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[D3] Extremely inflated prices in auction house

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What are these people actually thinking?

I understand that there are people who will buy gold online, but with the amount of items that are flooding the auction house, I do not understand how these people are rationalizing their pricing. Most likely, for the vast majority of these high pricing players, these items will not be sold and it is just held in the auction house for two days wasting auction house space, as you can only have 10 items up at a time.

I would assume that it is much better to set the prices pretty low, so that the turn over in the auction houses increases, netting the majority of players more gold in a long run, from observing the amount of rare items (that are decent for someone, but not for that current character) that drop while normal play.

At least, I find quite a lot of Gem sellers to have some sort of pricing sense, so I have bought a few.



Idiots trying to make a quick buck by selling things at insane prices while the game is still new. I just sort by buyout price, go down a few pages until the items actually have a buyout and snag nice, cheap gear. I usually sell my rares for around 4-10k and buy them at 1-5k.

I got a legendary voodoo mask that I sold for 120k this morning though. That was nice!



I haven't even seen a legendary item in my play time...

My luck seems to be more of "good luck but with low threshold." LoL

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lately I've just been salvaging all the magic and rares I get so that I can craft new ones. Seems to be a good stratagy for now until my friends catch up and we can run some Nightmare runs together.



I will gladly accompany you for nightmare runs. Though, I hope you have a tanking character, as my wizard is not so armoured.

I usually have too much materials lying around, as I make only rare items that I do not have one that is better than the one I can make. My current policy is, during multiplayer, salvage everything that is 150 gold or less in selling price, sell all left over magical item, auction off rare and above (but have not seen above...).

Maybe if I can get more blacksmith manuals for training, I will be able to produce something better, but, as of now, I just buy stuff I need off of auction house, among the more reasonably priced items.



StormEye wrote:I haven't even seen a legendary item in my play time...

My luck seems to be more of "good luck but with low threshold." LoL

Legendaries are pointless in this iteration of Diablo so don't worry about finding one. I actually found a nagelring though, that was cool... to bad it kind of sucks.



I found a legendary yesterday, and it gave me level 31 item when I was level 50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[D3] Extremely inflated prices in auction house 0901747722-47-08

And it wasn't even my class (wizard) item, or even useful for ANYONE...

Hope it sells though, but I doubt...

I might SALVAGE a legendary item. LoL



Actually a bunch of the Legendaries are bad ass. At least for Barb.



My next character is going to be either Monk or Witch Doctor.

Monk for Assasin + Paly style.

But, I am leaning more towards Witch Doctor, as it seems like the ULTIMATE class at the moment. It can do insane amounts of DPS and it can also tank better than Barb or Monk. WTF Blizzard...

I feel like Blizzard is hating upon Wizard and Barb, at least from my experience in MP, where Wizard is too squishy and does not have enough DPS, and Barb is a tank without good enough survival skills...



Barb is good solo until mid nightmare. I need one teammate for the reason you mentioned above.

I also have a level 21 Wizard and Im not a huge fan of the class. I love Barbarian though....its so dam fun and satisfying.



Wizard got nerfed in both Beta and after launch, because people cried about it being the best class, with certain combo of skills.

Now its the worst class out of the classes that you can choose from...

I'm going to finish til level 60, and will start my second character (currently level 58 Hell Act 3 beginning).

Btw, I got my second legendary item, but this time, it was worth keeping.



I just saw this pic on the official forums and had to laugh.



Those items are, mostly, bought from non-town merchants.

If trying to use those items, you better have other items that will provide backup stats that are not on your weapon, and setup your character to do maximum dps, and gamble your way through. The problem is that these setups usually gets screwed over, when you meet fast hitting and fast traveling/teleporting enemies.

I have played with one demon hunter yesterday to defeat Diablo in Hell mode, and he kept getting one shotted...

Once again, my wizard has become a defib medic who dealt 95% of the damage, while super ultra high dps demon hunter lived for less than a minute total...

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