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Anyone want to play?

5 posters

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1Anyone want to play? Empty Anyone want to play? 2012-03-23, 20:49



I'm on right now.


2Anyone want to play? Empty Re: Anyone want to play? 2012-03-24, 12:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

You gonna be on tonight Sean? I will probably play a little BF3 after work. 5pm MST

3Anyone want to play? Empty Re: Anyone want to play? 2012-03-24, 17:49

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm thinking about hopping online soon, but not sure. Have some work stuff to do yet, but really feel like taking a break.

4Anyone want to play? Empty Re: Anyone want to play? 2012-03-24, 18:22



I kinda miss BF3...might get on if anybody else is...I hate playing with randoms

5Anyone want to play? Empty Re: Anyone want to play? 2012-03-25, 09:14

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

You can add my GT Sean but I don't know how often I'll be online. I just joined a second band so pretty much any free time I have is going into that. I usually play after 10pm EST.

6Anyone want to play? Empty Re: Anyone want to play? 2012-03-25, 13:13



yea blow up chewbaccas with me and hydra lol

7Anyone want to play? Empty Re: Anyone want to play? 2012-03-25, 13:19

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

You can send me a FR as well. Don't know when I'll be online again as I have the tendency to spend a lot of the time at the bars.

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