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The SeC share circle.

Patrick Star
Mrs. Terry of Hat
Ron Swanson
Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
Epyk MD
17 posters

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1The SeC share circle. Empty The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 14:07

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

What's the news guys.

I'm about 3 weeks into my new job and I just moved. Place is great, job is easy. (Except the 250 pound mattresses part)

2The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 14:18


3 weeks into summer break and i already feel like a bum. Awesome finally haveing a car <3. Haven't been doing much except playing my 3DS/360 and work.

Been playing some BC2 with Tall, so everyone besides Tall sucks.

3The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 14:49

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

2 exams down (the pointless ones) and now im on to the ones i care about. kinda hard to be motivated when all i need is a grade in one exam to get into uni Razz

4The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 15:01

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox



5The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 15:09

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I made my friend buy me a new copy of BC2 so it should be here soon.

Other than that not much is new. I got into another altercations with that girl who works in my store. But thats nothing new. hopefully one day I will piss her off enough that she just quits.

6The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 15:20


Terry Corp. wrote:I made my friend buy me a new copy of BC2 so it should be here soon.

Other than that not much is new. I got into another altercations with that girl who works in my store. But thats nothing new. hopefully one day I will piss her off enough that she just quits.

You'll get the copy and get ready to play with us and then it'll go like this..

"Aww guys... I have to redownload the vietnam update because i deleted it"

Happened so far with camel AND milk..

7The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 15:28

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Nope, I purposely left it because I knew I would be back some day. cheers

8The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 15:51



All my downloads are there still also! WOOT!

Lets see my oldest daughter had a soccer tourny I was at all weekend. I baked in the sun! I didn;t sunscreen my leg enough and it is not a BRIGHT red! Shit is on fire and hurts! She made it to the championship game but they lost. It was a damn exciting game tho!

I'm a Mine Craft addict!

And I'm thinking I am going to become a nun.

9The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 15:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:And I'm thinking I am going to become a nun.

i was addicted to nuns once, that was a tough habit to break.

10The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 16:01



like gilly said, ur not cool until u play bc2 again. minecraft is becomeing more addicting

my 3 least important classes assigned reasearch projects when there is 12 days left of school

11The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 16:02



The Adli Corporation wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:And I'm thinking I am going to become a nun.

i was addicted to nuns once, that was a tough habit to break.

Piss off Delicious_Popsicle!

12The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 16:04



Nothing really significant, just reviewing for finals and trying to find a job for the summer.

13The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 16:05

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:Delicious_Popsicle!


14The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 16:08



Were you on yesterday when camel started his comedy routine?

15The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 16:18

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


16The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 16:45



Last day of school today, it was a half day and I went and saw the Avengers with some friends. I thought it was very good

Absolutely shit grades this semester, im almost ashamed. trying to think about next year. Ready to work all June and then go traveling a bunch in july

17The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 19:00

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Started my MBA program yesterday, enjoying our new house (I need to post pics, I keep forgetting), loving my job. Life is good!

18The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 19:26

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Lets see, finals next week, camel failed his drivers permit test :/, been playing a lot of minecraft and yeah.

19The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 19:29



trying not to boil in this horrible humid Tx. heat

20The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 19:30



Still looking for work Mad

Playing Diablo 3

Writing music

Yea that's about it.

21The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 19:37


Camel wrote:Lets see, finals next week, camel failed his drivers permit test :/, been playing a lot of minecraft and yeah.

Camel if it makes you feel better i failed my permit twice and my driving test four times. Our permit test was dumb to be honest though it was just about things that never happen i failed my permit test before because it showed a picture of a guy with broken turn signals he was holding his hand out the window makeing a fist i thought it meant that he was comeing to a stop apparently it means he's going to make a right. I forget why i failed it a second time i think it had something to do with mirrors and highways the wording on it was really weird...

Pretty sure i am going to point to the right if i am going to make a right with broken signals.

22The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 20:19




And. Um. Shit. Working.

Dealing with stupid computer problems that are hopefully fixed now.

23The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 20:24



I've been looking for work while simultaneously working all summer so far.

Had 2 interviews today in cbus(one was video interview), and one yesterday. Another thentative one in Cleveland and all these recruiters won't leave me alone.

I just hope someone gives me an offer soon, I hate interviewing. The one in Columbus today was kind of a disaster, started out with the dude telling me the programming language I just spent the last year programming in can't really print HTML, and then they wanted me to code some stuff by hand on a whiteboard. Fuck that shit, give me my google and I'll get it done in a minute but figuring out code from the top of your head is a bitch.

24The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 20:29



Man I wish I had a job. Been unemployed since the accident now, and Im going crazy here.

25The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 20:32



Sym wrote:Man I wish I had a job. Been unemployed since the accident now, and Im going crazy here.

They're over-rated man, you're not missing out on much.

But really good luck on your search for one. Any work in particular you're looking for?

26The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 20:41



Ive been trying to get back into automotive work. Its what I like to do, and what Im actually trained to do haha. Its been slim pickings here in Oregon the past year. Ive got a little cushion so some room to be picky, but not for much longer...

27The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 21:02



Camel wrote:Lets see, finals next week, camel failed his drivers permit test :/, been playing a lot of minecraft and yeah.

im not sure if its different per state but i remember these practice quizzes being a huge help. they copy pasted some of the questions to the actual test that i never would have gotten otherwise, only missed two on the whole test

28The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-22, 21:50



Sym wrote:Ive been trying to get back into automotive work. Its what I like to do, and what Im actually trained to do haha. Its been slim pickings here in Oregon the past year. Ive got a little cushion so some room to be picky, but not for much longer...

Ah that's cool, I'm sure you'll have no problem finding work in that field especially if you have good training in it.

29The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-23, 08:53

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Work...soooo much work. Occasional seeing the gf. Sleeping. Occasional posting here. That's been like 99% of the past 3-4 weeks for me. I'm not jamming at all anymore because of work and my schedule not lining up with my bandmates' which blows. Hopefully I can rectify that soon.

saving up money cause I ordered a bunch of goodies to finalize(pretty much...for now anyways Razz ) my bass setup.

yeah it's been a pretty boring start to summer so far.

30The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-23, 11:13

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I started on a new pool team in a new league. That's about it, other than my usual stuff.

31The SeC share circle. Empty Re: The SeC share circle. 2012-05-23, 12:10



I've been lookin too but nothin is hiring here really...need $$$ to pull out the rest of these bad teeth lol

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