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Disgusting and disturbing. Greek elections.

Keyser Söze
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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I realize most people won't care, I want to share with you an ugly truth of today's national elections:

This organization is pure Neo-Nazi scum. A gang of street thugs that have been connected with countless hate crimes against immigrants, including beatings and stabbings over their decades of action. A "far right political party" of fascist sub-human members with well known love for the Third Reich and Hitler's ideals.

I am seriously disturbed by what I have been seeing going on today. To see a widely known Neo-Nazi organization expand their action from the streets to office in the past 4 years, is quite honestly, unnerving and very scary. Greece has always been a country struggling to stay afloat, especially in the past years, but I find my self wondering in what kind of a country I am really living in, where fear is so prevalent that a Neo-Nazi party could possibly get seats in parliament.



Hitler did come into power because his country was in Economic turmoil



wow, from that article it seems as if they dont even try to hide the fact that theyre essentially nazis.

I always thought if greece as a somewhat moderate country, i guess not

And then Hollande wins in France? I was pulling for sarkozy just for the sake of stability in europe.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I know. These people are dangerous, there is just no easier way to put it. If anyone here actually read Greek I have a huge article about members of the party that are nominees in the elections. Some of them have trials coming up for hate-crimes, other have written in the past that Greece would be a better place if Hitler had won WWII.

What worse is the fact that Hitler characterized modern Greeks as sub-humans, yet these people give Nazi salutes and yell Sieg Heil. It's revolting...



Is it still 1938 in Greece or something? Shit dude.

Sieg Heil is fun to yell, though.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Zillah wrote:wow, from that article it seems as if they dont even try to hide the fact that theyre essentially nazis.

I always thought if greece as a somewhat moderate country, i guess not

And then Hollande wins in France? I was pulling for sarkozy just for the sake of stability in europe.

They don't. The only thing they downplayed was their pagan ideals, in an attempt to appear as good, Greek Orthodox Christians with nationalistic sentiment, thus getting even more votes from the more religious sectors of Greece's nationalistic population.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

MEGA MILK wrote:Is it still 1938 in Greece or something? Shit dude.

Sieg Heil is fun to yell, though.

Not when people mean it. It is ugly and quite frankly a disgrace.



Rectal Tenesmus wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:Is it still 1938 in Greece or something? Shit dude.

Sieg Heil is fun to yell, though.

Not when people mean it. It is ugly and quite frankly a disgrace.

I suppose you're right.

Why do Nazis have to ruin everything? The swastika used to mean...uhh...something not bad, and now it's practically the symbol for hate.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

MEGA MILK wrote:
Rectal Tenesmus wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:Is it still 1938 in Greece or something? Shit dude.

Sieg Heil is fun to yell, though.

Not when people mean it. It is ugly and quite frankly a disgrace.

I suppose you're right.

Why do Nazis have to ruin everything? The swastika used to mean...uhh...something not bad, and now it's practically the symbol for hate.
The swastika's exact original is not known for sure, but here are two examples of the various meanings, one which we are all familiar with:
Disgusting and disturbing. Greek elections. 150px-HinduSwastika.svg
Right-facing swastika in the decorative Hindu form, used to evoke "shakti"

Disgusting and disturbing. Greek elections. 800px-Flag_of_the_NSDAP_%281920%E2%80%931945%29.svg
The use of the swastika was incorporated by Nazi theorists with their conjecture of Aryan cultural descent of the German people. Following the Nordicist version of the Aryan invasion theory, the Nazis claimed that the early Aryans of India, from whose Vedic tradition the swastika sprang, were the prototypical white invaders.

I feel ashamed to even have posted a Nazi emblem...



the design itself is actually kinda cool... but...



MEGA MILK wrote:
Rectal Tenesmus wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:Is it still 1938 in Greece or something? Shit dude.

Sieg Heil is fun to yell, though.

Not when people mean it. It is ugly and quite frankly a disgrace.

I suppose you're right.

Why do Nazis have to ruin everything? The swastika used to mean...uhh...something not bad, and now it's practically the symbol for hate.

Jainists still use the swastika. Their more devoted members wear masks so as not to inhale any bugs or life forms since they think every form of life has an equal right to live.

But yeah this stuff sounds pretty messed up. I really hope mob mentality doesn't totally take over there...



Greece doesn't have any military strength to resist the UN, so if these guys do anything to infringe on human rights they're out. Provided the UN actually does something they're supposed to.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Not to mention, that for all intents and purposes, Greece is already under an economic occupancy of the EU.



it's better than being kicked out of the EU I suppose.



sorry to hear that man =/ I heard it's really bad over there with lots of riots often,mostly molotov cocktails since I heard guns are pretty much banned in every place besides america for all intents and purposes



Damn dude. Sucks to be in Greece. I'm actually kind of surprised, I thought Greece was more central-moderate, not so far conservative-right. If those guys get elected, I'll be really scared.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Dave wrote:it's better than being kicked out of the EU I suppose.

