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BF3 Premium Service Confirmed

Ars Diaboli
HydrasBreath ♜
Captain Pirate Pineapple
The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
16 posters

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1BF3 Premium Service Confirmed Empty BF3 Premium Service Confirmed 2012-05-31, 17:38



Fuck you EA. This is ridiculousness....Dice needs to focus on actually balancing their damn game before adding new content.



Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't know if I can make myself get this....... I planned on getting CQ but the more I hear the less I know.



Yes I agree. Im about done with this game now. A real shame because it had so much promise and potential.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

BF3 Premium Service Confirmed Funny-gifs-nope



makes me sick.I agree with what the dude wrote,I remember when expansions were more than glorified overpriced map packs.....I don't even do DLC anyway.Unless it comes with a "goty" version like how the borderlands dlc was on a 2nd disc

I'd still rather play bf than cod,but it's the principle of the thing.

I liked BC2 better anyways



There's a patch coming out alongside CQ that will reduce the effects of suppression and fix the M26 bug, along with many other things.

I don't really like the idea of a copy of CoD's Elite, but getting 4 map packs that would have been $15 each for $50 doesn't seem like that bad of a deal. I've got the disposable income.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I hate the wording "for a year" It almost implies that they will release some DLC after a year is up so you still end up paying for it too.



doesn't CQC come out like in a week or 2?Have they ever even said how much it will be?I've heard everything from 20 bucks,to it being free for the limited edition people 0__o

I haven't heard anything about it since the trailer came out

and I have a feeling they're going to make BF annual like COD.Maybe not "bf4" but BC3 next year probably



Terry Corp. wrote:I hate the wording "for a year" It almost implies that they will release some DLC after a year is up so you still end up paying for it too.

There is that to consider. The 4th unknown DLC is a bit of a wildcard.



Fail. BF3 was still a better example of not-dickishness, then this comes along. Fuck it, I'm trading in BF3. I'll just play BC2.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm not paying that. I'll keep playing Battlefield, but I don't see any reason that I need to be bumped from 2 of 2 to 1 of 2 in a server line. As for the custom emblem update thing for custom servers, it's still stupid as they give you the option to add that to your server and not making it manditory.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

yeah I had read about this awhile back. It's pretty frigging lame since I remember Dice explicitly saying there would never be a subscription fee type thing for BF3 and they were all hating on COD Elite.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

The reason I play Battlefield games is simply because they are not CoD. It sucks that they feel in order to compete with them, they need to become more like them. At least it's not something they are making you have to do though. Not sure about the CoD Elite, but someone was saying that other than third party websites, it's the only other way to keep track of your stats. Basically like paying for Battlelog.



ill just buy them separately... paying up front sucks



So let me get this straight SeC.

Somehow having the option of pre-purchasing all the DLC and also getting a bunch of extras thrown in is horrible? It's a dick move? It's copying CoD? They're fucking us? It's so massively fucking horrible that we should all stop playing it because it totally ruins the game?

Having less purchase options and no extras thrown in is OK though? We're cool with that?

So the fact that my insurance company gives me a several-hundred dollar discount, plus a lower glass deductible for pre-paying for the year isn't actually a good deal, but a dick move and I should switch to a company that doesn't offer such a good... I mean such a shitty deal? How dare they!

And the tanning salon that Kari uses is trying to copy CoD Elite because they allow me to pre-purchase her 6 months of tans at a 20% savings, plus she get's priority appointments over walk-ins? What a bunch of fucking douchebags!

Oh look. A Fred Meyer coupon for 15% off purchases of $100 or more. Those fuckers!

Fuck I forgot those assholes at the coffee stand offer me the option of pre-buying 25 drinks for the price of 20. Cocksuckers!



Metalzoic wrote:So let me get this straight SeC.

Somehow having the option of pre-purchasing all the DLC and also getting a bunch of extras thrown in is horrible? It's a dick move? It's copying CoD? They're fucking us? It's so massively fucking horrible that we should all stop playing it because it totally ruins the game?

Having less purchase options and no extras thrown in is OK though? We're cool with that?

