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I bought Oblivion this weekend

Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
10 posters

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1I bought Oblivion this weekend Empty I bought Oblivion this weekend 2012-07-16, 16:22

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Any tips or things I should know? How about favorite things about the game, like quests, skills or locations. Just give me anything you got.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Attack the first guard you see. Their armor is wonderful at a low level. Plus guard are pretty weak, so their armor is essentially easy to get.

Normally there is a guard on horseback somewhere between the main castle area thingy, and the sewer you climb out of. Kill him, take his armor and wear it till your skills go up.



Go to Hackdirt. Cthulhu beckons.



get umbra stuff its easy enough plus it ups your archery Smile



Don't go seeking the best weapons early on, they are better if you get them at over level 30 I believe.



Get good enchantments, then use a bow. A soul-steal enchantment, weakness to fire, and fire damage set has always worked for me. If I were you, I'd start (again) with Dark Brotherhood, then Mages Guild, followed by Thieves Guild.



Terry Corp. wrote:Any tips or things I should know? How about favorite things about the game, like quests, skills or locations. Just give me anything you got.

Find a white armoured bald guard captain in the Imperial city market district

Proceed to piss him off with the speech thing and he will attack you

All the other guards will attack him with one most likely dying

Walla Free Imperial armour,Silver arrows and a Silver bow

Also join your favoured playstyles guild and steal all their shit



do the main quest last. you'll have no motivation to do anything else if you beat it. If you want the shivering isles achievements, you have to save scum.



Never go to Kvatch

Hell gates will start popping up evrywhere



do the dark brotherhood

I agree after the main quest which I thought bleh,didn't have much motivation for much else.Still keep meaning to get the game again one of these days for the rest of the achievements


This makes me miss Oblivion. Do all the guild and daedric quests. They're 100x better than Skyrim's. And a lot of the random quests are fun too. In fact, all of Oblivion's quests blow Skyrim's out of the water

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Played about 4 hours and outside of the OUTRAGEOUS loading time for the towns the game is good. Just doing a Nord warrior my first playthrough. It took me a while to kinda get the game figured out as to how to level up and so on........ and I accidentally ended up at Kvatch this morning and did the tower. So when these hell gates pop up do I have to do them?



nah you don't have to do them,I only did the 1 or 2 required in the main story.They just sit there and around them in the wilderness a few daedra spawn I think



sleep in the bloated float in the imperial waterfront district
you'll get a shitty enchanted sword that you can duplicate to get more money than you know what to buy with



try to find a mod to make the combat not suck.



Dave wrote:try to find a mod to make the combat not suck.
is there such a mod for skyrim
also one of the things i missed most about oblivion is attacking while in the air or underwater if only bethesda had improved those two instead of removing them



Dave wrote:try to find a mod to make the combat not suck.

Hes on 360.

Great advice, but no dice.



Infadel look at the sky rim duel mod

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