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The new Splinter Cell looks good

Manila Plague
Dropped Da Soap
8 posters

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Footage from the MS press conference.
I'm digging the fast, fluid motion stealth approach they show here. The animation is great too.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Haven't clicked the Link. But is it still Jack Buar Sam Fisher instead of Splinter Cell Sam Fisher?



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:Haven't clicked the Link. But is it still Jack Buar Sam Fisher instead of Splinter Cell Sam Fisher?



It looks like an interesting mix of Assassin's Creed, Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell Conviction.....wondering a little if Ubi can get some Rainbow Six, Far Cry and Rayman in there as well Razz

Joking aside, it does look pretty cool - a world away from what Splinter Cell was at the beginning, but cool nonetheless.

Hopefully Ubi will show even more in their own E3 show in 40mins.....

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

if you mean jack bauer from 24 kiefer sutherland does not do the voice of sam fisher

it's Michael Ironside that does the voice in conviction

I am disappoint SeC

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I want eeet, looks great can't wait for spring 2013!



it looks cool I just watched the trailer.His new voice tripped me out at the end tho lol

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Manila Plague wrote:if you mean jack bauer from 24 kiefer sutherland does not do the voice of sam fisher

it's Michael Ironside that does the voice in conviction

I am disappoint SeC

The hell are you talking about? When did anyone mention the actor of Jack Baur...?

I never said he was voiced by the actor, I just asked if they still had Sam as basically being Jack Baur instead of his old stealthy ninja Sam Fisher.

I am disapoint Manila



I actually thought Conviction was awesome.

This should be good

Only downside is Ubisoft...



Ubisoft is a downside?
They make a bunch of great games.



Metalzoic wrote:Ubisoft is a downside?
They make a bunch of great games.

They are Satan when it comes to PC games. They insist on using GFWL on every title which just really sucks the big one.



Gotcha. Must be some form of the Devils DRM or spyware stuff?



I think they said they weren't even releasing "I am Alive" for the pc because they called the pc gamers crybabys



Metalzoic wrote:Gotcha. Must be some form of the Devils DRM or spyware stuff?

Yea GFWL( Games for Windows Live ) is Xbox Live on PC. Its notorious for causing log in problems on just being a general pain in the ass on PC.



JrTapia1991 wrote:I think they said they weren't even releasing "I am Alive" for the pc because they called the pc gamers crybabys

Basically. Plus they whine about pirating on PC whenever their games sell like shit. I love the Assassins Creed series. But not much else from Ubisoft floats my boat.



I remember they tried to charge people for GFWL when it came out,lol that didn't last long.....then they made it free on pc.Which is why I always thought if people had of stood up to microsoft on the consoles like they did on the pc,live would of been free maybe.But they know they can get away with charging it



Yes PC is an open platform, so people wont stand for a third party charge like that.

Consoles its a little more understandable, being a closed platform and all.

I just fell sorry for you guys having to put up with the ads nowadays. I was at my buddies the other day and was amazed at the dashboard now.



yea I was talking about that in a party I was in the other night about how it's cheesy we have ads even tho I paid for XBL gold.I thought it was the same ad for everybody,one guy said his was for some new car,mine was for a supersoaker watergun 0__o

on a side note,I read at E3 today in the fall they're going to update the 360 to have internet explorer finally ;0

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

JrTapia1991 wrote:yea I was talking about that in a party I was in the other night about how it's cheesy we have ads even tho I paid for XBL gold.I thought it was the same ad for everybody,one guy said his was for some new car,mine was for a supersoaker watergun 0__o

on a side note,I read at E3 today in the fall they're going to update the 360 to have internet explorer finally ;0
I'd rather not....



we better be able to download chrome or firefox Razz

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Ign has a way to block the ads



Working in a Korean bank FORCES me to use IE, as flipping Korean government has made a policy quite some time ago that all financial institutes are mandated to use security programs on their web pages and network services that are distributed through ActiveX, and only opens properly in IE.......6........................ WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not even up to date IE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The new Splinter Cell looks good HD720p1280x720by_02avi_000498900

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