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New borderlands 2 trailer

Ron Swanson
HydrasBreath ♜
9 posters

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1New borderlands 2 trailer Empty New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-08-31, 14:19

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Just saw this a few minutes ago it was just posted today. I don't think it's as amusing as the other trailers but figured I'd post it in case anyone here was interested.

I want this game already!

2New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-08-31, 14:20



You get AC for posting a Borderlands video before me. That's no small feat Hydra.

3New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-08-31, 14:25

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I'm on the ball today...ninjaing the master Cool . I think the video was just posted about an hour or two ago. I just happened to catch it before I decided to go to bed.

4New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-08-31, 14:39



Dude, I want those grenade mods.

Fuck it, I'm gonna go play Borderlands. anyone wanna join me?

5New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-08-31, 15:25

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Ante already posted th...... wait a minute.

6New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-08-31, 17:01



looks cool Razz

7New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 00:44



Holy shit

Man I CANNOT WAIT for this game

Im rolling Gunzerker all the way

8New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 00:49



i'd go gay for axton's turret

wait what?

9New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 00:51




Whoa dude, not here to judge, but you may wanna keep that to yourself.

JK lol

Yea Im torn on my class. The first BL's I rolled the Soilder first( I think it was Roland? )

But I want to dual wield a LMG and an AR so bad.

10New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 08:33

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I'm quite in love with zero...I want to ninja it up. I'll probably try him out first.

also my joy puke levels for this game are reaching critical. Razz I want it NAO!

11New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 19:17



there seems to be a ton of people rolling Zero for a first playthrough. If you guys on xbox wanna do a sec group, I can skip Zero to play a Mechromancer character first time around.

12New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 19:22



<---Rolling Zero

Some of us might be playing him differently though

Im going to use him WoW rogue style I figure some will use him to snipe?

13New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 19:25



I was gonna use him just like my current Mordecai, long-range sniping/close range gunslinger. Most of the time, I use Assault Rifles and SMGs for close range though. I was gonna use Zero as a close range melee fighter mostly, since that'll basically cross over into your style, I'll go mechro.

14New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 19:35

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Nice vid.

I'd probably play as Axton the first time round if I got the game.

15New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 19:36



Gunzerker all the way

16New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 20:11



Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:I was gonna use him just like my current Mordecai, long-range sniping/close range gunslinger. Most of the time, I use Assault Rifles and SMGs for close range though. I was gonna use Zero as a close range melee fighter mostly, since that'll basically cross over into your style, I'll go mechro.

Mechromancer isn't slated for release until 60-90 (maybe 30) days after release so unless you're planning on not playing the game for a month...

17New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 22:25



corrosive shotguns ftw Very Happy

18New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-01, 22:27


I have a feeling i am going to end up buying this unless school really keeps me that busy... Mechro sounds pretty cool.

19New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 01:46



Ante wrote:
Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:I was gonna use him just like my current Mordecai, long-range sniping/close range gunslinger. Most of the time, I use Assault Rifles and SMGs for close range though. I was gonna use Zero as a close range melee fighter mostly, since that'll basically cross over into your style, I'll go mechro.

Mechromancer isn't slated for release until 60-90 (maybe 30) days after release so unless you're planning on not playing the game for a month...

Isn't it instantly released for the preorders? If not, then I'll probably try Maya if I'm playing with a SeC group, or Zero for a solo run.

20New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 08:15



Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:
Ante wrote:
Fuck Thomas Edison wrote:I was gonna use him just like my current Mordecai, long-range sniping/close range gunslinger. Most of the time, I use Assault Rifles and SMGs for close range though. I was gonna use Zero as a close range melee fighter mostly, since that'll basically cross over into your style, I'll go mechro.

Mechromancer isn't slated for release until 60-90 (maybe 30) days after release so unless you're planning on not playing the game for a month...

Isn't it instantly released for the preorders? If not, then I'll probably try Maya if I'm playing with a SeC group, or Zero for a solo run.

No, you just get it for free if you're part of the premiere club.

21New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 11:51



Oh well fuck that then! I'll just play through as either Zero or Maya (absolutely no interest in Axton or Salvador), then level up a Mechro once they release.

22New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 14:05



Whats your beef with Thomas Edison?

23New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 14:19



Sym wrote:Whats your beef with Thomas Edison?

I can't possibly explain it eloquently enough. So thankfully, The Oatmeal did.

24New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 15:12



Tesla > Edison

Edison was a dick.

Edit: Rofl I didn't even see your sig Pariah.

25New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 16:03



Ante, you rock Smile

btw, did you see the Wardenclyffe renovation project? That's where the sig is from

26New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 16:15


The earthquake machine proves that Tesla was trying to destroy the world...

I actually did a report on it, such a cool invention seems like it's right out of a movie.

27New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 16:18



Tesla was the coolest Serb of all time Very Happy

28New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 17:56



Yeah obviously Pariah is going to support Tesla since they are both Serbs

But yeah Edison was a massive tool who only got famous due to dishonesty and political connections

Plus you know he killed that elephant

29New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 18:00



Gunzerker looks neat.

Also, I sucked Tesla's small Slavic penis.

Last edited by MEGA MILK on 2012-09-02, 18:06; edited 1 time in total

30New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 18:04



On topicer!


31New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 18:06




32New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 20:18



I killed the site with one post, damn.

33New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 20:22



This reminded me of you Milk

New borderlands 2 trailer Fcc34007-8722-4855-8a87-48d46db06abe

34New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 20:25



Frostbyrn wrote:This reminded me of you Milk

New borderlands 2 trailer Fcc34007-8722-4855-8a87-48d46db06abe

I've actually watched that show (Yuru Yuri), it's a pretty decent SoL comedy.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

35New borderlands 2 trailer Empty Re: New borderlands 2 trailer 2012-09-02, 20:27



So bored right now

My friend is watching Anime I dont know what it is but a sex scene just popped up and now the lecturer is wondering why like 5 people are clustered around this laptop instead of learning about the wonderful world of statistics

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