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Update on my Dad!

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1Update on my Dad! Empty Update on my Dad! 2012-06-15, 23:00

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

He and my step-mom are in Chicago at the Cancer Treatment Center of America. They started running tests today and met with one of their three doctors. They meet with the other two next week. As of now, the game plan is to get rid of the small spots on his liver and shrink the large spot on his liver and the mass in his colon. They are hoping to start him on chemo on Tuesday and send him back home on Wednesday. Then he will have to go back every month to get checked out and get chemo. Once the small spots are gone, they want to remove the part of his liver where the large spot is (it is a very large spot covering over a quarter of his liver right now). They also want to remove part of his colon. He has been pretty up and down today, he was hoping for some better news once they got there, but he is hanging in there. He is in for a long ride, but we have high hopes that he will come through in the end!!

Right now I just want him to come's rough that he's nine hours away and I feel like I can't do a whole lot. And this is the first Father's Day we've been apart Sad

2Update on my Dad! Empty Re: Update on my Dad! 2012-06-15, 23:08


Well atleast everything is getting taken care of, can you visit him on father's day?

EDIT: Oops seen he's nine hours away.. You can always celebrate it another day though Very Happy

3Update on my Dad! Empty Re: Update on my Dad! 2012-06-15, 23:12

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

We gave him his Father's Day presents before he left, and we will do a small dinner or something when he gets back at least Smile

4Update on my Dad! Empty Re: Update on my Dad! 2012-06-18, 11:19

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I was unaware that your father was ill. I really hope it works out Mrs. Terry. Good luck to you and your family.

5Update on my Dad! Empty Re: Update on my Dad! 2012-06-18, 16:12



Good Luck Miss Terry. Your father will be in our thoughts.

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