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Woah, when did they fix YouTubes commenting system?

Patrick Star
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It's about damn time. No longer will top comments be responses to other comments that nobody knows where the fuck they are anymore!

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

few weeks ago i was full of euphoria when i saw this.



So wait, Google actually made something on Youtube better?

Mind = blown



Noticed this a little bit ago, kinda grateful really.



I noticed it a little while back,really liking it...

on a side note......I've been thinking of doing like "let's plays" on youtube just for something as a new hobby....what is the cheapest capture card that is good?I'm not even requiring 720p..... 480p would be fine with me,probably going to put up some gamecube and ps2 gameplay...maaayybbeeee xbox 360 but I doubt it.

I see those "ezcap" things for like 15 bucks but heard they're junk and don't work with windows 7 anyway =/

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

JrTapia1991 wrote:I noticed it a little while back,really liking it...

on a side note......I've been thinking of doing like "let's plays" on youtube just for something as a new hobby....what is the cheapest capture card that is good?I'm not even requiring 720p..... 480p would be fine with me,probably going to put up some gamecube and ps2 gameplay...maaayybbeeee xbox 360 but I doubt it.

I see those "ezcap" things for like 15 bucks but heard they're junk and don't work with windows 7 anyway =/
I was considering buying one of these a while back
never got around to it though. Maybe it will suit your needs
It comes with all you need in one you just need to hook it up to your pc via USB.
EDIT: 89, but you get a 10$ rebate.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Hmm I might get this one when I reduce my credit card bill to about 400 dollars.

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