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What a joke (lady troubles/rant)

Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
10 posters

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long story short,was with this chick I thought was the love of my life for like 2 years,was supposed to get married,had her a real ring,etc and thought I had a kid on the way....she turns out to be a whore(found out she was cheating) and dumps me on new years,gets with some other guy(S) and was already engaged again like 2 weeks later. Alot of bullshit. I wouldn't want her now anyway,but at the time it broke my world. Now she has 2 kids already and is like 19 0___o ,no thx.

anyways,the cheesy bitch sends me a friend request on do chicks like that just think us guys are stupid and will keep goin back to them?

... Evil or Very Mad

Laughing time hasn't done her well,she actually looks really bad/trashy now >___> ,but at the time she was cute



It's times like that I'm ashamed of my gender.

Like, whenever my girlfriends come to me whining about how all guys are horrible and "yada yada feminismmmm"...l"m like, "you realize I've run into more cases where the girl was being a bitch then the guy, right? O_O"
Girls can be just horrible D:<

But yeah man I'm sorry she did that to you...what a whore >:



it's ok....I'm actually really proud of myself for not wanting her back

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Shits fucked up man. I'm lucky enough to not have had any nasty breakups. I'm pretty fortunate.



I'm not saying you are stupid Jr. but.... yea a lot of guys are stupid. Siren Its not just your gender. Its the human race. I hate to sound cynical but the human race is just full of fucked up idiots! Honestly its why I hide in the world of the internet more than I should. I find it easier to hold back my feelings online than in real life. And a lot of you know how good I hold those back sometimes. Hey I've tortured myself over past relationships before. Fucking FB. I actually caught myself tormenting myself over a relationship from highschool when an ex popped up on facebook. Crazy, I'm 33 and it drug some shit up! HA Do yourself a favor and block her and forget her if you can. Chalk it up to another one of lifes fucking idiots.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Here is what you do Tapia.

Invite her over, have dinner, pretend your interested.

then later tell her you have a surprise and that you want her to turn around and bend over.

Then take your shoe, shine it all up, put it on, turn that sumbitch sideways, AND STICK IT STRAIGHT UP, HER CANDY ASS!



Miles Edgeworth wrote:Here is what you do Tapia.

Invite her over, have dinner, pretend your interested.

then later tell her you have a surprise and that you want her to turn around and bend over.

Then take your shoe, shine it all up, put it on, turn that sumbitch sideways, AND STICK IT STRAIGHT UP, HER CANDY ASS!
several lawsuits later...



Sorry to hear that man.


Women... I just don't know anymore, i broke up with my gf of three years about two months ago. It doesn't really bother me anymore but i do sometimes get a little ragey at the shit that she did and me for being an idiot and not doing anything about it.

In short she lies a lot, about stuipd stuff that i don't even understand why she'd lie about it. I won't call it a total bad experience because i did have good times and great memories with her and i did offer to work things out with her and possibley get back together but she just said i'd break up with her again and didn't even want to talk. Me and her still talk though it wasn't really a bad break up and maybe that's what made it harder, it would be a lot easier to write her off if she would've flipped out on me.

I don't look at women as important as i once thought they were. It's nice to have someone like that but there's much more to life and i feel like i've gotten all the jealousy and anger out of my system and just take them for what they are. I don't believe you can be happy if you're not honest and as long i am honest i can be happy and if a woman believes the same thing then it's easy.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

chunckylover53 wrote:I don't look at women as important as i once thought they were.

...You are learning grasshopper.



Miles Edgeworth wrote:blah blah blah...

Then take your shoe, shine it all up, put it on, turn that sumbitch sideways, AND STICK IT STRAIGHT UP, HER CANDY ASS!

Red Foreman approved!

All joking aside, shit's horrid Jr. Girls like that just aren't worth the trouble man. But it happens, and at the end of it, I think you're a better man for it. You're a good dude, and you don't deserve a hooker like that.



yeah man that's what everyone always said was they couldn't believe she did that to that point I was going to a different school to graduate early,and,she would be bragging to her friends about her cheating,etc. and I'm like wtf?

lol...this other gf I had kinda shortly after her,called her out on it in the school front courtyard and embarrassed her XD

just alot of bullshit "threats" from the new bf at that time that never turned into anything lol,I said man,I'm not gonna fight over a whore

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Pariah wrote:
Miles Edgeworth wrote:blah blah blah...

Then take your shoe, shine it all up, put it on, turn that sumbitch sideways, AND STICK IT STRAIGHT UP, HER CANDY ASS!

Red Foreman approved!

The fuck you say!

What a joke (lady troubles/rant) Rockbig6

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

This shit makes me so glad I never dated much before Ehat.

People are stupid. I'm sorry, Jr, that sucks.

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