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What do you guys think of the new weapons from CQ?

Patrick Star
Artimise Flare
7 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

So far I'm liking most of them.

AUG: Jack of all trades, master of none, pretty good in almost all aspects and works very nicely with x4 or x3.4 optics and heavy barrel. Recoil is still very manageable with HB.
SCAR-L: Haven't unlocked it, but the few times I picked it up, it felt very good. Steady rate of fire, and very accurate at long ranges.

ACW-R: I've used it a few times, and I'm not too fond of the rifle. Seems terribly inaccurate at ranges where the other carbines could easily hit, I may need to work with it a bit more before I can pass judgement
MTAR: Have not unlocked it yet, but it appears to be a beast in CQC

L86A2: The thing is a beast, very manageable recoil, even with zoomed optics, and very accurate even in auto, good hip fire accuracy as well. What more can I say?
LSAT: Have not used it much, but from the brief periods that I did, I feel the other belt fed LMG's are superior in many aspects. Will have to use it more and see.

M417: Love hate relationship here, I hate it because it when I'm against it, feels cheap to use for some odd reason. Brief period I tried it, I can see why some players prefer it. Little recoil, large magazine capacity, and a moderate ROF. What's not to like other than sheer stopping power, it'll rock worlds in medium to medium long encounters.
JNG-90: Have yet to unlock it, and frankly The few times I've been killed by it, I've not been impressed. Will have to reserve judgement until I try it out for myself.




I like the ACW and MTAR.Aug wasn't what it was cracked up to be for me...seems to kill dreadfully slow,even slower than the AK74.Only ones I liked were the ACW,MTAR,and M417 although it's hit and miss with me.The Scar-L I'm trying to get better with,it's very accurate.I'd rather have it than the Aug.

>.< I don't understand how enemies can keep insta killing me by sniping me with the Aug but I can only get hitmarkers on them.

>___> I once killed the (literally) entire enemy team on metro cq on A in that right hand building.Came from upstairs and they were all downstairs lol

Is the front grip any good on the M417?I seem to do better without it...I use holo sight and laser.

On the mtar,for up close,front grip and flashlight lmao will get some hatemail XD



I like the AUG alot. Honestly have not put much time into other weapons yet. Been on a shotgun fest recently.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Aim for the chest to shoulder area with the AUG, that is how you'll win gun fights. It's steady rate of fire, and manageable recoil will net you head shots relatively easily, least that's how I do it at medium range.



hmm,I'll try it out for a couple games.Is heavy barrel and front grip the best for it?I saw alot of people who used to use red dot,front grip,and suppressor and insta killed me with it (and I mean INSTA KILL lol...I didn't even know I was getting shot at,then BOOM I'm dead lol)

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I'm loving the AUG, pretty fast to kill.
The ACW-R feels pretty weak when i use it. I Had to finish a guy off with my pistol after i emptied a mag into him, he was about 15 yards away.
The M417 isn't all that powerful but it is better than the SKS.
Haven't unlocked the TAR, SCAR-L, or LSAT
the L86A2 is a beast nuff said.
The MP5k is a watered down version o the MP7 IMO
the spas is good,it has the power of a pump action but shoots faster than the 870.

Last edited by Camel on 2012-07-07, 21:31; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot all kit weapons)

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I have yet to try the AUG with the foregrip, it has so little sway to begin with I think it's a bit redundant to have the foregrip. What works for me is x4 or more preferebly the x3.4 with heavy barrel. Medium ranges short bursts to even full auto will net you a kill most of the time. I'll see if I can't get a video going of how I use it and post it.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

AUG: Jack of all trades, just like you said.
SCAR-L: Lacks RoF for CQ encounters, but on big open maps, is at an advantage compared to other Rifles.

ACW-R: I find this to be the Engie classes longest range weapon. My go to gun for big open maps when playing engineer.
MTAR: Eats people up in CQ. Same at medium assuming you can land the hits with the recoil.

L86A2: The thing is a beast indeed from what little I actually used it. As of late it feels like this gun is responsible for most of my deaths. You know what they said, can beat 'em? Use their gun and fuck 'em up...
LSAT: Meh...Just meh. I guess on a bipod in a good position it can hold it's own like every other belt fed...but, meh.

M417: Along with the SKS, top tier recon weapons as far as semis go. Great for a holo too, since it basically acts like a semi assault rifle.
JNG-90: I like the muzzle tip as far as aesthetics go, but it feels the same as every BA rifle (excluding the M98). If you like BAs then it's not bad I guess.



AUG is kind of a jack-of-all-trades gun, but it does have some more focus on long range than say, the M16.
SCAR-L is a great long range weapon, it's ridiculously accurate and has nice, manageable recoil with the heavy barrel.

ACW-R is the best long-range engineer gun. Not quite sure where your inaccuracy came from when using it.
MTAR is an absolute beast at close quarters, but I avoid using it much farther than that. I love the situational differences between the ACW-R and the MTAR.

L86 is pretty nice, haven't spent much time with it though.
LSAT is crappy, just like the T88.

MK11 is a nice departure from the other semiauto snipers. Probably my favorite semiauto.
JNG is just another non-M98B bolt-action, though it might objectively be the best one.

SPAS-12 is fun. Not much of a shotgun guy so I don't know how it compares.
M5k is crap without extended mags and only slightly less crap with them. I hope in the next balance patch they address the fact that it's just plain inferior to the other PDW's.

I think it's odd how many of the CQC weapons have a long-range focus. I'm not complaining though, it's nice to see more focused weapons than just a bunch of new guns that are good at everything. Feels more like BC2.



They all kill the bad guys just fine.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

AUG: average AR, easy to manage recoil, but kinda slow RoF
SCAR-L: Terrible at close range, but does ok at mid-long,

ACW-R: I hate this gun, takes way to long to kill, only redeemable quality is it is a laser.
MTAR: unlocked this last night, haven't shot it yet.

L86: my new go to mobile support gun, easy to land hits with it, decent RoF, small clip though.
LSAT: worst LMG probably, doesn't do anything particularly well.

M417: fantastic gun, probably the best Recon gun. Good damage good RoF and very accurate
JNG: its a BA >_>

SPAS: best shotgun in the game, an 870 with a RoF boost. I use it with slugs and it is a terrible monster.
MP5: near the bottom of the PDW power tier

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