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[D3] Main skill sets

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1[D3] Main skill sets Empty [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-19, 09:21



Wizard (Lv29)

AOE / Non-Boss Skill set
L: Electrocute - Chain Lightening
R: Disintegrate - Convergence
1: Frost Nova - Cold Snap
2: Blizzard - None
3: Ice Armor - Chilling Aura
4: Mirror Image - None (will change to Archon ASAP)
Passive: Astral Presence, Prodigy

The main style is to spam blizzard in large area, slowing & damaging as much as possible, then chain lightening a few times to gain back MP, then hold right click to disintegrate everyone.

L: Electrocute - Chain Lightening
R: Ray of Frost - Snow Blast
1: Frost Nova - Cold Snap
2: Blizzard - None
3: Ice Armor - Chilling Aura
4: Mirror Image - None (will change to Archon ASAP)
Passive: Astral Presence, Prodigy

The only difference is the change of Disintegrate to Ray of Frost. As most likely there will be less amount of mobs to take care of, and there will also be more change to concentrate on the boss. So continuous spam of Ray of Frost on the boss drains his HP pretty fast.

The first two to three seconds are the most tense in boss fight, as I am defenseless changing the skill. LoL

2[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-19, 15:24



Just remember, when you hit 60 you're going to want to keep your skill set the same each play session to keep the Nephalem Valor buff.

I'm still experimenting a lot, but my fallback for when doing co-op nightmare is...

L - Bola Shot / Volatile Explosives
R - Rapid Fire / Fire Support
1 - Multishot / Fire at Will
2 - Smokescreen / Lingering Fog
3 - Impale / Chemical Burn
4 - Shadow Power / Nightbane

P1 - Vengeance
P2 - Steady Aim
P3 - Nightstalker

I am a DPS machine, but I'm also pretty squishy. I've got a lot of "life on hit" and "life on kill" gear to keep me going. Demon Hunter was a good first choice, I love this class.

3[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-19, 23:43



The heck is Nephalem Valor buff?

I guess its a buff that is given when you stick with a skill set?

I suppose I should try sticking with my AOE style, or expand upon it, as I'm still getting more runes and skills, as I just reached level 31ish.

4[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-20, 00:55



It's a stacking buff you get at 60 each time you kill a rare pack/elite/boss that hugely improves your magic find. It drops whenever you switch a skill/skill rune/leave a game. I think it caps out at +75%.

5[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-20, 01:01

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Shit!, that's crazy

6[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-20, 01:47



Hmm... So if I change my skill set, I suppose it resets to 0%?

And I kill rare and above mobs, does it stack back up?

7[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-20, 23:08



I have changed mine slightly, to make it more multiplayer-oriented and being able to access more skill/runes.

L: Electrocute - Chain Lightening
R: Disintegrate - Chaos Nexus
1: Slow Time - Time Warp
2: Blizzard - Grasping Chill
3: Familiar - Sparkflint
4: Mirror Image - Duplicates (will change to mocking demise)
Passive: Astral Presence, Prodigy, Glass Cannon

Skills are chosen mainly as DPS with assistance to tank with slower enemy attacks + more damage dealt to enemies, as long as the tank fights relatively close to me.

8[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-25, 16:33



I'm level 29 with my DH but this is my skill set:!Yc!aZaZaZ

L - Hungering Arrow/ Puncturing
R - Elemental Arrow / Frost Arrow (I just switched this from ball lighting which is also awesome)
1 - Caltrop/ Hooked spines
2 - Vault / rattling roll (my oh shit button)
3 - Multishot / Fire at Will
4 - Companion / Bat companion

P1 - Steady Aim
P2 - Cull the weak
P3 - not unlocked yet

So basically fire a couple frost arrows, drop the caltrops if/when they get close and kite a bit. Multi/Frost arrows drop mobs so fast... but I'm in Normal so that doesn't mean much.

9[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-26, 00:10



Let's see now.

L: Electocute / Chain Lightning
R: Disintegrate / Chaos Nexus (helped me get the 30 kills 1 hit achievement)
1: Diamond Skin / (more defense rune)
2: Arcane Hydras
3: Meteor w/ burning
4: Archon/ Ice Armor/ Tornadoes/ Blizzard

Tornadoes are hilarious in small rooms.

10[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-26, 00:27



L: Electrocute - Chain Lightening
R: Arcane Orb - Arcane Nova (maybe Obliteration. Experimenting)
1: Blizzard - Snow Bound
2: Hydra - Venom Hydra
3: Magic Weapon - Force Weapon
4: Teleport - Fracture
Passive: Astral Presence, Prodigy, Glass Cannon

Seems to be working the best for me in Hell, both in terms of MP and Solo.

Its starting to become that solo play seems to be getting quite a lot easier, compared to MP, but MP is more fun. Though, I lose a lot of gold if I meet idiot players, whom increase my repair cost...

11[D3] Main skill sets Empty Re: [D3] Main skill sets 2012-05-29, 02:04



L: Electrocute - Lightening Blast
R: Arcane Orb - Arcane Nova
1: Blizzard - Snow Bound
2: Hydra - Venom Hydra
3: Energy Armor - Force Armor
4: Diamond Skin - Crystal Shell
Passive: Blur, Galvanizing Ward, Critical Mass

My previous one did not allow me to survive well at later stages of Hell, so this is my new skill set.

Worked quite well so far, and basically solo killed Diablo while my ultra squishy partner dps demon hunter died quite a lot, who only survived to deal 5% of the total Diablo's health... (one shotted every single time Diablo teleport swiped)

Working well in early Act 1 as well, so far.

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