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Capcom proud to charge you for on disc dlc

HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Ars Diaboli
16 posters

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also talks about it in that vid,he's a cool guy,been subscribed to him for awhile,always has a cool show,he talks about what's wrong with the industry

I think there needs to be guidelines like no on disc dlc allowed



"We're gonna withhold content and charge you for it later, just be happy you don't need to save disk space for it!"

Stay classy Capcom.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I dont think I've even bought a game from them this gen. At most, I rented RE5 twice to play with a friend. With every news I get about them, I have less interest in doing so.


I have no problem with this.



Capcom is a horrible company.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

fucking Capcom.
fucking Monster Hunter not being an EU/US release.

Capcom proud to charge you for on disc dlc Tumblr_lz9iqhm9Ge1r3zat8



Ante wrote:Capcom is a horrible company.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The only thing I ever really cared about that capcom made was megaman and there hasn't really been any good megaman games since the SNES. Well unless you count the new NES style ones they did but I haven't played those so I can't comment.

as for the video it was really good. I actually watched the whole thing.



Ok dafuq. I just got to the part about the To Catch A Predator guy, so much laughter. Can't even stop giggling.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:Ok dafuq. I just got to the part about the To Catch A Predator guy, so much laughter. Can't even stop giggling.

Yeah I thought that was rather random...he was all like "big business practices are bullshit now here's some dudes spanking it to underage girls who are actually some dude in a mask"



HydrasBreath wrote:
Pariah wrote:Ok dafuq. I just got to the part about the To Catch A Predator guy, so much laughter. Can't even stop giggling.

Yeah I thought that was rather random...he was all like "big business practices are bullshit now here's some dudes spanking it to underage girls who are actually some dude in a mask"

I don't care about capcom, haven't played one of their games since I got a ps3 or 360. that part actually made me laugh though, hilarious.



I don't see the problem. Just because Capcom had the capability to put more things into the game before launch doesn't mean they have an obligation to. In their opinion, the game on the disk when you buy is worth the full price. If you don't agree, don't buy it. They consider the inaccessible DLC to be worth more than just the price of the vanilla game. Either way, Capcom was going to make this DLC. Whether or not it's on the disk only affects how long it takes you to download.



I go to buy my Capcom brand car and pay full price for it. Much to my dismay, the car has no radio. I question Capcom on this and they reply with "that costs extra". I shouldn't be paying extra for something when I've payed the full price for the product.

DLC is something extra you begin work on after you finish the game.

This isn't even extra stuff, its just crap they remove from the game, lock on the disc, and make you pay extra for.

That said, the most recent Capcom product I've bought was Megaman 9.



Also this:



Adam Jensen wrote:I have no problem with this.

Dave wrote:I don't see the problem. Just because Capcom had the capability to put more things into the game before launch doesn't mean they have an obligation to. In their opinion, the game on the disk when you buy is worth the full price. If you don't agree, don't buy it. They consider the inaccessible DLC to be worth more than just the price of the vanilla game. Either way, Capcom was going to make this DLC. Whether or not it's on the disk only affects how long it takes you to download.

That's because there is no problem with this. The only problem with this, is the people that have a problem with this.

When you buy a game you buy exactly what they agreed to sell you for your X amount of money. No more. No less.

It doesn't matter in the slightest what is contained on the disc. Your disc could have the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, the 1st season of Walking Dead and naked pictures of DPP's mom on it and guess what? You wouldn't own any of that either. You only own what you purchased. That's it.



I still think its lame they lock out finished content on disk before the game is released. This is a relatively new phenomenon, and I hate it, personally.



Metalzoic wrote:
Adam Jensen wrote:I have no problem with this.

Dave wrote:I don't see the problem. Just because Capcom had the capability to put more things into the game before launch doesn't mean they have an obligation to. In their opinion, the game on the disk when you buy is worth the full price. If you don't agree, don't buy it. They consider the inaccessible DLC to be worth more than just the price of the vanilla game. Either way, Capcom was going to make this DLC. Whether or not it's on the disk only affects how long it takes you to download.

That's because there is no problem with this. The only problem with this, is the people that have a problem with this.

When you buy a game you buy exactly what they agreed to sell you for your X amount of money. No more. No less.

It doesn't matter in the slightest what is contained on the disc. Your disc could have the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, the 1st season of Walking Dead and naked pictures of DPP's mom on it and guess what? You wouldn't own any of that either. You only own what you purchased. That's it.

I agree with this. nonetheless, theres just something dirty about having to pay extra to use something you already physically own.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Either way I don't support these practices. For me DLC were like expansion packs, but for consoles.

But companies don't look at it like that anymore, so whatever. For me I own what I buy (in this case the disc and its contents) as long as I don't make bad use of it, like making pirate copies of it. They can go ahead and do it, I just won't buy it.



Well there is a standard for what a videogame is worth nowadays, and Capcom is bypassing that. Just a shitty practice IMO.

And when did customer satisfaction become moot in a consumer market?

