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[FO: NV] I'm glad to see my Favorite Fallout gun return in Fallout: New Vegas!

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[FO: NV] I'm glad to see my Favorite Fallout gun return in Fallout: New Vegas!  223pistolThe Blade Runner pistol. (.223 Pistol in the FO1&2) [FO: NV] I'm glad to see my Favorite Fallout gun return in Fallout: New Vegas!  Deck-gun


Why not? It makes it awesome.



Well in the movie it fired Bullets and Lazers!!!!



Lol lazerpistol that fires bullets? Maybe the front trigger hits the second one and fires a Lazer bullet o.o

I liked that gun but none were my favorite.



I had no idea that they had the Deckard gun in fallout... pretty cool touch!



Funny, I was replaying the original Fallout on Thursday, and I just got the weapon, lol.



I just creamed my pants! There is aldo a laser thompson


Symbolic47 wrote:I just creamed my pants! There is aldo a laser thompson

Just grabbed that last night. Haven't used it yet cause I want to get my Energy Weapon skill to 50 so I can get the most out of it.

LOL at "That Gun". I know where to get it but I don't have enough caps for it yet.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What is so special about it? Where is it from?



I think "That Gun" is a piece of shit. It sits in my locker and rusts; I'll take the Varmint Rifle over it any day, I love the Varmint Rifle.


I started a new file and Chet in Goodsprings had a recharger rifle for 60 caps so I went ahead and bought it. It's so fucking cool except for the part where it does about as much damage as a laser pistol.



I had a recharge rifle for a while, but my Energy weapons level is only 20 or so, not to mention it weighed a lot IIRC.


Nah it doesn't weigh very much and it doesn't use ammo so there's another thing you don't have to worry about. I think I'm going to use all the microfusion energy weapons this time. I'll have to find another multiplas rifle, the YCS/186 and whatever else uses microfusion cells. Maybe the AER14 prototype



I thought it weight 10-12 units or something? I could be wrong though. I'd probably use it if I had a good energy weapons skill, but I don't. Also, I tend to horde things, and I avidly scavenge everything I can get my hands on; I consider anything over 160 units iffy whether I'll travel with it, and anything above 180 means I'll return home and sort out my items to make it lighter.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I FONV are there more real world weapons? I think I saw an AR-15 or M4 in a video of New Vegas. I like the fictional weapons, but I always go back to my real world counterparts because it makes me more immersed you could say.


Cookie Monster wrote:I FONV are there more real world weapons? I think I saw an AR-15 or M4 in a video of New Vegas. I like the fictional weapons, but I always go back to my real world counterparts because it makes me more immersed you could say.
They call the M4 an "Assault Carbine" and for some reason it shoots 5mm rounds. There's also a "Marksman Carbine" which is semi-automatic and shoots 5.56 rounds, and it's really powerful. I didn't find any until the end of the game when a lot of the Legionnaires and NCR troops have them. It also looks similar to an M4.



I have to say when I got the gun I was really dissappointed/

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