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Skill stat in BF4

Artimise Flare
7 posters

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1Skill stat in BF4 Empty Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:18



Has been changed. Now it is apparently based off of how hard you go for the objectives.

Useless snipers will now have low Skill in the single digit range. Mine will probably be in the 10s of thousands.
*these numbers are a guestimate based off of nothing at all.

Sweet. Personally I think that if someone's skill drops low enough it should publicly post their photo and address so people can go beat them up if they want. I feel that would be fair.

2Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:23



Skill rating was really stupid in BF3, this sounds a lot better.

Metal what console are you going to be playing on?

3Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:26

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Frankly, I never payed attention to that stat.

4Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:28



Skill has always been useless

This might be a good change

5Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:31

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah now you can better tell the difference between useless people farming for kills and people who might actually help with objectives.

6Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:31

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Only stats I tried to pay attention to is my SPM, not sure how ya'll manage so high SPM's in CQ mode. Then again, I play extremely conservatively for the most part, primarily as recon and support, so maybe that's why. (Recon with DMR's)

7Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:33

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:Only stats I tried to pay attention to is my SPM, not sure how ya'll manage so high SPM's in CQ mode. Then again, I play extremely conservatively for the most part, primarily as recon and support, so maybe that's why. (Recon with DMR's)
It's called medic get alot of points.

8Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:35

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ah, I always felt kind of cheap running around as an assault class, which is why I played the other classes more for the most part. Much more of a challenge to do well with a DMR recon than the other classes IMHO.

9Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:36

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Artimise Flare wrote:Ah, I always felt kind of cheap running around as an assault class, which is why I played the other classes more for the most part. Much more of a challenge to do well with a DMR recon than the other classes IMHO.
Yeah definitely.

10Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:43

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'm just glad they are making the adjustments to the classes in BF4, the Support and Recon kits look infinitely more useful than they were in BF3. I'll likely be reprising my role as Support or Recon with a DMR or Carbine (likely the latter all things considered, unless the hardcore run and gun pacing has changed as well).

I can't wait to run with ya'll again, BF4 looks like it's going to be an absolute blast to play!

11Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:45



I dunno assault is my most used class but I hardly medic whore

I also use support almost as much

High SPM is entirely possible without medic whoring.

Mine is over 600, and under 700. Not amazing, but way above average.

12Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:47

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I don't know, I think I need to be more aggressive, thing is, every time I play that way, I end up getting killed much more for the most part. As of late at least, have had nothing but bad luck in my matches sadly. Not to blame the blueberries entirely, my skills certainly have gone down during my hiatus from the game.

13Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:50



Who cares if you get killed more?

My K/D is like 1.3, but my SPM is over 600. Im very aggressive, and it helps the team more than sitting back. At the very minimum you create havoc and are a distraction.

14Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:53

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True enough, I tend to look at it this way, since when I play as such, I'm not actually killing enemy players or making much headway. Me being dead means 1 less ticket, and if I'm not taking the bastards with me, I'm more of a detriment to my team than anything.

Also, I'm usually the only one pushing up, or the rest of my squad gets mowed down shortly after. After a while I just get fed up and say "fuck it".

Probably a bad attitude to have, but eh.

15Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 19:59



Just saying SPM is wayyyyy more important than K.D in BF. Dont worry about dying a few times.

16Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 20:45

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True enough, I just feel like I'm not helping my team since I die before making or helping the team to progress.

I'll try playing more aggressive and see how it works out for me. I just suck on reaction shooting, slower paced at a distance fighting has always been my strong suit.

17Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 20:47



Like I say to everyone STOP BEING A PUSSY


Im joking.......sorta

18Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 20:50

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

please...i was so awesome, they made me stop playing.

19Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 22:16

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Epyk MD wrote:please...i was so awesome, they made me stop playing.
Who are "they"?

20Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 22:36



the chewbaccas or spaghetti monster

I'm usually the one only with the balls to push up too...even on pc even on console people are scared to push,I don't get it lol

21Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 23:02

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

JrTapia1991 wrote:the chewbaccas or spaghetti monster

I'm usually the one only with the balls to push up too...even on pc even on console people are scared to push,I don't get it lol
I'm not one to talk, but probably because they're worried about their precious K/D. Honestly, I wouldn't care so much if me getting killed actually meant something and that team actually moved up to help or take the objective.

What really pisses me off is when the stupid ass wipes just sit there, throwing themselves into the meat grinder where the enemy has us completely blocked and wasting tickets instead of going for the less defended flags or what have you.

It's even worse with all the idiots that have come into the game after the humble bundle and now the more recent 50% off thing on origins.

22Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-21, 23:47



it's weird in the server browser I had the entire north america and canada and checked for any conquest and only about 5 servers popped up,and I don't even have the option on to hide full servers...there's a million empty ones,weird

23Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 00:19

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah I know, that's the issue that I have when looking for games as well, most of them also have ludicrous ticket limits like 1-3k! I was all


24Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 01:22



Zillah wrote:Skill rating was really stupid in BF3, this sounds a lot better.

Metal what console are you going to be playing on?
I will pick it up for 360 on the 29th. Switch to the PS4 on the 15th and depending on how good it turns out possibly then switching to X1 on the 22nd.

Although I might stick with PS4 version so long as they don't allow mouse/KB. Depends on which version and which controller I like better I guess.

