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SCAR-L assignment, how did you all get the hand grenade kills?

Bama Psycho
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Artimise Flare
10 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I conceded and tried going into rush and seeing if I couldn't get a few easy kills, got into a metro match, but out of the 100 some tickets, only got one kill (my team sucked balls on defense) It's a little aggravating, such an annoying assignment to compleet.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

CQ? As in the new maps? I don't seem to have any luck with grenades on any of those maps. People move too quickly and hardly give it time to explode.



Yes the CQ maps, sorry.

I get a good amount of kills with grenades in those maps.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Meh, grenades and me don't seem to get along sadly. I had much better luck with them back in BC2. grenades in general feel weak in BF3, for which I am grateful and displeased at the same time.



Op Metro, if they allow grenades.

I keep telling you, spawn as RU take B, lob them down the left stairs. They revive, you kill again.

Or really, just somewhere they're so clustered up so they can't move easy.



64 player metro conquest. Throw repeatedly into the choke points.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Ziba Tower (I think.. the one you jump off for the achievement) on CQ Domination. Sit on the one walk way outside on A Flag, be support, have extra grenades equipped, and throw away. I managed to get 8 kills in 3 games.



Join a 24/7 grand bazaar conquest server and camp B as a support.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Rush, attacking use the extra frags perk(so you carry 2 frags), play as support. Plant charge, run away, throw down ammo for yourself and continue to throw frags at people trying to disarm. Can easily pick up 2-3 grenade kills per plant site like that(as long as the other teams actually tries to disarm).

Also, even though I don't like the map Grand Bazaar too much it has quite a few places that bottleneck the attackers and are good for grenade kills(especially the B plant site at the 1st base).



I must be really good with grenades because I didn't go to far out of my way for this assignment and I believe it only took me 3 CQ-Dom matches to complete.



Metalzoic wrote:I must be really good with grenades because I didn't go to far out of my way for this assignment and I believe it only took me 3 CQ-Dom matches to complete.

Same for me...

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Are you on the console Metal? From my experience, people are not as....impatient on PC at least, and it's harder to get nade kills. For me at least.



Yeah, I play on 360.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

It took me about 6-7 matches. But I wasn't really focused on it. I think Metro is the best for HG kills, like Rem said, toss them down the stairs at B.

I got mine in CQ, just hang around outside a flag and toss them when the thing is getting capped. I also tried to throw my grenades in pairs, to catch anyone trying to run away.



C objective on Scrapmetal Dom(the one in the little bridge/tunnel)

Thought it would take me longer then 1 match.



Just roll with the grenade perk and never die with any grenades on you, it'll come quickly.

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