite the hooded girl because she will kill you".

Besides that, I'm happy something actually happened.

He just killed his best friend dude, plus they just fought off a horde of zombies and lost a few loved ones. I'd say stress levels are a little high. He just wants to justify that what he did was right (which it was) by talking it out.

As for the "dictatorship", I prefer the term leader, which the group is sorely lacking. They all look to him anyways for leadership, even though he doesn't necessarily want the responsiblity, he's naturally in that role. He's more or less making it official now, given what they are going through, and have gone through he's giving them an altematem. If you want to hang with me, you'll listen to me. I've carried you this far, if you want to leave, there's the door.

The hooded chick



He just killed his best friend dude, plus they just fought off a horde of zombies and lost a few loved ones. I'd say stress levels are a little high. He just wants to justify that what he did was right (which it was) by talking it out.

Still, he kind of left out the part where Shane actually pulled out a gun and tried to kill him, and also made an attempt at blatantly killing him earlier as well. Now there's some kind of tension against Rick that only exists because of this plothole. I hate it when plot elements are created due to a main character momentarily having the communication ability of a rock.



it was a good episode.I wondered who the ninja person was with pet zombies lol

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