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Played the multi player for ME3 for a bit

Epyk MD
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Been loving it, but does it seem like the vanguard is a bit OP? That biotic charge and shock punch thing destroys everything in their path, the only thing I think that can even remotely compete with the damage output is a Krogan...well... Anything.

Kind of makes me feel like the other classes are not as useful considering the vanguard appears to be the win all be all class.



Human vanguard is only really effective in bronze. If played really well they can compete in silver too, but they generally get destroyed in gold.

You want OP? Try the salarian engineer when you unlock him. That's OP.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Sal the Salarian would protest but hes in a make out session with a banshee.



Epyk wrote:Sal the Salarian would protest but hes in a make out session with a banshee.

Nothing like grinding up against synthetic beer gut and energy nipples. Aww yeah.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Perhaps that's why I see so many of them in the lower level games, it's a massive pain in the ass if you don't have any gear in the latter difficulties

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

now bronze and silver are kind of boring now that ive gotten into the grove with gold.
id recommend doing geth alot art, until you start getting credits



Human Vanguard is the most op thing in Bronze and Silver where you can one-hit anything. Krogan anything is the second most op thing in Bronze/Silver. Both get demolished in Gold where everything has a bunch of health and damage. But Salarian Engi is still op in Gold because of the Decoy. Although I think it got nerfed, I was playing with Frost the other day and his kept getting destroyed, resulting in me getting shot in the face, him reviving me and then licking my visor whilst going on about Dora the Marine and Humvee windows. Anyways, the moral of the story is that Zamboni's are awesome.



Yeah like everyone said Vanguard isn't too great in gold. It's certainly feasible but you have to be careful with it.

What's so great about Salarian engineer by the way? I never got the point of a decoy when the combat drone is a decoy but it also shoots rockets at people.



The Decoy can tank the world 50 times over and come out without a scratch. Or rather it could, but I'm pretty sure they nerfed it so it actually takes damage. And the combat drone has 23 health and dies from a Geth breathing on it. Plus Salarians think that my visor takes like lemon pinesole. Or maybe that's just Frost. Zamboni.



Chewy wrote:Yeah like everyone said Vanguard isn't too great in gold. It's certainly feasible but you have to be careful with it.

What's so great about Salarian engineer by the way? I never got the point of a decoy when the combat drone is a decoy but it also shoots rockets at people.

Nothing can damage Decoy except explosives

That makes it immune to all sorts of enemys and they just stand there attacking it while you score easy headshots



And lick my visor.



Chewy wrote:Yeah like everyone said Vanguard isn't too great in gold. It's certainly feasible but you have to be careful with it.

What's so great about Salarian engineer by the way? I never got the point of a decoy when the combat drone is a decoy but it also shoots rockets at people.

They may have fixed it, but there was a bug with the AI that made it impossible for enemies to properly target and hit the decoy. They would just gather around it and stare at it until the duration was up. Also, once an enemy targets the decoy, it's almost impossible to pull aggro.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

except rocker troopers....they are immune to johnny the decoy's charm.



Fuck rocket troopers. I'd rather get molested by a herd of banshees than deal with those damn rocket troopers.



Rocket troopers are annoying as shit, but I'd have to say there are much more things I hate about banshees. Good think the two can never be put together.

But yeah with how quickly the recharge time is for the combat drone I figured decoy was inferior. The drones are especially useful using on ravagers because you can shoot their sacs(which does like 7x damage) and the drone cleans up all the swarmers.

Asari Adept seems like one of the best classes though, I'm still waiting to unlock that.



Spec Reave for AoE with a Drell adept and you've got the ultimate swarmer destroyer. Not to mention the fact that stack it 3-4 times on a big enemy and watch their health plummet. <3 Reave.



You can use throw/warp/whatnot on reave to cause biotic detonations right? I do have a drell adept, maybe I should start using him.



yes, pull + reave = explosion. I'm pretty sure it's the fastest solo detonation you can do. Not as strong as warp + throw, though.


Conker wrote:Human Vanguard is the most op thing in Bronze and Silver where you can one-hit anything. Krogan anything is the second most op thing in Bronze/Silver. Both get demolished in Gold where everything has a bunch of health and damage. But Salarian Engi is still op in Gold because of the Decoy. Although I think it got nerfed, I was playing with Frost the other day and his kept getting destroyed, resulting in me getting shot in the face, him reviving me and then licking my visor whilst going on about Dora the Marine and Humvee windows. Anyways, the moral of the story is that Zamboni's are awesome.

You forgot about Selena Gomez. Well... maybe not. We did discuss her playing Dora and me doing... other things to her...

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i just unlocked asari...did gold geth....broke 130000.



Asari Adept? Meh, she's alright.



Currently working on a gritty reboot to Blues Clues

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