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RE6 E3 trailer

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1RE6 E3 trailer Empty RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-04, 19:48



looks more "call of duty" than ever before Sad

2RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-04, 20:55



Looks pretty terrible IMO.

3RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-04, 20:57


It looks very "high intense action" which is odd for RE.

4RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-04, 21:02



bleh that trailer killed the excitement I had for it.I was really gonna try to get it day 1,but now I'm gonna wait for some reviews/walkthroughs of it.Guess I'll stick with Borderlands 2 and Halo 4

5RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-04, 21:03



The animations look very clunky and stiff to me as well.

RE may as well be dead. 5 was the beginning of the end.....Sad...used to be one of my favorites.

6RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-04, 21:13



yeah I was about to say that as well,I know it might be an early version but the graphics looked bleh,and it looked very stiff when they were shooting.

>.< why does everything have to be ruined.Even dead space is going more action route/fighting humans

7RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-04, 22:12



CoD, Max Payne, FEAR, Devil May Cry, and RE5 mixed into one.

I may have seen it wrong (watching video ithout getting noticed is pretty hard in the office, lol), but I guess they finally implemented move and shoot.

I'm still getting the game, despite how horrible the game might be.

8RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-04, 22:13



StormEye wrote:CoD, Max Payne, FEAR, Devil May Cry, and RE5 mixed into one.

I may have seen it wrong (watching video ithout getting noticed is pretty hard in the office, lol), but I guess they finally implemented move and shoot.

I'm still getting the game, despite how horrible the game might be.

Yea even though I just bad mouthed it I will still play it haha.

9RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-05, 01:25

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

10RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-05, 02:08



You know, I've never been a big fan of RE. This really doesn't seem too interesting to me. No offense to any fans.

11RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-05, 02:29



I don't blame you man.The old school ones were the best.Now they're just action games

12RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-05, 02:44



You know, I'll admit it, I never really got into the old ones either. I mean, I respect them as classics, but I guess it's just not my genre.

13RE6 E3 trailer Empty Re: RE6 E3 trailer 2012-06-05, 11:30

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The survival horror genre is kinda dying. With the news of Dead Space 3 being "opened up" helps confirm it. The fact of the matter is kids these days don't want a game that is hard, and scary, where they might actually die. They want a game with explosions, and for the character to do badass moves at the push of a button

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