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Tried out Torchlight

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1Tried out Torchlight Empty Tried out Torchlight 2012-07-08, 04:33



man this thing is addicting.Like lvl 7 or 8 just being a dual welding warrior with a healing spell and summon fire sword and a purple troll as my pet Razz.

I'd hate to have done everything in the demo for nothing Sad I really want the full game now Razz

I guess I'll finally try out Sacred 2 since I haven't even played it yet...but is kinda similar

2Tried out Torchlight Empty Re: Tried out Torchlight 2012-07-08, 13:50



Its a good game.

3Tried out Torchlight Empty Re: Tried out Torchlight 2012-07-08, 20:46



I went out and got a points card and I'm gonna get the real game whenever RE6 demo finishes downloading....I hope my progress from the demo carries over.Damn it's addicting.....Now I know what people meant when they said Diablo was cool/addicting.I still gotta try that out

maybe the only thing I think would make the game better was co-op

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