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[Gun Talk] When does it end? 5 Y/O suspended for threatening to shoot another student...

The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

With a hello kitty gun that shoots soapy bubbles

Update 2013 Jan 21

"The kindergartner was ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation during her 10-day suspension, which was later reduced to two days. The evaluation deemed the girl normal and not a threat to others," Ficker said.

"The mother has tried to get the girl in another school since this time, and they won't take the little girl because of this mark on her record," Ficker said.

Last edited by Artimise Flare on 2013-01-21, 15:59; edited 1 time in total



Well it kind of makes sense.

Schools, guns and children are pretty high on the "fucked-up-things" list right now.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

good job, America!



I dont see the big deal with this



there's more to this story. The fact that Fox News is reporting it so minimally (lol at their motto) makes it look like there's a lot more they're not telling.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

She's 5, she doesn't know any better. I probably would have been expelled for how many times I did something like this while playing cops and robbers or whatever if I was raised under rules like this. Granted not with a hello kitty toy, but seriously, suspended is a bit extreme.

A stern warning would have sufficed, if she kept on doing it okay, fine, but for crying out loud, the punishment simply does not fit the crime IMO.

@Pariah oh I don't doubt that, it's still ridiculous regardless IMO.



You do realize what has been going on in this country right?

These shootings are going to have an effect somewhere, especially in a grade school.

You might as well get over it, as this attitude is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Im a gun owner, and these violent crimes have still irked me. Something needs to change.....

They are establishing the fact that guns in school are NOT ok at an early age. At this point this doesnt bother me one bit....

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This will be on the childs permanent record, which will screw her down the line if I'm correct. There needs to be flexibility here IMO. If this happened in the upper grade levels, okay, the child has a better understanding of things.

However, at such a young age she doesn't understand, I am not some unfeeling bastard that is going to rage "pro gun" this or "Pro gun" that. What upsets me is that the system is going over board and over reacting.

Sit down, discuss (if not with the child with the parents and urge them to let the child know it's not acceptable to do that in school) and if it persist' to be a problem, then take action. Zero tolerance seems to have become an excuse for not applying common sense IMO.

It's already established in our current society that guns are not allowed or unacceptable in schools, so what does this accomplish exactly?

Frankly, I say let the kid be a kid, I grew up with violent video games and movies, played cops and robbers pointing cap guns and "assault fingers" at other kids, never did I even think of bringing a gun to school. This is a knee jerk emotional reaction to current events, and while my heart goes out to the affect victims this kind of reaction is getting way out of hand IMO.



Your obviously very biased on the subject man.

I really don't want to get into this again, as it makes my head hurt. Very Happy

Everybody has their biases though, so I mean nothing personal about it.

Just trying to talk to you about anything about guns besides how cool they are is akin to bashing my head against a wall. Cool

Also I dont think getting suspended in grade school will have any effect on her life...I was suspended a few times myself even in High School and it never came back to bite me in any way.



Thank god no one went on a killing spree with a sword

They would have to expel every boy in your country

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Sym wrote:Your obviously very biased on the subject man.

I really don't want to get into this again, as it makes my head hurt. Very Happy

Everybody has their biases though, so I mean nothing personal about it.

Just trying to talk to you about anything about guns besides how cool they are is akin to bashing my head against a wall. Cool

Also I dont think getting suspended in grade school will have any effect on her life...I was suspended a few times myself even in High School and it never came back to bite me in any way.

Fair enough, agree to disagree right?

I'll admit, perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I don't believe suspending the poor kid is the answer. If she was a repeat offender, okay, if she was told that it was unacceptable and the parents were spoken to, fine. But this Zero tolerance IMO has become a general rule to supplant common sense and critical thinking when it comes to situations that require actions that are not simply black and white.



A five year old couldnt even lift a gun let alone pull the trigger

And the fact she is a girl makes it even more ridiculous



Artimise Flare wrote:
Sym wrote:Your obviously very biased on the subject man.

I really don't want to get into this again, as it makes my head hurt. Very Happy

Everybody has their biases though, so I mean nothing personal about it.

Just trying to talk to you about anything about guns besides how cool they are is akin to bashing my head against a wall. Cool

Also I dont think getting suspended in grade school will have any effect on her life...I was suspended a few times myself even in High School and it never came back to bite me in any way.

Fair enough, agree to disagree right?

