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come play in the rain

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1come play in the rain Empty come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 20:12



woo nickel sized hail and 50mph winds....who wants to come play in the rain with me Razz

one time when there was a hurricane here me and some friends were playin football in it lol

2come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 20:14



Sorry man I only play Baseball in Thunderstorms

3come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 20:30

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The last two days we were supposed to get hail and tornados, even though we have almost never had a tornado in my life. But neither time did it happen.

4come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 20:31



I told my mom to jump in the bathtub and put a mattress on top if theres a tornado and she cussed me out and said if she dies she dies she don't care lmao geek

5come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 20:35

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I remember we had a tornado warning last year or two years ago. I laughed so hard and was all like "Dudes, we in Southern California! LOLOLOLOLOL".

!2 hours later our house started shaking like shit, and our windows started rattling like someone was banging on em. I ran outside, and all the trees on the street were all flip-flopping in the wind, and shit was flying everywehere.

And I looked up, and like several hundred feet above us was a Funnel Cloud. I took one look at it, looked back down at our mobile home, and was all like "Well....SHEET."
And ran back inside in a fit of cowardice.

Luckily it was gone in like 2 minutes. But our entire house was rocking like we were in an eartchquake.

6come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 20:39



Pfffy try dealing with an Antarctic wind

7come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 20:55



it was snowing here

it was "dangerous" on the road so i couldn't go to my lectures

8come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 20:59



Should have put brackets around "Couldn't" Very Happy

9come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 21:12



Ive been in two tornadoes in my life.

Once in Ohio as a little child. Was failry small and went right by my house.

The other in Oklahoma on a trip when I was 15. This one was huge, but far away from the hotel.

10come play in the rain Empty Re: come play in the rain 2012-06-06, 21:20



I get the occasional end of a hurricane during the summer. Nothing too serious.

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