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Splinter Cell blacklist blown out on pc

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People who are still thinking to buy Splinter Cell: Blacklist on PC, be aware that it is possible the online experience will not work for you, and Ubisoft isn't really doing much to fix it, don't even bother about the support form.l



Works for me... and looks great... even on xbox. haha



These are some problems I am experiencing.

1. All intro flash (or anything related) are playing at 20X20 pixels at the top left hand corner of the screen. I have seen the splash screen ONCE (when running the game for the first time).

2. The ending SCREEN did not play. It was a menu background with SOUNDS of ending playing. Probably related to above.

3. When game starts, sometimes it reverts from non-fullscreen or borderless to under-native resolution windowed mode (I think maximum windowed resolution of 17@@XWhatever). If this happens, game has hard time deciding whether to use gamepad or KBM. So, some functions can only be used with KBM and some in pad. If you continue further into MP (I only tried COOP), you cannot control your character AT ALL.



Just tried launching the game directly using Uplay, instead of going through Steam, and it seems to have solved the video problem. So, I would suggest for those who happen to have purchased it through Steam, and are accessing through it, should just go directly to Uplay to launch the game.



it won't even launch through uplay for me,I have to find the actual folder and launch the .exe from there, it keeps telling me it can't launch the game and make sure it installed correctly. Bleh. I heard they never even fixed the ghost recon co op/MP problems on pc, looks like I wasted my money like back when I got mortal kombat thinking the co op would work. I guess one day I'll run through the single player.

it also kept putting me in empty lobbies,I find that hard to believe nobody else in the whole world was looking for a match, and I forwarded my ports and everything they said on their forums. No other game has ever had this problem,it's something with ubisoft's servers. When Far Cry 3 came out the multiplayer wouldn't work at all for me putting me in empty lobbies. I played it the other day on pc nearly a year later and found a match,but only said 120 people in the whole world were still even playing FC3 right then lol



I still have no problems but last night... couldnt do shit... I need to move my xbox to the center floor.... I barely connect to xbox live as is haha

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