I agree that SKILL was a completely useless stat before and this does sound like an improvement. At least it may mean something.

25Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 01:31



Sym wrote:Just saying SPM is wayyyyy more important than K.D in BF. Dont worry about dying a few times.
Play the objective and your SPM will go up, sit back and it goes down. That's just how it works. 

My SPM is 624 and you can see that I play every class and use vehicles damn near evenly. Also in 1000 hours of playtime I only have 1900 revives (apparently I suck as a reviver).

Skill stat in BF4 Kit-icon-assaultAssault3,529,580
Skill stat in BF4 Kit-icon-engineer Engineer3,804,850
Skill stat in BF4 Kit-icon-support Support3,915,800
Skill stat in BF4 Kit-icon-recon Recon3,940,480

26Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 01:34

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Eh, I play the objective a lot, but Recon doesn't get a lot of the nice extra points that Support, Engineer or Assault get with their gadgets. Not blaming the kit mind you, because admittedly, I could stand to play the objective more than I do while running Recon anyway. We'll see.

27Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 01:39



I average over 600 with Recon as well. Class makes little difference.
In fact an aggressive Recon using the Tugs (not the MAV) and a well placed spawn beacon can rack up points faster than the other classes can in close quarters.

28Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 01:44



How do you tell your kit specific spm?

29Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 01:45



Whoa SPM is 623. Your 1 better than me

30Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 01:53

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

What do you normally run Metal? Are you running with PDW's or the actual kit rifles? Lately I've been trying to run with PDW's more since it allows for more aggressive play, if not that the DMR's for a little distance. I never seem to have much luck with the TUG's sadly, I place it where I think people are going to travel, but I always find that enemy players get killed outside of its range, or so it seems. Either that it gets destroyed despite my efforts to keep it in places where it's hidden.

Ultimately, I'm probably just "okay" at FPS's because clearly I'm doing something wring with the kits if I can't seem to get past 460 SPM

Also, what game modes do you play? I play CQ exclusively, since I hate Rush with the fury of a thousand suns. Choke points galore, and idiots abound.

Last edited by Artimise Flare on 2013-09-22, 01:55; edited 2 times in total

31Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 01:54



Grab a shotgun and tugs it up

32Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 02:06



Artimise Flare wrote:What do you normally run Metal? Are you running with PDW's or the actual kit rifles? Lately I've been trying to run with PDW's more since it allows for more aggressive play, if not that the DMR's for a little distance. I never seem to have much luck with the TUG's sadly, I place it where I think people are going to travel, but I always find that enemy players get killed outside of its range, or so it seems. Either that it gets destroyed despite my efforts to keep it in places where it's hidden.

Ultimately, I'm probably just "okay" at FPS's because clearly I'm doing something wring with the kits if I can't seem to get past 460 SPM

Also, what game modes do you play? I play CQ exclusively, since I hate Rush with the fury of a thousand suns. Choke points galore, and idiots abound.
I only play CQ. I think Recon is best on the tight maps: Metro, Bazaar, the CQ maps and that other one... can't think of its name. I mostly use shotguns, PDW's and DMRs with it. I only have 100-200 kills with each bolt-action.

And like I said going for the objective is where the points are at.

33Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 02:07



Sym wrote:Whoa SPM is 623. Your 1 better than me
That's really weird...

34Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 02:22

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Just tried a few games, and the whole PDW and aggressive game play isn't working out for me sadly. Every time I tried to make my way to the flag, following my squadmates, I get owned either my M16/M4 wielding assaults/engis or by a jet.

Dunno man, all likelihood I just suck. Not sure if you're playing with friends or not, but I'm running with blueberries. Can't rely on them at all.

Ran a little with the PP2000, when that didn't work switched to the P90, then the UMP-45 still no dice. When with the M39 EMR, nothing, tried tried the 870 and the SPAS and still sucked balls.

So yeah, pretty sure its me man. Aggressive play doesn't work for me. I get owned almost every single damn time even when I'm trying to play "smart"

35Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 03:26



the m5k with laser sight is best to me or sitting back I like the sks, I was playing recon on metro earlier and put a beacon and tugs on the back stairs or side stairs and you rack up lots of points,it's useful because then you know when people are sneaking up the back stairs or have gotten through and are running into A

36Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 03:30

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I hate that map, so boring, also annoying. Usually devolves into spawn camping or a frag fest with smaws and grenades.

But I hear what you're saying, it just sucks the DMR's other than the SKS don't seem to be as useful to the squad. Dunno man, like I said, it's probably just me sucking at the game :-\

37Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 04:11



I'm sure my extensive history of chumpin em on xbox helped Razz

64man tdm canals was even more of a bloodbath than metro...good for getting unlocks for guns lol

38Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 05:32



I average about 2 kills a minute with the SKS and M39.

Just sayin.

39Skill stat in BF4 Empty Re: Skill stat in BF4 2013-09-22, 06:49

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Reiterating that it's likely me just sucking. Going to keep hacking away at it though, hopefully in time I'll get my edge back, or at least improve in regards to being able to line up my shots rapidly.

I'm so out of whack with BF3 it's not even funny, can't seem to get back to where I was several months ago. Back then, I was rocking some socks with the Recon class, not so much anymore.

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