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The Walking Dead

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1The Walking Dead Empty The Walking Dead 2012-02-19, 23:16

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Tonights episode in two words.

Fucking crazy

2The Walking Dead Empty Re: The Walking Dead 2012-02-19, 23:27



I wish they would quit the foreveralone shane sub plot and just get back to finding a cure or some meaningful plot device.

3The Walking Dead Empty Re: The Walking Dead 2012-02-19, 23:32



They actually learned of a cure but it required equal parts McGuffian and Unobtanium

4The Walking Dead Empty Re: The Walking Dead 2012-02-20, 08:04



that dude in the CDC figured out the cure but the system came on and destroyed the room =/

about to watch the new episode now Razz

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