So the fact that my insurance company gives me a several-hundred dollar discount, plus a lower glass deductible for pre-paying for the year isn't actually a good deal, but a dick move and I should switch to a company that doesn't offer such a good... I mean such a shitty deal? How dare they!

And the tanning salon that Kari uses is trying to copy CoD Elite because they allow me to pre-purchase her 6 months of tans at a 20% savings, plus she get's priority appointments over walk-ins? What a bunch of fucking douchebags!

Oh look. A Fred Meyer coupon for 15% off purchases of $100 or more. Those fuckers!

Fuck I forgot those assholes at the coffee stand offer me the option of pre-buying 25 drinks for the price of 20. Cocksuckers!

Its the principal man.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

For me, it's the fact that they talked all this crap on MW3 and then basically do the same things. I don'treally care about getting the DLC early as I will end up getting it anyway. If the Premium service offers something really super great, then I would consider it. As for what they are offering now, I'll pass.



Its just another way to mooch money out of people. The industry sucks balls these days.

I guess if you have tons of disposable income it wouldnt matter, but most people dont.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The fact that they badmouthed CoD for this same thing makes it bad to me. How can you say all that and they do the same thing less than a year later? I just wanted to believe that BF was better than that.

And also, do you guys remember BC2 DLC? other than Vietnam we got all that stuff free.



pretty much.It's all about making a quick buck on people



I was about to get back into playing BF3, and this happens. This maybe a trade in causality(sp?) for xbox points for other DLCs I want.


Sym wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:So let me get this straight SeC.

Somehow having the option of pre-purchasing all the DLC and also getting a bunch of extras thrown in is horrible? It's a dick move? It's copying CoD? They're fucking us? It's so massively fucking horrible that we should all stop playing it because it totally ruins the game?

Having less purchase options and no extras thrown in is OK though? We're cool with that?

So the fact that my insurance company gives me a several-hundred dollar discount, plus a lower glass deductible for pre-paying for the year isn't actually a good deal, but a dick move and I should switch to a company that doesn't offer such a good... I mean such a shitty deal? How dare they!

And the tanning salon that Kari uses is trying to copy CoD Elite because they allow me to pre-purchase her 6 months of tans at a 20% savings, plus she get's priority appointments over walk-ins? What a bunch of fucking douchebags!

Oh look. A Fred Meyer coupon for 15% off purchases of $100 or more. Those fuckers!

Fuck I forgot those assholes at the coffee stand offer me the option of pre-buying 25 drinks for the price of 20. Cocksuckers!

Its the principal man.

Yep all about principal, this is a game and the fact that they want so much money + the initial cash from buying the game is a bit outrageous.



what's to say the new dlc's aren't garbage anyways?bleh.Didn't care for karkand at all

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Know what's funny, guys? The companies doing the most amount of BS, are the ones that have the most money, not the ones that need it the most.

I just don't buy the whole "you are saving moneyzzz!" part. Selling your DLC at a higher price and then bundling it together to sell it at a "discount" isn't fooling anyone (all right, actually it is, but not everyone).

Then, there's the always present "omg a company that wants to make dem moneyz, madness!" smartass. Sure enough, companies want money. But I don't see CD Projekt trying to fuck its customers because of it.



metal, its the fact that they are working on raking in the cash instead of fixing the game that is badly reminiscent of the cod disaster.

its also that before bf3 (bc2) the dlc was free (minus vietnam) with your included vip code

bf3 is about to lose a good chunk of their players over this



probably just the same shotgun and aek fest it already is since it'll be close quarters stuff.If I wanted that,I'll go play on metro or grand bazaar for free

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

whatever happened to the battle recorder that was supposed to be with the game at launch

i bet that's the 4'th DLC and you will have to buy it


Manila Plague wrote:whatever happened to the battle recorder that was supposed to be with the game at launch

i bet that's the 4'th DLC and you will have to buy it

Ha, i totally forgot about that..

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Manila Plague wrote:whatever happened to the battle recorder that was supposed to be with the game at launch

i bet that's the 4'th DLC and you will have to buy it

I heard battle recorder was only for PC.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

the recorder will probably be part of the premium service a la CoD Elite.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Meh....not surprised or bothered tbh.

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