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1Drive Empty Drive 2012-03-31, 12:09

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I know this movie has been out for a little while now, but I only got around to watching it today. I have to say, it's a good movie. Makes Ryan Gosling look like a bad ass. Heard a couple reviews about it before too, but I was really impressed with how it was shot and everything. Anyone else seen it or have any thoughts on it?

2Drive Empty Re: Drive 2012-03-31, 13:29



i didnt like it, i dont remember it fully but im pretty sure i would give it a 5/10.

gosling was good but there was something about it after i watched that didnt leave me too impressed

3Drive Empty Re: Drive 2012-03-31, 17:55



I'm not sure I've even heard of it before.

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