Other Balkan countries seem to be doing fine without the Euro. Of course, a couple went through civil war to get there. Now, I'm not saying war is just around the corner in Greece, something I hope Greece doesn't come to, but today set scary precedent for the country as well as brought to scrutiny a worrisome trend in it's society.



Greg, if you ever wanna bug outta Greece, come stay at our estate in Serbia!

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah wrote:Damn dude. Sucks to be in Greece. I'm actually kind of surprised, I thought Greece was more central-moderate, not so far conservative-right. If those guys get elected, I'll be really scared.

Central moderate in the last elections, but under the pressure of the EU and debt, it was more conservative in action, which it was before that as well. Now it's all over the place and it is currently unsure if a unanimous government of 151 seats of 300 in parliament can be formed. For all that is known, elections might just be held again.



Rectal Tenesmus wrote:
Pariah wrote:Damn dude. Sucks to be in Greece. I'm actually kind of surprised, I thought Greece was more central-moderate, not so far conservative-right. If those guys get elected, I'll be really scared.

Central moderate in the last elections, but under the pressure of the EU and debt, it was more conservative in action, which it was before that as well. Now it's all over the place and it is currently unsure if a unanimous government of 151 seats of 300 in parliament can be formed. For all that is known, elections might just be held again.

This "pressure of the EU" is the sole reason I'm glad Serbia isn't part of the Union. Your government screwed up, but the EU made it so much worse.



don't you live in wisconsin or something?


Don't worry greg i am on my way to kick some neo nazi ass right now.



I'll bring the guns. I think I have enough to fight a small war.



Rectal Tenesmus wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:
Rectal Tenesmus wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:Is it still 1938 in Greece or something? Shit dude.

Sieg Heil is fun to yell, though.

Not when people mean it. It is ugly and quite frankly a disgrace.

I suppose you're right.

Why do Nazis have to ruin everything? The swastika used to mean...uhh...something not bad, and now it's practically the symbol for hate.
The swastika's exact original is not known for sure, but here are two examples of the various meanings, one which we are all familiar with:
Disgusting and disturbing. Greek elections. 150px-HinduSwastika.svg
Right-facing swastika in the decorative Hindu form, used to evoke "shakti"

Disgusting and disturbing. Greek elections. 800px-Flag_of_the_NSDAP_%281920%E2%80%931945%29.svg
The use of the swastika was incorporated by Nazi theorists with their conjecture of Aryan cultural descent of the German people. Following the Nordicist version of the Aryan invasion theory, the Nazis claimed that the early Aryans of India, from whose Vedic tradition the swastika sprang, were the prototypical white invaders.

I feel ashamed to even have posted a Nazi emblem...

Nothing against gay people, but did they have to make their symbol the whole damn spectrum of visible light?



Dave wrote:don't you live in wisconsin or something?
Yeah, and I was born and raised in Serbia. I spend part of the year there.



I think its possible that these elections are as much about voting out the government that got greece into the financial wreck, as it is about voting in these new guys.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

chunckylover53 wrote:Don't worry greg i am on my way to kick some neo nazi ass right now.

Do tell.

Voltaire wrote:I'll bring the guns. I think I have enough to fight a small war.

At over 7% of the vote, I hope you have enough ammunition.

Zillah wrote:I think its possible that these elections are as much about voting out the government that got greece into the financial wreck, as it is about voting in these new guys.

It is, which is sad, because a lot of their support is youth from lower and middle classes, prime for brain-washing with asinine ideas such as white power and "Greeks above all". Youth that for the most part, have no real notion of what kind of filth they're voting into office. In the middle of an economic crisis and amidst a Greek media that constantly feeds the public bigotry, with it's focus on the crimes of a small group of immigrants, this fascist party has made unfortunate leaps in terms of support.

The Golden Dawn movement - who secured 7 per cent of the vote - has been blamed for violent attacks on immigrants and ran on an anti-immigrant platform, vowing to 'clean up' Greece and calling for land mines to be planted along the country's borders.

Their 21 seats in parliament marks a stunning rise for a group that earned just 0.29 per cent of the vote in 2009.

For those curious enough, in this article is a video of the tanned skin leader of Greece's Aryan race , giving a brief interview in English.
Perhaps, proof that Neanderthals can talk.



Damn, that's pretty messed up. If these guys were to get elected, would you move to Canada?



Now Im no expert on the greek economy but wouldnt keeping foreigners out be a bad thing considering you guys probally have a pretty large tourist industry

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze




Dude just go back to Canada.


It's a sign Greg, you have to become a politician.



Sym wrote:Dude just go back to Canada.

Woah man Canadians are creepier than Nazis

You insult a Nazi he shoots you or some other measurable response

You insult a Canadian and they are all nice

Its weird they are like a country of Ned Flanders

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

seems like Greece needs to legalise weed and have a big hug.



Canada is awesome



Disgusting and disturbing. Greek elections. Fo1_Intro_Canadian_Freedom_Fighter



it's ok because all europe has for us is bbc and soccer.



Im an American through and through. But I would live in Canada.

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