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Send me some good thoughts.

Patrick Star
Dropped Da Soap
Mrs. Terry of Hat
10 posters

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1Send me some good thoughts. Empty Send me some good thoughts. 2012-06-08, 22:38

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

My dad was diagnosed with cancer today. They don't know a lot lot yet, he's flying to Philadelphia next week (hopefully) and meeting with a team of specialists. We should know more then. Right now it's not looking too great. They found a mass in his colon and it's spread across his whole liver as well.

Just could use some support and good thoughts. I might be gone for awhile, if they keep him in Philly I will probably be out there pretty frequently.

Ugh. Just ugh.



Bad news, sorry to hear that.
Best of luck to your dad and family Mystery.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im really sorry Mrs.Hat. I understand how you feel.
But I will pray for him if thats alright with you.

I only ask, because I know the majority of this site claim athiesm and I am not sure where you stand on the issue. So I don't want to offend you.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Thanks guys. Prayers are welcome Smile I'm Buddhist so my idea of prayer is different than most people, but they are welcome nonetheless. My dad is Christian so there's a lot of praying going on over here.



Do not worry Mrs. Hat. Your father will be fine, I'm sure of it. He'll survive this, and you two will have a long time together. We'll always be here to support you, and to reassure you. He'll be fine Mrs. H, I promise =)


Sorry to hear mrs hat, i've lost a few family members to cancer but i also know many people who have survived, i know how you must feel i hope everything works out ok.

Last edited by chunckylover53 on 2012-06-08, 22:50; edited 1 time in total

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Mrs. Terry of Hat wrote:Thanks guys. Prayers are welcome Smile I'm Buddhist so my idea of prayer is different than most people, but they are welcome nonetheless. My dad is Christian so there's a lot of praying going on over here.
I know that feel when my grandfather died we had people coming over everyday at 7pm praying for a few weeks straight. Best of luck for your father though, hopefully he'll kick its ass.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Thanks guys. He is a very strong guy and determined to beat this, so I'm just hoping everything goes okay and they caught it in time.



That's terrible news, I'm sorry to hear that.

I wish the best of luck to him, if he's determined enough to beat it I'm sure he will.

10Send me some good thoughts. Empty Re: Send me some good thoughts. 2012-06-09, 15:05



Really sorry to hear that. Ive had similar news as well.

My mother just found out she has heart disease and needs two stints put into her heart. This is actually happening today so Im pretty worried.

Hope all goes well for both of us and our families.

11Send me some good thoughts. Empty Re: Send me some good thoughts. 2012-06-09, 18:48



Sad hug

12Send me some good thoughts. Empty Re: Send me some good thoughts. 2012-06-09, 19:13



thats a good thought

13Send me some good thoughts. Empty Re: Send me some good thoughts. 2012-06-09, 19:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i hope he pulls through Mrs Hat, must be a really hard time for you guys.

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