None of this stuff would fly in other forms of entertainment. Like if you buy a movie, and you have to pay an extra $5 to see all of the scenes with a certain character. People wouldn't be too happy with that. Sure, it's a valid and legal thing for them to do, they make the product they name the price, but it's just shitty.


"By including these 12 characters on the disc, the idea was to ensure easy compatibility between players who do and do not choose to download the characters when they arrive as DLC."

We're too lazy to try. (This is actually very easy, SR3 handled it perfectly)

"The update also saves on file size - instead of a massive download, there will be a much smaller unlock that brings the new content to the surface."

Bad cover up.

"This move also furthers our desire to avoid a "Super" version of the game down the road. Everything you need to enjoy this game for months (and years) to come will be accessed by the retail disc available this week."

Shouldn't be so greedy in the first place.

"While Capcom is sorry that some of its fans are not happy about the chosen method of delivery for the DLC, we believe that this method will provide more flexible and efficient gameplay throughout the game's lifecycle. There is effectively no distinction between the DLC being ''locked'' behind the disc and available for unlocking at a later date, or being available through a full download at a later date, other than delivery mechanism."

They're not sorry.



If you buy a disc game for the PC and this happens, isn't there a way to unlock it yourself? Could've sworn I saw something like that on the ME3 boards with the From Ashes DLC.



Like I said, if you don't think the game that you get for 60 bucks is worth it, don't buy it. Consumer satisfaction is still relevant, if you're not satisfied, don't buy it. It's not like you need any of these games in any way shape or form.



Dave wrote:Like I said, if you don't think the game that you get for 60 bucks is worth it, don't buy it. Consumer satisfaction is still relevant, if you're not satisfied, don't buy it. It's not like you need any of these games in any way shape or form.

I mean obviously you don't have to buy it. I'm not buying it.

But since I enjoy gaming quite a bit, I would really rather just not have the market saturated with shit like this rather than just stop gaming altogether.



Chewy wrote:
Dave wrote:Like I said, if you don't think the game that you get for 60 bucks is worth it, don't buy it. Consumer satisfaction is still relevant, if you're not satisfied, don't buy it. It's not like you need any of these games in any way shape or form.

I mean obviously you don't have to buy it. I'm not buying it.

But since I enjoy gaming quite a bit, I would really rather just not have the market saturated with shit like this rather than just stop gaming altogether.

this is kind of the opinion I have. But really...I'm just waiting for Capcom to go under eventually.


Khfan60 wrote:If you buy a disc game for the PC and this happens, isn't there a way to unlock it yourself? Could've sworn I saw something like that on the ME3 boards with the From Ashes DLC.

I have seen the From Ashes DLC mentioned before when talking about on-disc locked content. From what I have read the only part of the From Ashes content that was actually on the disc was basically... Javik. The mission you get him during is not on there. A little shady, yeah. But they used the same thing for the DLC characters on ME2. Include the character model (and possibly the VA files? Not sure. Will look into it.) on the disk but nothing else.

I know what you're getting at with this comment though. I am mostly just throwing out some random information that I had on that particular aspect.

On-disc locked content is a bullshit practice that I don't agree with. Me and my friend Jerry were hanging out a couple weeks ago and were actually discussing how DLC and the current gaming trends could lead to another collapse of gaming like what happened after the old Atari systems.

Games could hit a point where it is too expensive to make them. More demands for better graphics and such keep upping the cost. This means games would either have to go up in price or they would have to count on selling millions of units of each game to recoup expenses to make the games. $60+ for games is already getting a little steep considering the few hours you get out of most of them.

At this point, I'm not sure how sad I would be to see gaming go "belly up". Some companies are making poor decisions that are just out to nickel and dime people to death in all the wrong ways.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

The problem with this crap is that other companies will catch up and do it themselves once they see that customers like taking it in the pooper.

The funny thing is that the ones doing this are companies already swimming in money, not the small developers with low budgets.


Ars Diaboli wrote:The problem with this crap is that other companies will catch up and do it themselves once they see that customers like taking it in the pooper.

The funny thing is that the ones doing this are companies already swimming in money, not the small developers with low budgets.

Exactly. While I agree with what Metal said, I also agree with (I think it was) Sym. It is a shitty practice that, I feel, is leading the industry into a "crash and burn" scenario.



We might have another game crash on our hands. Just like the 80s.


VictimOfNada wrote:
Ars Diaboli wrote:The problem with this crap is that other companies will catch up and do it themselves once they see that customers like taking it in the pooper.

The funny thing is that the ones doing this are companies already swimming in money, not the small developers with low budgets.

Exactly. While I agree with what Metal said, I also agree with (I think it was) Sym. It is a shitty practice that, I feel, is leading the industry into a "crash and burn" scenario.

This has been going on longer than people think and the VG industry isn't crashing or burning anytime soon.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

D wrote:This has been going on longer than people think and the VG industry isn't crashing or burning anytime soon.

D is right, and I think Ducksaws said it best. The only way to stop this from continuing is to not buy it.



