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Which is worse:Day 13

HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Patrick Star
13 posters

Which is worse?

Which is worse:Day 13 Vote_lcap76%Which is worse:Day 13 Vote_rcap 76% [ 13 ]
Which is worse:Day 13 Vote_lcap24%Which is worse:Day 13 Vote_rcap 24% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 17

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1Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 18:46




2Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 18:56

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

This is a hard one(tee hee) but i chose A.

3Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 18:57



Yeah I think dealing with them in person gives them that little edge

Although it can be fun to deal with them in person

*Opens the door holding a .308*

Oh im sorry sir we didnt realise you were just stepping out

Im not going anywhere I just saw you coming Very Happy

4Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 18:58


Eh, i ignore both.

5Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 18:58

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

now this is a tough one...

probably telemarketers, im doing an A-Level in Philosophy Of Religion, its basically a course in obliterating christians Very Happy

6Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 23:39



I picked A but I just ignore both

7Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 23:40




I love telemarketers. I troll the ever living SHIT out of them and it's SOOOO MUCH FUN.

8Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 23:46



I pick neither, I love dealing with both. Telemarketers are easy to troll, but theres just something about demolishing the emotions of a Witness that makes Pariah happy.

9Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-12, 23:52



^ I can't troll people too much irl, i'd feel bad xD

10Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 00:10



Inbread Cat wrote:^ I can't troll people too much irl, i'd feel bad xD
They lectured me for 10 minutes on their bs, I lectured them for a half hour as to why their religion is a lie and when they die they'll rot cold and dead in the ground without any form of justification for a lifetime of failure and sacrifice.

11Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 00:12



Pariah wrote:
Inbread Cat wrote:^ I can't troll people too much irl, i'd feel bad xD
They lectured me for 10 minutes on their bs, I lectured them for a half hour as to why their religion is a lie and when they die they'll rot cold and dead in the ground without any form of justification for a lifetime of failure and sacrifice.

win!!!!!! Very Happy

12Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 00:45



you made them QQ Razz

13Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 09:20

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I vote A since I don't answer the phone unless I know the number so ignoring a phone that's ringing is alot less inconvenient than trying to pretend I'm not home.

14Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 12:41



JW's are a lot harder to ignore. You can easily hang up a phone call, but it's not really nice to just shut the door in someone's face. I usually just tell them I'm busy though so it's not a huge deal either way.

15Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 12:44



As much fun as it is fucking with Jehovah's Witness people, I still find it more annoying then a phone call.

16Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 23:18



At least you can hang up on telemarketers.

17Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 23:30



Ive never had any Jehovas Witnesses come to my door Sad

18Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-13, 23:35

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

They probably just think your the anti chirst. Don't be surprised if you see an angry mob of Jehovah's witnesses standing outside your door with a noose.

19Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-14, 11:11

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Which is worse:Day 13 Video-game-memes-id-open-the-door-for-these-guys1

20Which is worse:Day 13 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 13 2012-05-14, 11:23

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I fucking hate Jehovas witnesses. Last time one showed up I answered the door without a shirt and I shouted at my GF to "get your dumb ass back in that kitchen!"

They haven't come back Razz

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