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What would you do if you had a life threatening disease and were given 2 weeks to live?

Ars Diaboli
Patrick Star
Dropped Da Soap
17 posters

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Like there is no hope for you to live past 2 weeks.

Me, I am going out in style.

I have said for 4 years now that if that ever happens to me, I am going skydiving.

But, I will be skydiving naked, and with no parachute.

And I will force myself to crash land into the playground of a kindergarden school while they are out on recess.
I will make them remember me.



Spend my last days around my family and Siren, write a will with everything in it, flip off most of my teachers, give the rest cake. On midnight of the fourteenth day, I'd lie down on my roof, close my eyes and try to die gracefully. Failing that, ask Isao Machii to duel, die at the hand of a true samurai.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

How would you have pity sex Tom? Not even I would pity you that much. And I am a free spirit.,

Cool plan Pariah, needs more young child mental scarring though



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:How would you have pity sex Tom? Not even I would pity you that much. And I am a free spirit.,

Cool plan Pariah, needs more young child mental scarring though

Siren and I have scarred more than a few kids already Very Happy

*in the mall, I lean over and kiss her*
Small child to his mum: "Mommy mommy mommy, what're they doing?!"



well, dolo

don't only live once. amateurs.

Last edited by $inners on 2012-05-14, 23:21; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : fbg$)



what Tom said.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Pity sex then go on a bank robbing spree.



Pariah wrote:
Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:How would you have pity sex Tom? Not even I would pity you that much. And I am a free spirit.,

Cool plan Pariah, needs more young child mental scarring though

Siren and I have scarred more than a few kids already Very Happy

*in the mall, I lean over and kiss her*
Small child to his mum: "Mommy mommy mommy, what're they doing?!"

I was internally laughing my ass off at that XD

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

How is that scaring kids? I could understand if your both ugly, but that's not scaring,



I'd spend as much time with my best friend and Pariah, mostly Pariah.

I'd do what I've always wanted to do in my chemistry class (scream "FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUTTA HERE, YOU CANT FUCKING TEACH!" then procceed to flip a desk at my teacher and run screaming out of the classroom.

Then I'd either make my mom tell me or do an intense search to get my birth mother's full name. Then I'd find her and contact her, and finally come to closure with that.

I'd give my stuff away to friends, too. Make people happy, you know?

Then I'd try to arrange it so I don't die alone, I'd want to be with someone I care about. I wouldn't do anything crazy, but before going I'd try to make an impact on something. Don't know what, I just would want to be remembered.

Oh and I'd go horseback riding off-trail, up in Montana, all by myself. Always wanted to do that.



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:How is that scaring kids? I could understand if your both ugly, but that's not scaring,

Musta been me, whoops xD



Rob all the Lego sets from every nearby Target/Walmart/Kmart and go ape shit with them.



Khfan60 wrote:Rob all the Lego sets from every nearby Target/Walmart/Kmart and go ape shit with them.

Then at night, break into people's houses and sprinkle their floors with legos.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

At first I thought KHfan was on to something amazing.

Then Pariah had to fuck it up and totally make it 20x more awesome



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:At first I thought KHfan was on to something amazing.

Then Pariah had to fuck it up and totally make it 20x more awesome

I'm making this my general "awesome" pic
What would you do if you had a life threatening disease and were given 2 weeks to live? HrfJOl
and I know you like it Very Happy

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Kidnap children and sell them to the church, buy my dream gaming rig with the money, 3 90" HDTVs, perfect sound from the electronic devices to the room itself, and kickass lighting.

I'll achieve the best 2 things. 1.- Kids will be mentally scarred in the most horrible ways. 2.- I'll lose myself in gaming for 1 whole week in the best way possible.

The second week, I'll nuke all of the facebook servers in the planet, torture its creators to my heart's content until I get bored and kill them off.

Finally I'll steal a bomber and go on a rampage, bombing every major city in the U.S. (sorry guys, I doubt I can get a bomber here) until I'm out of fuel or until I'm attacked and the aircraft is disabled, I'll proceed to go down in a glorious chunk of metal and flames, crashing directly into the biggest orphanatory I can find while listening to Iron Maiden's Aces High.



Me id like to go out Mid-Sex

You know really scar some poor child for life



Drive across the country. And then maybe straight into the ocean. Possibly stop to say hi to a couple people.

Or ride a horse across it, that would be cool. But waaay too much effort. I'll drive.



i knew frost would be able to make this fucked up




Probably sleep and play video games.



drink lots of energy drinks to stay awake as long as possible and take a whole bottle of viagra to have the endurance for 2 weeks straight lmao then like Kalei says "bang bitches" or something like that Razz

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:drink lots of energy drinks to stay awake as long as possible and take a whole bottle of viagra to have the endurance for 2 weeks straight lmao then like Kalei says "bang bitches" or something like that Razz

damn you stole my idea! But yeah I'd get a hold of some viagra or other such boner pill and hump ladies 24/7 until I finally kicked the bucket or my dick breaks. Whatever comes first. (no pun intended Razz )

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Kate Beckinsale for Charity.

failing that, have 2 weeks off and get blind drunk and high 24/7


JrTapia1991 wrote:drink lots of energy drinks to stay awake as long as possible and take a whole bottle of viagra to have the endurance for 2 weeks straight lmao then like Kalei says "bang bitches" or something like that Razz

I think you'd kill yourself sooner than 2 weeks with all of that.. dat heartattack.

Like sheep said i'd like to drive around, just to see some things, maybe visit a far away friend.. Hell since it's only two weeks maybe i'd go visit my ex gf.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I would probably rob a pharmacy or something. Just for starters, then I would have to do something crazy like skydiving or something. Then I would go out and have sex with as many different women as I could.

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