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BF3 told me to get high

Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
Patrick Star
Dropped Da Soap
Keyser Söze
10 posters

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1BF3 told me to get high Empty BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-27, 23:44

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

So I'm playing a match with DL, Sheeo and Crombie. Cool.

Now, after the end of the last match I'm torn between playing another or rolling one and chillinjg out to some tunes before bed. While this indecisiveness takes place in my head the points are rolling in on the end game screen.

After a bunch of ribbons, a jet service star and some other BS, I get the points that really matter. The additional points that are sometimes given to you after a match.

My additional points you may ask (for those that still fail to see where this is going...)?

Why, what do ya know...


If that's not a sign I don't know what is...

2BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:18




3BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:19

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

How is Battlefield while high?

4BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:20




5BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:22

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sometimes you zone in and become a fucking killing machine and just annihilate on auto-pilot. Other times you're just free points for enemies that surely wonder what the hell you where thinking.

It can be fun to take a stroll in a jeep on one of the big maps.

6BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:24



If I get too stoned I get reamed. I end up having the reaction time of an 80 year old. Its quite amusing.

7BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:26

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I know the feeling...

Plenty of good laughs to be had after bad ideas gone even worse.

8BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:28



I like to suicide bomb tanks and laugh hysterically. Good times. Although I usually dont make it haha.

9BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:29

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Roadkilling is a classic too. In any vehicle...

10BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:30

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What is your mind like when your high and playing BF3? Does your mind see things that arent there? Have you ever gotten freaked out by something you thought you saw but was never actually in the game?

Im honestly completely curious. I am 100% against drugs, but stuff like this intrigues me. I went and saw Avatar in 3d back when it was out, with a friend who was just outright stoned off his ass. I thought we were going to get kicked out of the theatre because he kept freaking out and yelling. I still remember the scene were they were up in those thousand foot tall trees, and when the camera panned down to look to the ground he practically jumped out of his seat and started screaming.

11BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:31



That sounds like a very inexperienced pot smoker. People who have been smoking for awhile dont act like that.

I just get very very chilled out.

12BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:32

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

No, no and no.

As for your friend, beats me, I wasn't there. You sure he wasn't trolling?

13BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:33

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:That sounds like a very inexperienced pot smoker. People who have been smoking for awhile dont act like that.

I just get very very chilled out.

This pretty much sums it up.

14BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:35

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't know to be honest. He is the only person I know IRL that does drugs. So I don't have any actual experience being around high people and seeing what they're like And from my understanding he had been up for nearly 24 hours and had done more then 1 kind of drug. So who knows.

15BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:38



Well if he was tweaking that makes sense haha.

16BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:43

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


17BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 00:49



Tweaking is slang for somebody using a stimulant and staying awake for a long period of time.

18BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 01:00

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap I said I know nothing bout drugs what its like being high and slang.

I am curious about what its like to be high, and experiences you have from it. But I just don't want to try it.

19BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 01:13

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Soap, your friend was probably tweaking if he was freaking out. But man i love me some jet flying when stoned. Just flying upside down at cruising altitude looking down at the carnage taking place. I'm generally pretty good when i play high but i guess it depends how high i am, i usually vape when i play so its moderately high.

20BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 02:10



Camel wrote:Just flying upside down at cruising altitude looking down at the carnage taking place.

haha, i laughed at this.

honestly weed just frustrates me while playing bf3 because im trying to be competitive but my reaction times are shit

Flying is awesome though, feels very immersive

21BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 08:03

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i cant play any game at all when drunk, i just stare at the screen and my reactions are shit. BF3 = death, Skyrim = suicide and Fallout = playing the entire game in VATS because i can't aim.

when stoned, its a little better, i've never tried MP high though, since i dont have gold anymore. i was playing Skyrim pretty good, took out a group of ten evil dudes no problem without needing to heal, the last time i tried (sober) they killed me horribly.

22BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 09:09

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Flying high is awesome fun, although dogfights turn into a huge hassle.

23BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 11:26

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

If you guys see me playing games, I'm probably stoned. So I have no problems at all, in fact I would tell all of you I play a little bit better after a smoke and about 3 beers.

24BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 16:40



< Stoned

25BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 17:46



I've never tried any sort of drugs, but I'm pretty sure Katamari would be awesome stoned.

26BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 18:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Pariah wrote:I've never tried any sort of drugs, but I'm pretty sure Katamari would be awesome stoned.

I'm pretty well the same person when I smoke as I am when I'm sober. Things are definetly "better" when high, but they really don't change as much as you would think.

27BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 18:06



Terry Corp. wrote:
Pariah wrote:I've never tried any sort of drugs, but I'm pretty sure Katamari would be awesome stoned.

I'm pretty well the same person when I smoke as I am when I'm sober. Things are definetly "better" when high, but they really don't change as much as you would think.

yea pretty much.I would stay up like all night on BC2 and it was awesome....everything was just so much more enjoyable Razz

edit:oh I swear y'alls ganja rubbed off on me on those nights in BF3 lol I kept going like 1-9 for a couple days straight Evil or Very Mad was pretty funny tho

28BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 19:13



Terry Corp. wrote:
Pariah wrote:I've never tried any sort of drugs, but I'm pretty sure Katamari would be awesome stoned.

I'm pretty well the same person when I smoke as I am when I'm sober. Things are definetly "better" when high, but they really don't change as much as you would think.
hmmm...I'll call my friend Isaac, see if he'll try LSD and Katamari Damacy for me.

29BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 22:28



So THAT'S why you left!! haha. I got stuck on the other team (as usual) and it wouldn't let me switch, GOD that's frustrating.

On topic, I don't get that high anymore. I'll smoke every once in a while now, and gaming is hands down one of the best things ever when your stoned. Like Greg said, sometimes you end up immortal, an unstoppable killing machine until your down to your knife... and even then you'll still get another 3 more kills. Other times 0-16 just staring at the sky. The difference though is you may not rage as badly.

The reason I don't smoke so much anymore is I made some brownies a while back and I made them WAY to strong. It freaked me out bit, and that's actually saying a lot cause I've been really... really high before. Friends of mine that smoke loads more than me tried 2 and actually thought about calling the ambulance.

So if anyone wants the recipe, shoot me a PM.

30BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 22:31

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

OR you could post it in the Farm, place needs more posts bounce

31BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 22:37



Crombie wrote:So THAT'S why you left!! haha. I got stuck on the other team (as usual) and it wouldn't let me switch, GOD that's frustrating.

On topic, I don't get that high anymore. I'll smoke every once in a while now, and gaming is hands down one of the best things ever when your stoned. Like Greg said, sometimes you end up immortal, an unstoppable killing machine until your down to your knife... and even then you'll still get another 3 more kills. Other times 0-16 just staring at the sky. The difference though is you may not rage as badly.

The reason I don't smoke so much anymore is I made some brownies a while back and I made them WAY to strong. It freaked me out bit, and that's actually saying a lot cause I've been really... really high before. Friends of mine that smoke loads more than me tried 2 and actually thought about calling the ambulance.

So if anyone wants the recipe, shoot me a PM.

Heh, I've made brownies like that before. My buddy was freaking out on one of them and he smoked a good 5-10 times a day at that point. I took 4, ended up just going to sleep due to paranoia, but I would have probably been high for like 15 hours straight otherwise.

32BF3 told me to get high Empty Re: BF3 told me to get high 2012-03-28, 22:53



Edibles are a real trip man. I've only made Firecrackers, but 2 half gram cookies is enough to get me really baked. Seems like every time I end up falling asleep after a couple hours.

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