D wrote:
VictimOfNada wrote:
Ars Diaboli wrote:The problem with this crap is that other companies will catch up and do it themselves once they see that customers like taking it in the pooper.

The funny thing is that the ones doing this are companies already swimming in money, not the small developers with low budgets.

Exactly. While I agree with what Metal said, I also agree with (I think it was) Sym. It is a shitty practice that, I feel, is leading the industry into a "crash and burn" scenario.

This has been going on longer than people think and the VG industry isn't crashing or burning anytime soon.

Paid DLC has been going on for just under 10 years, so I wouldn't say it's been going on for all that long.

That being said I don't think the industry is going to crash and burn as a result, just decrease in quality.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

The most shitty practices were implemented just some years ago.

I've been playing for more than a decade, and not until mid-way in this gen did things started to turn like this. Either way, I only need to get rid of EA, I don't buy from the rest of megapublishers pulling crap like this, but EA publishes 2 franchises I like. QQ. I can see myself eventually running to Red Orchestra instead of Battlefield Razz


Chewy wrote:
D wrote:
VictimOfNada wrote:
Ars Diaboli wrote:The problem with this crap is that other companies will catch up and do it themselves once they see that customers like taking it in the pooper.

The funny thing is that the ones doing this are companies already swimming in money, not the small developers with low budgets.

Exactly. While I agree with what Metal said, I also agree with (I think it was) Sym. It is a shitty practice that, I feel, is leading the industry into a "crash and burn" scenario.

This has been going on longer than people think and the VG industry isn't crashing or burning anytime soon.

Paid DLC has been going on for just under 10 years, so I wouldn't say it's been going on for all that long.

That being said I don't think the industry is going to crash and burn as a result, just decrease in quality.

I don't mean just DLC. I mean everything about the industry. Games are getting shorter. The MP landscape is homogenizing to a degree. Games are getting more costly to make. Like I stated in previous posts.

A culmination of rising costs, various other factors, and shitty (from a consumer's POV) business practices could, I feel, drive interest in gaming down and cause a crash.



I agree,I really feel the quality in alot of stuff has went down....story and gameplay take a hit since it's all about pew pew online shooters or good graphics



I don't think there's going to be any sort of financial crash. The amount of people interested in gaming is constantly increasing.

I do however see games getting a lot dumber to appeal to the masses to account for the increases in costs. Unless the masses start getting a lot smarter and better at video games.


Chewy wrote:I don't think there's going to be any sort of financial crash. The amount of people interested in gaming is constantly increasing.

I do however see games getting a lot dumber to appeal to the masses to account for the increases in costs. Unless the masses start getting a lot smarter and better at video games.

Makes sense. I just feel like eventually people will get tired of the continued "dumbing down" of games at some point. When that happens... poof. This generation of systems has been boring the hell out of me. I doubt I will bother with many games after Assassin's Creed 3. Hell... I don't think I'm going to play games at all after this generation is done. From a business standpoint I understand trying to appeal to the largest number of people possible... but this has led to a massive decline in quality in my eyes.

I think my problem is that I have a kid on the way, the economy sucks ass, and I'm just getting to the point where I'm looking at games like something I am just done with. I'm tired of seeing these DLC issues. The piracy issues that make gaming a pain in the ass for the honest people. I'm just tired of all of the controversy and the decline of quality gaming to appease the masses.

I am/was a gamer. Profit margins mean nothing to me. I just want/wanted to play games I enjoy/enjoyed. When I no longer enjoy the games... it's time to stop. I think that wall is almost upon me... and I think there are a lot of "older" gamers, like me, out there that are tiring of the gaming world's antics.



I have enough of a backlog to last a lifetime really,I think I'm skipping the next gen too...idk.At least waiting about 4 years for it to get cheap

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

VictimOfNada wrote:
Chewy wrote:I don't think there's going to be any sort of financial crash. The amount of people interested in gaming is constantly increasing.

I do however see games getting a lot dumber to appeal to the masses to account for the increases in costs. Unless the masses start getting a lot smarter and better at video games.

Makes sense. I just feel like eventually people will get tired of the continued "dumbing down" of games at some point. When that happens... poof. This generation of systems has been boring the hell out of me. I doubt I will bother with many games after Assassin's Creed 3. Hell... I don't think I'm going to play games at all after this generation is done. From a business standpoint I understand trying to appeal to the largest number of people possible... but this has led to a massive decline in quality in my eyes.

I think my problem is that I have a kid on the way, the economy sucks ass, and I'm just getting to the point where I'm looking at games like something I am just done with. I'm tired of seeing these DLC issues. The piracy issues that make gaming a pain in the ass for the honest people. I'm just tired of all of the controversy and the decline of quality gaming to appease the masses.

I am/was a gamer. Profit margins mean nothing to me. I just want/wanted to play games I enjoy/enjoyed. When I no longer enjoy the games... it's time to stop. I think that wall is almost upon me... and I think there are a lot of "older" gamers, like me, out there that are tiring of the gaming world's antics.

You could just play old single player games. There's a huge library of REALLY great titles.

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