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I love Halo....

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1I love Halo.... Empty I love Halo.... 2010-09-28, 18:39

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

...because it made BC2 fresh to me again. I popped it in last night and I loved it. the thrill of shooting down choppers, and counter-sniping terrible snipers was back for me last night. So if anyone is up for it I'm going to rock out some more tonight for about 2 hours (6-8 mst).

BTW my winning percentage has been hurt by the last two times I've played so I do need some help. Going .500 isn't good enough anymore, I don't care if my K/D is over 2 I only rage when my team loses

2I love Halo.... Empty Re: I love Halo.... 2010-09-28, 21:52



I'll play with you when I get the chance next. Playing Halo has been ruining my Bc2 skills though. Grrrrr...

3I love Halo.... Empty Re: I love Halo.... 2010-09-29, 09:14



Yes I played some BC2 the other night and I felt like I was learning to walk again. HAHA

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