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DOTA 2 Keys

Manila Plague
7 posters

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1DOTA 2 Keys Empty DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 17:23



i have 2 that steam sent me, i don't really like it but i've tried it a bit just add Duan and message me or post here if you want them

2DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 17:37



ill take one

3DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 17:39



I've been curious as to this game, send me one? I'm going to research it before I use though, so I might not actually use it, in which case I'll return it.

4DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 17:47



bam both sent

5DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 17:51



thanks man. I've heard a lot about it, and I wanna check it out, since I'm pretty strapped for PC games atm.

6DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 21:02



Thanks man. Im gonna check this out tonight

7DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 22:00



I have no idea how to play this game.....

8DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 22:52

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

here is how to play sym

1. hit duan for giving you beta key
2. uninstall dota 2
3. install league of legends
4. profit

9DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-18, 23:09



hey i played it like 3 times and i really don't like it

10DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 00:00

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

league of legends is just better

11DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 00:14



no it's different

i can see what makes dota good but it just confuses the shit out of me

12DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 00:36



I dont understand. Is there somewhere they explain the rules?

13DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 01:17



at least i couldn't find it that's why i was confused as fuck

14DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 02:13



Yea I looked all over the menu and nothing....

15DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 02:35



Dota is very confusing and complicated in comparison to LoL.

I just hate the shop system. And they could slow down creep movement and AS just a bit.

16DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 02:59



Sym wrote:I dont understand. Is there somewhere they explain the rules?

They are pretty much the same as every single other dota game.

17DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 03:43



oh god the shop system

i remember my first game i just sat there trying to work out how to buy stuff

it would help the game so much to have a tutorial even a simple one like LoL

18DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 04:13



Duan wrote:oh god the shop system

i remember my first game i just sat there trying to work out how to buy stuff

it would help the game so much to have a tutorial even a simple one like LoL

Could have just asked me Razz (unless that was not your first game when we played)

19DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 04:32



yeah i had played 2 games before then

20DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 16:05



Ive never played LOL or anything, so Im a total noob.

21DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 17:28



and......... dota doesn't have a tutorial so unfortunately it will be hard to learn

22DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 17:34



Yea wtf are noobs supposed to do? I spent some time watching a few matches and it just made me more confused lol

23DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 19:53



Pffft we learnt all that stuff at Uni Very Happy

24DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 19:58



Sym wrote:Yea wtf are noobs supposed to do? I spent some time watching a few matches and it just made me more confused lol

This should help get you started. If you need more help or have any questions just ask me. (I have 80 hours of play time in Dota 2)

25DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-19, 21:38



Thanks Tom

Holy hell, after reading that I dont know if its my thing. Seems like its going to take me months to understand what the hell Im doing.

26DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-20, 00:40



Sym wrote:Thanks Tom

Holy hell, after reading that I dont know if its my thing. Seems like its going to take me months to understand what the hell Im doing.

While you learn, you're probably going to get yelled at.

But once you stick with it long enough, you'll be yelling at autoattacking, pushing noobs who can't see a gank coming from a mile and DOESN'T FUCKING GET A COURIER OR WARDS soon enough.

27DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-20, 02:19



PTD wrote:
Sym wrote:Thanks Tom

Holy hell, after reading that I dont know if its my thing. Seems like its going to take me months to understand what the hell Im doing.

While you learn, you're probably going to get yelled at.

But once you stick with it long enough, you'll be yelling at autoattacking, pushing noobs who can't see a gank coming from a mile and DOESN'T FUCKING GET A COURIER OR WARDS soon enough.

Learning to play dota was probably one of the worst experiences I have ever had in online game. Granted I was playing a SC2 custom game but the lack of support coupled with the insults was absurd. I have found that on average the community is MUCH more helpful and friendly in Dota 2 than it was in the SC2 custom game I played.

28DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-20, 14:01



I think I'm going to pass on DOTA, can't really see myself having fun with it. Anyone want the key?

29DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-20, 19:58



They kept auto attack in for Dota 2?

Motherfucker do they at least give you the option to turn that stupid shit off

30DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-20, 23:06



Frostbyrn wrote:They kept auto attack in for Dota 2?

Motherfucker do they at least give you the option to turn that stupid shit off

Yes you can turn it off.

31DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 11:29


hi, if somebody still have a free beta can you send it to me plz? I like dotas since 6 years ago so I can teach you how to play in game, if you want =) My steam name is insane_pollo, feel free to add me =)

32DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 11:36

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Note to self:
free shit causes lurkers to participate.

33DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 12:11


Epyk wrote:Note to self:
free shit causes lurkers to participate.

hahahah come on man, I just dont know where to find it, I wouldnt describe myself as a lurker xD

34DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 13:11

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Just a joke.
But, its given me ideas.

35DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 14:54



I'll gift you my key. Just add me on Steam, I'm Crow.

36DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 15:27


friend request sended, thx =)

37DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 15:28



I didn't get the req.

38DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 15:40


hmm I added Crow, a guy with a superman photo drinking whiski, if you are not him try to add me plz, my steam name is Insane_pollo, else I will keep searching you =)

39DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 15:52


lol 2430 matches with your name, steam is overcrowed xD

40DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 16:04



hehe, its fine. My avatar is a black and white drawing of Ivan Isaacs from Priest.

41DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 16:04



is your picture the Bleach one?

42DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 16:08


yeah =)

43DOTA 2 Keys Empty Re: DOTA 2 Keys 2012-04-22, 16:11



sent. Enjoy.

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