I'll admit, perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I don't believe suspending the poor kid is the answer. If she was a repeat offender, okay, if she was told that it was unacceptable and the parents were spoken to, fine. But this Zero tolerance IMO has become a general rule to supplant common sense and critical thinking when it comes to situations that require actions that are not simply black and white.


Personally I find myself smack dab in the middle of the argument. I see both sides views...



Sym wrote:
Artimise Flare wrote:
Sym wrote:Your obviously very biased on the subject man.

I really don't want to get into this again, as it makes my head hurt. Very Happy

Everybody has their biases though, so I mean nothing personal about it.

Just trying to talk to you about anything about guns besides how cool they are is akin to bashing my head against a wall. Cool

Also I dont think getting suspended in grade school will have any effect on her life...I was suspended a few times myself even in High School and it never came back to bite me in any way.

Fair enough, agree to disagree right?

I'll admit, perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I don't believe suspending the poor kid is the answer. If she was a repeat offender, okay, if she was told that it was unacceptable and the parents were spoken to, fine. But this Zero tolerance IMO has become a general rule to supplant common sense and critical thinking when it comes to situations that require actions that are not simply black and white.


Personally I find myself smack dab in the middle of the argument. I see both sides views...

Same... I dont even know what i think on the issue of guns.

And no art I dont want a lecture.



While Im a gun owner, I own it more for home protection than anything. Im not a huge gun nut like Art or Volt. The fact that we have the most guns in the world, and also have the most gun murders raises alot of red flags to me.



I remember when I was young in school years ago they tried to get me in trouble just for drawing toy guns in our journals for free time. They were always shunned and treated like a very bad thing,and that's here in Tx >__>



You guys cant pull off unarmed cops like us

I mean you started an arms race and you cant go back now



I got in trouble in middle school for drawing a bunch of guns and shit on a folder I had, I think it was stuff from Battlefield. My teacher got really upset and sent me a guidance counselor, but the counselor was just like "woah these drawings are pretty good dude... uhh dont let your teacher see this stuff tho"

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

That happened to me too, but it wasn't even for guns, it was for drawing knives, swords and some medieval knights fighting each other.

I do remember another kid getting in trouble for drawing guns in class, but he wasn't punished, the teacher was nice enough to pull him off to the side and ask him not to draw them in class since he could get in trouble. It happened when I was in the 4th or 5th grade.



This was my latin teacher. She was crazy and no one liked her and she got fired my last year at middle school. She asked me to draw a scene with some greek figure fighting the hydra and I made it supremely gorey with dismembered hydra heads and blood and stuff everywhere. She said nevermind after she saw it.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Damn duck, that's crazy lol.

Weirdest thing I ever heard from a teacher is that one of my brothers HS teacher married one of his students (Totally not creepy right?)



the school branded this girl a "terrorist threat." yeah. talk about overboard.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Heaven forbid, she might have caused some poor kids eyes to get all teary from the soapy bubbles being shot into them. Rolling Eyes


Me and my friend would draw characters with guns/swords and "battle" them, this was like in 5th grade never got in trouble for it.



My brother and I have had a bad relationship with this one science teacher. My older brother had him and he turned on all the gas valves in the room and took out a box of matches before they caught him. but this was in the 90's so no one cared. Then I, over the course of the year, hid almost all of his rulers in a crack between the desk tops and their frames. He was pissed when he figured it out, and he went around the room and got like three rulers out of every desk. Some asshole ratted me out though. I had to miss field day.



My first highschool science teacher looked like the Cop from Temrinator 2 Very Happy

My Second was fresh out of teaching college and always wore denim short skirts Very Happy

My Human bio teacher was kind of a bitch and she moved here from India after she slept with a student while teaching at an all boys school

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Heh, I remember there was one teacher at my highschool that every freshman had a hard on for. Mrs. Rodberg if I recall, she was possibly one of the coolest english teachers I ever had. Pretty hot too if I recall lol.



I had a teacher like that. Pretty sure the school flag was at half mast the day she got married.



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Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Frankly, the little bitch should be sent to Guantanamo bay and be made an example out of.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

summary execution. its the only way to curb this insanity.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

That's right string her up! Ignorance of the law is no excuse!



I say we tie each of her limbs to a horse!



im more concerned with who is manufacturing a hello kitty themed toy gun?



Fucking China




someone has to ask them to make it

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Updated with a few highlights of the second article.

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