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Almost done w/New Vegas...

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1Almost done w/New Vegas... Empty Almost done w/New Vegas... 2012-04-30, 15:42



Only have the pickpocket 50 pockets achievement,and the one for winning 3 games of caravan and 30 games 0___o I don't think I'll ever win.On a side note while I'm typing this it's extremely laggy >__> Razz

after this,idk,Maybe get the last couple Fallout 3 achievements,or just start AC:Revelations...

cool game,I wish Fallout 4 was out already damn it Razz

2Almost done w/New Vegas... Empty Re: Almost done w/New Vegas... 2012-04-30, 15:48

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

damn, i still have a ton of shit left to do Razz

i still need to complete my legion playthrough :S

3Almost done w/New Vegas... Empty Re: Almost done w/New Vegas... 2012-04-30, 15:53

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I never play Caravan either so I don't have that acheivment. In fact there are a couple ones I never plan on getting. Picking pockets is for hobos!

4Almost done w/New Vegas... Empty Re: Almost done w/New Vegas... 2012-04-30, 16:07

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

There is a really EASY ass way to get the Caravan achievement.

It involves buying a lot of 7s, 8s, and 9s. Then creating a deck that consists almost entirely of those cards.

Then before you start the game of Caravan go thru your deck and discard all the cards that you have BUT the 7s, 8s, and 9s. Then start playing. Place down a 9 first on all three of the rows. Followed by an 8 on each row, then a 7. That should easily net you the win. do that 50 times and the achievement is yours. Its also a great way to reearn caps after you spend them at a vendor.

Seriously, the longest part of the achievement doing it that way, is finding someone with enough caps to farm off of, and the tedius discarding of cards at the start of every game.

5Almost done w/New Vegas... Empty Re: Almost done w/New Vegas... 2012-04-30, 16:46



wow thx man I'll try that out.

yeah man I honestly never saw a need to even pickpocket anybody.....Caps were never a problem and my barter was only 20 for the whole game.

god getting Ulysses to join me at the end of Lonesome road was a bitch....had to reload a bunch,fuck fighting him lmao every time he almost died his stupid eye-bots would heal him.

I actually really liked that shoulder mounted machine gun,I think it would be fun to do a cowboy build playthrough or a "big guns" playthrough or explosives or melee.On this one I did the independent ending

Oh at the end of Lonesome Road it can open up 2 areas depending who you nuke XD .I nuked both lmao.

Both the NCR and Legion were corrupted as hell....I really liked the game,alot of choice and not forced to be "good guy vs bad enclave" like in FO3.......What if we wanted to join the enclave?haha I thought that was like a big weak point of FO3,not enough meaningful choice where it mattered.Still a great game tho.

I wish in NV you could play after you beat the main story

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