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Dota 2 is Officially Out

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1Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 22:54



2Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 22:56



This game has been out forever I thought?

3Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 22:58



Sym wrote:This game has been out forever I thought?

Nope it has been in Beta.

4Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 23:02




5Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 23:07



It is weird, I thought it was out too. Kind of odd how people are selling alphas and betas nowadays.

Nice that they finally stopped beating around the bush and made it free. I got it gifted a long time ago and still haven't played it.

6Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 23:12



I played it for like 5 minutes

Didnt understand it so quit haha

Maybe I should give it another go

7Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 23:13



I've been told that learning it is the most frustrating experience ever, and that it's one of the least noob friendly games out there.

And I've never been good at strategy games and the like so I haven't really felt the urge to try it.

8Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 23:15



Yes Moba's are notorious for being newb unfriendly

9Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-09, 23:44



Hmm I already play LoL and all of my friends play LoL so I don't think going through the pain of learning Dota 2 would be worth it for me.

10Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 00:23



Is LOL any good?

Is it similar to Dota?

11Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 00:49



I haven't played Dota so I can't give an accurate comparison, but they are both pretty similar, but different enough where they aren't redundant like how Heroes of Newerth is. I enjoy LoL a lot and its one of the best multiplayer games I've played. It still hasn't gone stale for me for over 2 years. It's also easier to learn than Dota and I hear the fanbase is a bit more welcomne to new players than Dota, but that's not really saying much.

12Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 01:10



LoL is less... complicated.

Not that that's bad, but many things are removed from the Dota metagame that leads to that.

Lol's maps are mirrored closer, while Dota can be described as haveing 2 sides flipped. IE if Lol had Dota style map, the blue ADC + support would be bot, while the purple ADC + support would be top.

LoL is still hard to learn for some people, but there are less ways for the enemy to actively fuck you over (ie denies).

They are RTS's with 1 person to control, and many ways to work with. Teamwork is a big thing, as are champion/hero roles.

13Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 01:15



MH wrote:
Lol's maps are mirrored closer, while Dota can be described as haveing 2 sides flipped. IE if Lol had Dota style map, the blue ADC + support would be bot, while the purple ADC + support would be top.

What is it about the Dota map that leads to that?

14Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 01:57



Kyuubey wrote:
MH wrote:
Lol's maps are mirrored closer, while Dota can be described as haveing 2 sides flipped. IE if Lol had Dota style map, the blue ADC + support would be bot, while the purple ADC + support would be top.

What is it about the Dota map that leads to that?

The map was slightly wider, which meant that the top and bottom lanes are longer (horizontally). Thus, the creep line usually tended to be closer to the top and bottom towers. Very easy to run back to your tower if you were on the long (safe) lane. Conversely, your opponent will have trouble getting xp if he doesn't manipulate the lane somehow closer to his tower. Simply, if you are left team, the creep battle will be closer to your bot tower. Easier to run back to safety, easier to farm (due to tower being so close so you can run) harder for the enemy to do something about it.

There are heroes who can escape/farm when not under tower people pick when going on the hard lane (Clockwerk, Dark Seer, etc), as sticking a carry there alone would be suicide (it's actually called the suicide lane sometimes).

The exception to this generalization would be the offensive tri-lane (tri-lanes don't work too well in LoL, due to the size of the lane), in which you pick 2 good disablers and a carry to shit on the enemy safe lane. This can be risky, as if you fail, your carry is underfarmed, and their's wasn't molested enough to be underfarmed.

15Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 02:14



That's pretty interesting. Thanks for the explanation. I forgot that not everyone has the recall ability in Dota.

16Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 02:18



Sym wrote:Yes Moba's are notorious for being newb unfriendly

Smite is by far the easiest to learn (especialy with auto buy items and auto level as an option when selecting god. Also awesomenauts as well (less Moba...Moba-e?

17Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 02:26



Kyuubey wrote:That's pretty interesting. Thanks for the explanation. I forgot that not everyone has the recall ability in Dota.

No, they don't. However, in lieu of that, teleport scrolls are only 3 last hits, have a cooldown of 65 seconds, and can be used while taking damage.

There is also the buy from lane feature, either buying some essential early items from the side lane shops, or simply buying while in lane and having the courier carry your items to you. As you can lose gold when you die, this lane buying can help alleviate the gold loss.

18Dota 2 is Officially Out Empty Re: Dota 2 is Officially Out 2013-07-10, 02:36



awesomenauts is the bees knees

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