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What ideas would you want in Fallout 4?

Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
8 posters

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The talk about nuclear apocalypse got me in the mood for some Fallout.With FO4 coming out who knows when....just for the sake of nerd talk...what ideas and stuff would you want in FO4?I think if they pretty much combined the best of FO3 (world,varied environment,random events,etc.) and the writing,choice,and improved combat in NV it would be good. I think they need to ditch that clinky gamebryo engine....supposedly they did,but heard it was just a rumor.

I finally want a damn AK47 in the game.NV didn't feel like a "real" wasteland because it didn't have one Razz

and no more invisible walls.oooooo co op would be amazing XD



An engine that isn't awful for first-person shooting.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

no more Gamebryo would be just dandy.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

If it ran off the Skyrim engine I would be happy as fuck.



one of the reasons I really liked NV at first was just because of iron sights....but they were so blocky/jagged and low res because of the dated ass engine (I swear FO3 actually had better graphics) I wouldn't mind going back to FO3 now.Got all the achievement for NV the other day and only have like 2 or 3 more for FO3 Razz

nothing beats walking down the road at midnight headed to the slave camp by yourself,low on health,ammo,supplies,to have a damn yauo guei zombie bear charge at you from a "forest" of dead trees.....pulled out the terrible shotgun and blew its head off.And damn it I missed the mirelurks...not the cheesy lakelurks that were in like 2 places in the whole game of NV >__>



No bugs.



Do some more work with hardcore mode.
Better shooting engine
More options for crafting
Make the world seem more full, even if it's just a ton of no interaction NPCs.
Combine the many factions and good storytelling of New Vegas with the explorability of Fo3

Last edited by Dave on 2012-05-03, 19:58; edited 1 time in total



they need to make it feel desolate, society barely hanging on, not like nv where you could barely tell.

i want a ton of combat wherever i go. if i want to go on a killing spree, i dont want to just exterminate a friendly city i want to be able to go into somewhere where i can just mow down enemies

and weapons up the wazoo



Make my character retarded
Make my character a pornstar
Be able to kill kids
No Enclave
Maybe get married
Even more of the crude Fallout humor
Stick with the mostly grey style endings like New Vegas

That's all I can think of right now

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I agree and disagree with some of those Khfan60. And I will explain.

Although you can make your character retarded in New Vegas by giving like one thing of intelligence.

My character in Fallout 2 atm is a pornstar, its hilarious.

Being able to kill Sorry, but I just don't honestly see why people think this should be in the Fallout games. There was a reason kids werent in the first 2 games.

Get married, yes and no. To an extent if done right can be good. But I just don't really think its a huge needed thing, or why it should really be in there.

The Crude humor was something Fallout 3 did pretty well. But it was mostly in the random encounters. New Vegas had it to an extent, but it was mostly dialogue based, and you had to have certain stats to really see them.
There was a bit more if you took the Wild Wasteland Perk. But yea, the next Fallout needs the humor from the first two games....a lot.

This, can't agree with you anymore. I liked and loved the various grey endings you oculd get. And I know some of you might disagree with me, but the next Fallout needs to stay the path of the originals and NOT let you continue after you beat the story. As in my mind, it just weakens the choices and endings you recieve.

But honestly, if there was to be another Fallout, I want it on the new Skyrim engine(which is a thing of beauty). I would love to see it on the Euphoria engine that Red Dead Redemption runs on, but that won't ever happen. Although that engine was practically made for Fallout.
I want the story telling, and character depth that Obsidian can give, and the exploration and action that Bethesda gave Fallout 3. If they both collaborated on a new Fallout I would have the biggest explosion of orgasmic happiness ever.



Good to see im not the only one who wants the game to end when you finish Very Happy

But being retarded in New Vegas is nowhere near as funny as it was in Fallout 1 and 2. Literally every conversation you had with somebody was different if your INT was less then 4.

And kids WERE in Fallout 1 and 2... and you could kill them. Im not saying i'd go around slaughtering them(except if there's a fucker like MacCready), but I just think it's stupid that they're invincible.

As for getting married, I just think it would add to the whole role-playing element



yeah I saw a mod on pc where this dude was killing all the kids in that cave in FO3 and eating them XD

no reason you can't kill em if you choose.I really never got the big thing why it's ok to kill hundreds of people but not a kid.It's the same flesh and blood.We're really all just animals that think too highly of ourselves *shrugs* guess I'm just a cynical realist Razz

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Khfan60 wrote:Good to see im not the only one who wants the game to end when you finish Very Happy

And kids WERE in Fallout 1 and 2... and you could kill them. Im not saying i'd go around slaughtering them(except if there's a fucker like MacCready), but I just think it's stupid that they're invincible.

1) Yup. That was my favorite thing about the older fallouts, the game ended when it was over.

2) I could've sworn kids were only in the game if you downloaded the unofficial patch... Neutral
Could be wrong though, been a while since I played them. I started Fallout 2 again the other day, but haven't advanced out of the first city.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I want random events to come back, I really missed them in NV.

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